Jun 30, 2015

He Feels Stuck

When it comes to relationships, it's important to choose the right person or you'll have the same issue as this person. This woman and her man have been together for a little over a year, and they have a child together. Both of them work, but her gripe with him was that he acts like a child. Call me crazy, but a working man is far from a child because he's taking care of a family. Meanwhile, he's entitled to down time, especially after a long day of getting money for his family. He smokes, drinks, invites his friends over, all of which are to his wife's disapproval. My view is this: On days when his boys are over, maybe she could do something with her girlfriends: Have a ladies' day out where it's just her and the womenfolk kekeing about their men (chances are, some of her girlfriends are probably single, but that's another topic), going shopping & out for drinks; you know, stuff women do when they get together. A man is allowed to kick back as he sees fit, especially if he's a good provider for his family. The only way I can see where his kicking back could be an issue is if he throws away money on his leisure; and he and his woman start arguing. Other than that, it's nothing to be in your feelings over. In closing, maybe he could feel stuck with her. Maybe she's being too demanding for some reason, and he's starting to check out of the relationship. I don't see the issue here: He has a job, taking care of his, etc. What more does she want from him?

Jun 29, 2015

Being Grateful: Shaana Hunter

Not many of us can say the same.

Shaana Hunter
11 hrs •
I may not see eye to eye most times with my parents but I'm extremely grateful for the upbringing of being a blessing when blessed. Sometimes I'm head strong in my beliefs but that's only due to wanting the BEST for anyone in my circle or who crosses my path. I was loved AND raised hard and strong. I cover because I've been covered. My love doesn't come easy but its even harder to let it go.
Love doesn't die. It's a moving energy. Just stay connected. It'll come back around and revive you.

Jun 28, 2015

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS: My Wife Does Too Much

These tit-for-tat letters are doing the most because they always start off like this: Wife cheats on husband, husband asks for divorce and wife wants to work it out. Or...husband cheats on his wife with his wife's mother or sister, wife goes berserk and all of a sudden his conscience eats at him so he wants to make it right with his wife. The common denominator in this letter is that BOTH of them cheated. Yes, BOTH are guilty of the same indiscretion so there's no need for either of them to be upset with each other. Yes, the husband cheated first and he was at fault, but the wife sunk to his level because she did the same thing out of spite. Because he cheated on his wife, she wanted him to hurt like she hurts. Just because one spouse cheats, it doesn't give the other spouse a pass to do the same, because (s)he's no better than their (wo)man. Someone has to be the better person and do one of two things: Try & get past the hurt or cut the relationship loose. Everyone that's read my stance on these Strawberry Letters knows my stance so I don't need to reiterate it. Once infidelity happens, it's tough to regain that trust because you can never look at him/her the same way. As a matter of fact, some people take cheating so seriously that if you cheat once, you're gone. No apologies, nothing. It's going to take God, and possibly counseling for them to get over their hurt because after all, both of them did each other foul so it's hard to say who's at fault because again, even though the husband cheated first, the wife was no better because she committed the same transgression.

Jun 27, 2015

My Tweets on same-sex marriage

I will not apologize for standing up for righteousness. Feel how you want, and I'll feel how I want.

Jun 26, 2015

Friday Gospel

Jun 25, 2015

My Top 5

My blogs are usually 15-20 lines of commentary on various subjects, but I'm keeping today's entry short. I'm going to post my Top 5 tweets

Jun 24, 2015

Parents Behind Bars

It seems like today's children go through so much. From bullying to divorce, today's kids are under a lot of stress. One of the toughest things for any child is seeing their parent(s) locked up. It's said that the family serves time with their offender because of missed milestones like graduation, kids' athletic events, etc. No child should have to experience a parent or loved one incarcerated; that must be hard on that child because (s)he looks up to them. That brings me to this question: Should children see their parent(s) in jail? I say yes, and let me explain why: Regardless of what that parent did(n't) do, that's still the child's father or mother. I believe seeing a parent in jail serves as a reminder of what happens if you make the wrong choices; you end up behind bars just like your loved one. You have some people who say "You want to see your kids, stay out of prison. I understand both points because some children are impressionable, and if they see mom or dad locked up, they get locked up so they can be like their mother and/or father.  

This was stated so eloquently by Denise Stay Positive:

Why do we try to shield our children from the choices we made?  If we decided to have children with an ex con -- male or female -- why shield them from that part of their life??? Parenting means we explain circumstances to them and position them in a way that those behaviors aren't repeated with them.  It's just life and children need to know about real life.  Mystery, suspense and hiding reality only makes children bitter.

In other words, seeing a parent behind bars is a learning tool because there are consequences, good or bad for the choices we make in life.

Jun 23, 2015

Strawberry Letter: I Know I've Lost My Mind

This Strawberry Letter is something else. Here is a young woman with a seemingly good man, they're vibing (but not without some rough patches here and there), but she's lusting after another man. I'm no relationship expert, but if someone's already in a relationship and they're lusting after another person, it's a matter of time before that lust turns into physicality. She mentions that she's prayed hard to get rid of these lustful feelings, but to no avail. Obviously she's not praying hard enough because usually when you pray for God to release you from something, he does it on the spot. In being released from something, she has to be careful NOT to put herself in compromising positions. Has she told her husband she still thinks about another man? Probably not, because he would be livid, and with good reason. No man would be ok with his wife lusting after another man. The thing is, this other man is married and so is she. If she chooses to act on her lustful feelings, she could mess up two marriages: Hers & His. The best thing for her to do is keep her feelings on the low, because of the repercussions. What someone doesn't know, won't hurt them. Then again, this woman and the married man could be trying to reconnect somewhere down the line, and they're looking for an opportunity to make it happen. If she has a good man, why is she having feelings for another married man? Maybe she regrets marrying her current man, and wants to see what could be. Too late, she chose the man she's with so she might as well drop those feelings.

Jun 22, 2015


  Every single mother who feels she deserves to be honored on Father's Day for playing both roles NEEDS to read this (I know many of them won't, but I'm still going to share):

Tina DeVeaux

I was blessed to like, love, date, marry and burry an amazing man for nearly 14 years who blessed me with 3 extraordinary children. I AM their mother. I am NOT their father.

Similar to Rachel Dolezal, I lack the authentic experience of growing up as a boy and transitioning into manhood and fatherhood.

I lack the experience of the neurological and hormonal cues that translate into fatherly nurturing.

I lack the male experience of teaching a boy to swing from ropes, fight, cook meat, camp and date.

I lack the tone of voice that instills a fatherly fear in every child within ear range.

I lack the stature of a man that calls things into order simply with his presence.

I lack the pride and maturity that a man experiences the first day he learns he will be a father.

I lack the ability to provide and protect as a man and instill the discipline that only a father can authentically instill.

I lack the ability to challenge, provoke, and enforce the tools and exercises that a father brings.

I lack the physical, emotional, social and spiritual contribution and commitment of a father that gets handed down to his children.

I AM NOT A FATHER. I AM A MOTHER. I AM AN EXTRAORDINARY MOTHER who has trusted God to make up the difference, leaned on the wisdom of great fathers and worked overtime as a woman to attempt to fill in the gaps!

Happy Father's Day to the men in my life who have shared your stories, given me advice, corrected my approach, shared with my children, been an example and toughened me up when all I wanted to do was cry and let go.


Jun 21, 2015

Question From A Friend

I got this post from someone's Facebook page, and I think it sheds light as to what's happening in Black America, and society as a whole.

QFAF (Question From A Friend): True or False: The black community imitates the black church in that when the head is removed (The MAN) from the household/church, the followers (The WOMEN) run out of control...this is the plan of the New World Order.

False in the greater sense...that the black community as a whole, doesn't not reflect the Christian church at all. If it did, we wouldn't have a fraction of the issues we're facing. We need to stop playing church because we'll go and cut up, but there's no redeeming power in just going to the building and then Monday-Saturday, just doing whatever you want to do. It's about becoming more spiritual by developing a personal relationship with our Creator, and not just go through the motions or being religious; there's a huge difference between the two. And when the New World Order is fully implemented, the religious and non-religious folk alike will wish they did have a personal relationship with God, and of course before dying which will probably occur prior to the NWO, which still has a way to go because Christians all over the world are impeding it's full implementation, but the signs are there, we're just getting bits and pieces of it here and there, but they're slowly turning up the heat the way you'd boil a frog. Before you realize it, you're cooked! If you don't really know HIM, now is the time, before it's too late.

My View: I think this post is spot on because men are the head, and if the head's not right, it trickles down to the rest of the family. Satan knows this, which is why he's attacking manhood full force. From this gay agenda to absentee fathers, men are under attack. Manhood is under attack because many people realize that a powerful, educated man is dangerous. He can do damage with his mind, and that's what most people fear. I'm not going to get into single moms wishing themselves Happy Father's Day, because we know that would be a long post. I'll address that some other time.

Jun 20, 2015

Charleston Black Church Massacre: Is The Shooter's Family Victims?

When those 9 victims died at the hands of Dylann Roof in Charleston, people had every right to side-eye the judge when he said "There are victims in Dylann Roof's family" Ummmm....I don't see how Roof's family can be victims when those 9 people died at Dylann's hands. The only victims are the families of those 9 people who died in that church massacre. Dylann's family is not a victim, so let's cut the crap with saying "There are victims in this young man's family." It's stupid...seriously. One more thing, any racial progress that was made, might further divide this country even more. Now, whites will feel uncomfortable visiting a black church, and blacks will automatically assume ALL white people are prejudice scum (Personally, I don't believe that, but I can't say the same for other blacks). Ferguson, Baltimore, and now the Charleston church massacre. I hate what he did, but I don't hate him. I just feel more sympathy for the victims' families than I do for the shooter's. I hate to see innocent folks suffer.

Jun 19, 2015


This tweet is my thoughts on the Charleston Church Shooting

Good Shall Prevail: Jeannine Carswell

All of my Facebook friends are dropping fire so much that I may have to promote their content on my blog all year. Jeannine is one of my closest Facebook friends, who I've known for years on a previous social networking site before Facebook. Here is what she has to say about the Charleston Church Shooting:

Jeannine Carswell
So I just got home and am now able to watch the coverage of this horrendous Church Shooting. Apparently, it's true that this was a racially motivated incident. And you know what I have to say about that?? OBAMA.

All of these incidences kicked up 1000 notches AFTER Obama became President. Him being Black has truly sent all these closet racists into a complete and utter FRENZY. They are panicked and full of hatred and acting out! It's time to quite BSing about this! All these police shootings, and now these church killings, etc....this certainly is NOT all a coincidence. There is a difference between being Diplomatic and being in Denial. We are truly reliving the 1960's here and this is not a joke, not something to be blown off, and NOT at all something to repeat! This story is absolutely disgusting to me.

But we must remember - there is ALWAYS a push-back from those who are Evil, before the Good actually prevail and change occurs. History tells us this. So it's plain and it's clear...that it is truly time for us younger generations (of ALL races) to "grab the torch" from those before us and see this f*cking fight through to the end. NO PAIN, NO GAIN RIGHT? Don't let lives lost be in vain. The corruption must stop, and it will!

Jun 18, 2015

Dr. Umar Johnson Is In Love With A Stripper

Dr. Umar Johnson, the Prince Of Pan-Africanism as he calls himself, is one of the most outspoken public figures in the black community. He was recently exposed for chasing a stripper, which some say was out to bring him down from the very start; and did she ever. Because this "conscious stripper" brought Dr. Umar Johnson down, his credibility may be shot. Read the following article for more information: 

This topic has gone viral on Facebook, as it has generated 100+ comments in a FB group I'm active in. Let me post some of the comments on this topic:

Maurice Wilkerson-I don't feel sorry for him or men that make dumb and reckless choices when they know what can happen.
Tammie Jones- I mean, can we really hold a stripper accountable for being scandalous? It's a stripper for Pete's sake, are we really expecting her to have integrity? She's not bogus, she's being true to herself, Dr Umar on the other hand.......

Kelli Michel'e-A wise man once told me: "Avoid dealing with people who have nothing to lose. There's no reason for them to not bring you to their level." And he was right.
June 16 at 11:54pm · Unlike · 14

Kelli Michel'e-I believe anyone intent on destroying any movement meant to empower Black people, and in her case, empower her three fatherless sons is bogus. But she's been that...it's definitely not new. Lol He's just reaping exactly what he's sown.

Freedom Reigns-Personally I think some of us put people up on a higher scale, and we expect them to do and act in a certain manner, because some of us can't showcase what we expect leaders to do. And when they don't, some of us get mad and tear them down for the same shit we do.

Wonderful Watson Keep in mind what you say and do can heavily influence those who contribute to your cause (i.e., sponsors).
Yesterday at 5:53am · Unlike · 7

Richard Hudson-If you're an influential person, why would you put yourself in compromising situations? People should know better. Leaders have a bull's-eye on their back; people are waiting for them to slip, and look what he did, he did JUST what people wanted him to do. As a leader, you're held to a higher standard.

Jerome Bolden Hes a man, like everyone else he is flawed, this by no way excuses him using poor discretion but his vision heart and drive is in the right place as far as building this school, human error is just THAT! We gotta quit using what we know we all fall short of. To Jeff Green point its really no crime, hes a man that likes what men likes, now if he was married then you can look at him sideways, he a single man doing what single men do, it just cost him this time.

I would still support his cause because the cause is much bigger than the indiscretion, except us as moronic human beings wanna make the indiscretion > cause
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Richard Hudson-It doesn't change the fact that when you're in the public eye, all eyes are on you. Booty has brought down some of the most powerful men of all time, and still some of these thirsty weak negros don't learn. This chick was looking for a reason to come up, and guess what? She came up at his expense. She had nothing to lose, and she brought this man down.

Wonderful Watson Repeat (loudly)...LACK OF PHALLIC CONTROL IS VERY EXPENSIVE!!! Brothers...How many of you know men personally who lives have been RUINED over what some of you simply refer to as a "PIECE OF ASS"???? When will we as a collective group of human beings burn it into our minds that tapping the wrong piece of ass can cost you more than you bargained for? It's not about whether a crime was committed or not. It's not about being perfect or not. HECK, this isn't even about being human. THIS is about making sure that the most powerful organ that is used is the one between your ears and not the one between your legs.
23 hrs · Unlike · 7

Wonderful Watson This is my last statement. I LIKE booty...a lot!! I like the way it looks and feels. However, I refuse to allow that delicious and succulent booty cost me my marriage, home, livelihood, reputation and dignity. With all of the great things I can say about the booty, it just ain't worth all of that.

K Nichole Jones-So wait.....if this were a prominent and high-profile woman who got caught up with some gigaho, low-life, we would blame her and say she should have known better. There would be no excuses and saying "she's human". But because he is a man, he gets a pass for using poor judgment??? GTHOHWT!!

Vince Carthane Private life does matter when u a public leader or seeking to be a leader because if you can't be loyal to your wife or loyal to what you teach, why should the public trust u to be loyal to them???
21 hrs · Unlike · 4

Freedom Reigns-Esli Lafeuillee today's men aren't the same as they were generations ago, the thinking process, how we used to bond as men, etc. Everything is different. Some men nowadays cant even tell their women how they really feel, without repercussions. I understand exactly where you coming from, but being a Man today isnt how it used to be. They say humans are the smartest species. But are We really?
21 hrs · Unlike · 2

Richard Hudson-As long as some men continue succumbing to their flesh, they will continue to pay in more ways than one. But hey, it's not my business that some men are dumb enough to throw away everything they've worked for over some tail. 

The fact remains that a public figure has no private life. Everything (s)he says and does is up for scrutiny. I swear some of these men are something else; they act like booty is a powerful drug like Molly. Like, they're going to die if they can't get booty.

I'll tell you what: A man has the right to get all the booty he wants, but he must understand it comes with a cost. Baby mama drama.

The original thread had over 100 comments, but these are some of the comments that stood out to me. My belief is that as a public figure, you're under greater scrutiny. What may seem innocent to you, won't be to others, so that's why it's important to watch everything you say and do because there are people waiting for a public figure to foul up, and they swarm in like pirahnas with criticism. I get that no leader is without faults, they're human just like you and me. Leadership is about leading by example, and if a leader can't govern his/her life with discretion, how can (s)he lead others? They can't because they don't have their personal lives in order.

Jun 17, 2015

Realness in 140 Characters

It's time for another installment of Realness in 140 Characters.

Jun 16, 2015

Video: Gender Identity Curriculum Angers Parents in Virginia

The following video is exactly why I'm glad I don't have children, because if I did, THEY would NOT be taught this filth & I don't care who's slighted. If I'm putting my children in school, I'm expecting that they be taught relevant material to help them succeed in this world. I don't see how being taught about sexual perversion is helping children. Let some of these clowns tell it: The government has the right to teach what they feel is correct. That's the problem: The government can't determine it's own moral state, so how can they dictate children's morality? They can't because a lot of government officials are crooked. Parents will soon have to make the harsh decision to educate their children in groups (Christian groups) for those that decide this is how they want their children raised. Officials sound stupid saying "Parents won't be able to opt out". First off, parents have every right to do what they feel is best for their children, and if they don't want their kid exposed to filth, they have the right to pull them out of this course, which is what I think will happen. If some Christian parents do nothing, then that means they co-sign their children being exposed to perversion.  It's not about teaching "tolerance", it's about exposing kids to sexual perversion far too early. LET THEM BE KIDS. The government can take prayer out of schools, but co-sign children being taught filth in schools. The crazy thing is, some of these clowns are going to say Christians are being "bigoted" if they speak out against this foolishness. Well, I'll be that bigot since I'm not co-signing this nonsense.
WARNING: These 8th graders will soon be receiving lessons on "oral and anal" sex. Fourth graders will receive instruction about incest. The goal is to teach students about homosexual, bisexual, and transgender identity."Starting in kindergarten, students will be taught about same-sex or gay marriage and the parents will not be able to opt out," Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, told CBN News.MORE: http://go.cbn.com/877**Please join us in praying for the public school system. This new curriculum could be coming to your neighborhood.
Posted by CBN News on Thursday, June 11, 2015

Jun 15, 2015

Daily Motivation

One of my Facebook friends posted this on her page, so I felt like sharing it.

Daily Motivation
Energy to move forward
Your burdens feel heavy because they are. They weigh you down and hold you back, but there is a better alternative.
You can choose to transform the weight of those burdens into positive energy. And you can draw upon that positive energy to move yourself forward.
The burdens you carry are creatures of the past that have survived to push against you in the present. Take a deep, fresh breath of the air that is right now, and fill yourself with resolve to take good, useful energy from those burdens.
Think of what you’ve done in the past to put yourself in the presence of your burdens. Now think of how you can use your energy and your actions to move yourself toward freedom.
You have worked your way to this point, and you can now work your way far beyond it. Imagine what is possible, choose from it whatever you desire, and begin right away to take the actions that will get you there.
Stop seeing your burdens as holding you back and start seeing them for what they can be. Take energy and inspiration from them, and choose to live life on your own positive, fulfilling terms.
— Ralph Marston

Jun 14, 2015

Act Like A Man, Get Dealt With Like A Man: Video

The following video shows how far some women have fallen when it comes to dealing with men. Not all women act like these degenerate, ghetto savages in this film, but a select few. I've mentioned this on several occassions: People should keep their hands to themselves, because times are gone where some men restrain from knocking a woman's head back. If a woman hits a man, she should expect to get hit back, period.

Jun 13, 2015

My Top Tweets

These are my top tweets that I've retweeted on my timeline. Some will be from me, other tweets will come from followers. Let's get to it.

Jun 12, 2015

Valuing Your Mate

 Ask anyone who's found their mate how they found him/her, and they'll tell you the following: They valued what's important to them. It's simple logic: In order to find your mate, not only do you have to know yourself and what you're looking for, but you also have to value what's important to them. For example: If a woman values her relationship with Jesus, and she's looking for a good man, it would behoove him to have a solid relationship with God, and by that I mean: Consistent prayer life, active in church, faithful in giving, godly character, etc. Of course, the woman will be the person she wants, because otherwise she would look crazy desiring something that she doesn't have. From a man's point of view: A lot of men are looking for a good woman to build with, someone who would be a great mother to his children, so it would behoove her to exemplify a nurturing spirit. I don't mean doing wifely duties while courting, I'm talking about observing her interact with her young nieces and nephews. How a woman interacts with young children will say a lot about her ability to care for children of her own. The fact is if someone wants to find their dream (wo)man, it would be wise if they pay attention to him/her. Get to know him or her, find out what (s)he likes, what makes him/her happy, what are their dreams, etc. Now, this won't work unless someone is really into a person. You're only wasting your time and theirs if you're faking like you're feeling someone, when you're really not. While you're toying with someone, you and him/her could be moving onto someone who's really interested in you, and isn't afraid to show it.

Jun 11, 2015

N. Miami High Principal Loses Job

One thing about these racial incidents involving black youth and police is that it brings out people's true colors. You have your closet racists, the ones who swear they're not prejudice & they have black friends (so they say). In the other corner, you have your no-nonsense racists, those who have shown their true colors and have the guts to stand behind what they say regardless of any backlash from their comments. The last thing America needs is more racial tension because we're trying to rebuild from Ferguson & Baltimore uprisings. Was the North Miami High Principal wrong for his view on Officer Casebolt's situation? It's like this: People are entitled to their views, even if they sound stupid. This principal should've known better because he's held to a higher standard, and unfortunately he let his mouth write a check his behind can't cash. I say this often in these kinds of discussions: There is no such thing as free speech because you will be accountable for what you say. Go out and say whatever you want, and see won't you have a lawsuit to deal with. There's a reason libel and slander are in place, to protect people from damaging speech. Miami-Dade school board did the right thing by firing the principal because who knows what his comments could've started? Here's a man who's a principal at North Miami High School, a predominantly black inner-city high school in suburban Miami. Some blacks already feel some kind of way about racism, and for the principal to make the statement he did was uncalled for. He should know better, given that race is a touchy subject for many black Americans. I hope this principal learned a valuable lesson: Anything you say, can & will be used against you.

Shout Out: Mark J. Cooper

These statuses were written by none other than Mark J. Cooper. These were too good NOT to post:

Shout out to those single women who want a real man to lead but the whole time nipping at his heels and being hyper-critical of his leadership.
Do you realllyyyyyyyyy think he's going to actually marry you??
Shout out to those women who feel like she's in partnership with God against all potential male suitors but selectively "forgets" that he believes in the same God she does when he's praying for protection against unscrupulous women.
Shout out to those women who can tell a man about how to be a real man but they failed in the category of womanhood.. because they're preoccupied with HOW TO BE A MAN in TODAY'S PRO- FEMINIST SOCIETY.
Shout out to those women who want a man to lead as long as he walks the path she laid.
Shout out to those women who see men on social media and they form an emotional bond unbeknownst to that man... until that female finds out he is in an unbreakable and monogamous relationship with a woman in reality..
...then that female feels he cheated on her...
Shout out to those bible thumping scripture quoting women who know every verse of the bible about the man's role but omit the scriptures that pertain to their role as women.
Shout out to those people who complain about not having anyone and the issues for why they have no one but actually don't want anyone because they just want the attention of discussing the problems.
Shout out to those who are your "friend" until the don't agree with something you've said.
And shout out to those who choose friendship with you based upon your socioeconomic status, what they think they can use you for, what they can get out of you or your percieved popularity.

Jun 10, 2015

Men Taking Their Wives' Last Name

I've read the article where Zoe Saldana's husband took her last name, and one word came to mind: Whipped. First off, a man should never take his wife's last name, and I don't care who likes it. When a man takes his woman's name, she wants control in the relationship. She's saying he's going to carry on her father's legacy, and that's shameful. He might as well turn in his mancard. I'm sorry, but I can't respect a man who takes his wife's last name, no matter how famous she is. If a man is supposed to ask for his woman's hand in marriage & she agrees, then she takes his name; that's tradition. A lot of women want a traditional relationship, but some women co-sign their men taking her name in marriage. There's nothing traditional about a man taking his woman's name in marriage, but let some women tell it: Maybe he's secure, there's nothing wrong with a man taking his woman's name in marriage, and a list of excuses. Here's the thing: A lot of women complain about the lack of so-called "real men", but when they get one, they don't know what to do with him. A real man expects his wife to take his name in marriage, period. If he's a stand-up brother, why wouldn't she want to take his name? She should be honored to be chosen above the rest. He saw something in her that other women didn't have, and that's what made him choose her. For a lot of men, it's a big deal for a man's woman to take his name, and for a man to take his wife's name goes against tradition.

Here's a woman's comment from a Facebook friend's thread discussing this topic:

"Nothing is wrong in the man taking the woman's last name. There are men all over the world who do that. No pussification in that. Some do it as the ultimate gesture of their love. Some do it if there are only girls and no boys to carry on the family name of the woman. I'd be very happy if my husband took my name."

I respect others' views, but I can't get behind this at all. What men does she know that take their woman's last name? I'm sure she knows a few, but they're probably soft. Of course she would be happy if her husband took her name, because even though some women say they want a traditional relationship, they don't. Some women want watered-down men, and they got what they asked for. So ladies, go ahead and co-sign your man taking your name. Understand that in letting him take your name, you have no right to desire a traditional relationship. You gave that up long time ago when he agreed to take your name.

Jun 9, 2015

Tighten Up Fellas: By Mark J. Cooper

You will understand that there's only one woman that can help you and your business plan for your life to flourish... and until you actually find the woman that was custom made for you, you will never feel the need to be a womanizer again, for she will fulfill your every desire.
And Until that time comes... you'll likely continue to deal with heartache and incompleteness.

... don't be mad, be wise.

Jun 8, 2015

Wisdom For Men: Mark J. Cooper

This week is dedicated to one of the wisest brothers I chat with on Facebook, Mark J. Cooper. For a week, I'm posting words of wisdom from this man here. Without further ado, let's get into today's message:

A man should never follow a woman's plan if he is supposed to be a leader within that relationship. While she may have good ideas to implement into his leadership plan... she can never be the leader.
Otherwise it is her who is the leader and she will still hold you accountable for the plan's failure if you follow behind her plan. If she has a problem with you leading then you have a contentious woman and you should reevaluate your relationship for it will be short lived.
...don't be mad, be wise.

Jun 7, 2015

Glutton For Punishment

So many times I've heard women say, "I can't leave him because the sex is so good.", and my response is always the same: Well, go ahead and enjoy the good sex that comes with being mistreated. Good sex should never be a reason for anyone to stay in a bad relationship, but the reason why some people do is because they don't know their worth. They think with the other head instead of the one attached to their shoulders. I'm grateful everyday that I don't put sex on a pedestal that I stay in a bad relationship. No sex is that good to me to where I will tolerate foul treatment from any woman. Sorry, but my worth won't allow it. If other people choose that for themselves, that's their decision; if they like it, I love it. I hate to see people hurting because they would rather enjoy the good sex in a bad relationship. As with everything else, it comes down to choice. Would you rather enjoy good sex from the right person or good sex from Satan's spawn? If you're smart, you choose #1. I have to be honest: Some people are gluttons for punishment if they would stay in a bad relationship just because they enjoy the "sex." In that case, they have no right to complain about being mistreated because they allow themselves to be dogged.

Jun 6, 2015

Advancing Black Americans

I got this from a mutual friend's Facebook page:
First off, I'm targeting the media who does a good job of painting blacks in a bad light. I would order proper representation of blacks in all sectors: Media & entertainment. Next, I'd clean up all black neighborhoods of violence & drugs; get rid of all gangsters, dope boys and those who stand on the corner doing nothing. Honestly, it's a dead giveaway that a neighborhood is rough if there's frequent police presence, you see the same guys standing on the corner from sun up to sun down, gunfire, the only black businesses are low-income stores, etc. No low-income housing because residents would have paid on the job training programs specifically designed for them to make enough money to move out of the hood. All black communities would have their own schools teaching our history & culture, our own colleges & universities, etc. What blacks have to travel miles to another part of the city for, they would have right in their own neighborhood.

Jun 5, 2015

Did I Miss It Or What?

When I read this Strawberry Letter, at first I thought the husband was being jealous, but now his gripe is legit. Why would his wife get bent out of shape because her husband was mad that another man spoke to his wife in a disrespectful manner (he states the man who spoke was smiling with his boys.)? That's a dead giveaway that there's more to the story than she's letting on. No wife would get that upset over her man checking a perceived offense, so to me she could have something going on. I, and others have mentioned in Facebook groups that men can see things women can't. In a perfect world, a man can speak to a married woman & think nothing of it, but because some men have ulterior motives when speaking to married women, you really can't put anything past folks nowadays. Her husband was right to be upset because he saw a perceived offense against his wife, and he handled it accordingly. A man's job is to protect his turf at all costs. If someone is entering his territory, the husband is within his right to eliminate any & all threats. I don't see anything wrong with the husband's reaction, because if another woman spoke to him in a flirtatious manner, best believe his wife would lose her mind. She raised a red flag for getting upset with her man that he checked the disrespect as he saw fit, because unless something's going on between this other man and the married woman, she shouldn't be mad at her husband for protecting what's his. In conclusion, I side with the husband because like a lot of husband, he knows a man's true intentions. What she saw as a simple hello, he saw something more than that.

Jun 4, 2015

Video: Little Girl Goes In On Father

The following video is of a little girl letting loose on her deadbeat father for choosing a woman over her. First off, any parent who puts their mate over their child(ren) is foul. The child was there before that (wo)man, so why should the child(ren) be on the backburner? Mess is crazy to me. You can tell this little girl is hurting because she is GOING IN. A lot of people are coming down on this girl, but who cares? This little girl has every right to vent, but from what she says: She's accepted the fact that her father will never be around, so her venting was a release. This video is symbolic of what many children went through/are going through; parents who either aren't in their child(ren)'s lives, or who choose a (wo)man over them. The thing is: These are the type of people who go on to do great things in life. They take their pain and turn it into victory because they knew what it's like to be without, they know what hurt is like so they turn it around and help others going through the same thing. It's like this: Kids know what's up. Kids are a lot smarter than parents give them credit for. A mother doesn't have to talk bad about her child's father, that child already knows. The sad thing is this girl has tried reaching out to her father with no success. If her dad doesn't care enough to have a relationship with his daughter, then it's for the best he's not around. Yes, I said it: Sometimes, a father's absence is a blessing because that's less drama for the mother and her kid(s) to deal with. Even if her father does come around, this little girl and him are strangers; they have no relationship. Sad to say, this little girl has gotten accustomed to not having her father around, so it's "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind." The only thing a deadbeat father can teach their child is what NOT to do. Watch how dad comes around years after she's successful and wants a relationship, but by then it's going to be too late. It's too late to want a relationship with an adult child. That adult child has their own life to live. 

Grown Women Wearing Hello Kitty

The dumbest thing I can witness is grown women wearing Hello Kitty. You're over 21 and sporting Hello Kitty paraphernaila that's designed for teenage girls? Some of these women should be ashamed of themselves for not growing up. She may be mature, but when I see a woman wearing Hello Kitty, I can't help but think she's trying to relive her youth. I would expect young girls to wear Hello Kitty, because it was designed for them! I get that Hello Kitty is a very popular brand, but if a woman is 30-something and rocking Hello Kitty, she needs to get her life and fast. For the life of me, I will never understand how a grown woman can rock Hello Kitty. Maybe it's her decision, and she could probably care less what others think since they aren't buying her wardrobe. *Shrug* 

Jun 3, 2015

Question From A Friend: What Would You Do?

I was on a Facebook friend's page, and she posted the following letter. Warning: It's long, so don't bother reading if you have a short attention span.

Question from a Friend - What would YOU do?
Dear Nikki,
My husband has lost his mind. When we met I was a management consultant at a reputable firm. When we got married I stopped taking travel assignments and I resigned to stay home with our kids. It's been 7 years & last year I started taking a few small work from home gigs with the firm. My colleague is now a partner and the firm just won a HUGE bid that I was instrumental in preparing & my colleague wants to bring me back in as a Lead Account Manager. It would require I spend the 1st 3-4 months in Denmark & Singapore though. But it's a setup for me to be promoted to a Sr. Partner.
The salary is more than triple what my husband makes. We have 3 kids and we are provided for, but this would be another level.
I have an MBA in Finance & Administration - I am one of the BEST and my husband doesn't want me to work. I literally KILLED my career and I believe that GOD is resurrected it. My husband who is now a minister believes this is out of order.
Our pastor & spiritual father says that I need to wait another year. I told him we been trusting God for increase and it's knocking on the door. They said I am in rebellion & under attack and I say they have no idea what they are talking about. Now he is telling me I don't believe the prophet and I feel like the whole conversation is stupid. We have no college funds, we are not debt free, & my signing bonus ALONE would solve several issues - let alone the bonus.
My husband says I should like being a stay at home mom. I am BORED and unstimulated and I feel like I am wasting the investment in my education not to mention disrespecting the financial blessing this is to us and our kids and even family members.
All of this headship and submission and wait until he approves but in the meanwhile we have no college funds. I am seriously thinking of taking the job - I have 10 days and I can't see myself turning it down. I get physically sick to the stomach at the thought of saying no to this. My friend says I would be uncovered, but I don't feel covered I feel controlled.
Everyone around me knows the Word but they have no clue about business on this level. The firm is passing up people who have been on position to get me off the bench. This could change our lives for the better & they talking about the Devil. I think no vacation and no college fund is of the Devil. I need some insights. I have 10 days to accept & I wouldn't leave until July.

My Response: Anyway you look at this, she's in a bind. If she takes the job, she's going against her husband's wishes. If she rejects the offer, she resents her husband later on down the line. When God presents opportunity, you BETTER take it because there's no guarantee the same opportunity will come around. She accepts this job, and it's a huge step to Partner. If I'm the wife, I'd discuss the pros and cons with my husband, and if the pros outweigh the cons, I'd take the position even if he may not agree. She has a good education, so she better use it. Her taking this job could benefit the entire family: Kids will have a college fund, debt freedom, etc. Let me explain something: The husband's job is to support his wife, even if it means she may make more money than him. If a wife is presented with a golden opportunity that could benefit the entire family, the husband should stand with his wife, just like he would want her to stand with him. To be honest, it comes down to insecurity because let's be real: How many men would be ok with their wives making more? *Crickets* I'll Wait. Some women are blessed to have supportive husbands, but I can't co-sign the minister on this. He says she's out of order, I say he's shook because his income isn't where he wants it to be, and he's looking at it like "If she takes the job, she's gonna make triple my salary, so I need to shut this down quickly". This is a time where the husband needs to get behind his wife and encourage her to take the job. She's supported his ministry, so why can't he support her offer? Should she reject, she's going to kick herself for letting her husband talk her out of a golden opportunity to put the family in a good place. I know how women think, and she's going to resent her husband for not being supportive of her accepting this job. I'm leaning towards this being a control issue because he knows that should their marriage fall apart, she'll be straight on her own, so that's why he doesn't want her to take the job: He's scared that if she ever decides to leave, she won't be dependent on him for her survival.
I think she should take the job, and the husband is going to have to get over it. Besides, wouldn't he want her support if the same offer was extended to him? You better believe it. Also, some women aren't cut out to be housewives, and that's ok. She did say she feels as though her education is going to waste, and I have to agree with her. What good is an education if you aren't going to use it?

Jun 2, 2015

Bruce...I mean, Caitlyn Jenner

I thought Jaden Smith looked stupid rocking a dress, now Bruce has changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner. I get that he came out because he wanted to be at peace with himself, but the name change knowing the media will be all over it, is a bit much. He could've kept that to himself because now, he's opening himself to more ridicule. It's bad enough his family is struggling to cope with his sex   change, but to pose in women's lingerie is doing too much. If you're going to get a sex change, keep it to yourself because there are people that will not accept the decision. I just think Bruce is doing this for attention, honestly. When he did his interview about his operation, hundreds of millions tuned in to show support. I didn't watch it; no need to because it was all over social media. One thing about social media is that you will always know what's going on, sometimes more than you want to know. Fast forward to today; Bruce posed in women's lingerie and it's trending all over social media. Hopefully this will die down fast, but it probably won't. If Bruce likes it, I love it (sarcasm). I think Bruce needs to fall back. He needs to live low-key. I feel for the Kardashian clan because all these years, Bruce was living a lie. Kris emasculated Bruce a lot; he had no say-so in what's going on, so ai guess that's what drove him to get the operation. I couldn't imagine being married to a woman under false pretenses. I'm supposedly married to a woman, but she feels comfortable as a man. All this time, our marriage was a sham.

Jun 1, 2015

Keep Calm, Tallahassee

Tallahassee residents are aware of the recent violence spike. 4 murders so far this month, and it's just getting started. It's going to be a hot summer with Tallahassee becoming a shooting gallery. All cities go through periods of crime increases followed by a decline, and Tallahassee is no exception. Some people in Tallahassee are shook by the amount of violence, which I can understand because we're not used to this much violence in Tallahassee. I'm from Miami, and Miami's violence is FAR worse than Tallahassee's. Miami was America's murder capital throughout the 80's because of drug wars in full swing; then gang violence ravaged Miami's inner-city in the 90's, then after the big-time gangs and street legends were put away, Miami's crime has fallen dramatically. 
Tallahassee should be grateful that our law enforcement officials will not let Tallahassee get out of control. Tallahassee Police, Leon County Sheriff's, FDLE, and other law enforcement agencies all work together to keep the crime under control here, so I know they wouldn't tolerate that. That, and Tallahassee citizens will call the Sheriff or police if you look like you're up to no good. I'm praying for Tallahassee because it's a great place to raise a family with good schools, but the violence is starting to tarnish that family-friendly image. It's understood that cities with strong local economies have less crime issues because the opportunity is there for EVERYONE to better themselves. There's not much economic opportunity in Tallahassee, so people resort to criminal activity. I DO NOT condone crime for any reason, but I understand why some people turn to crime as a way to feed themselves and their families. 
I understand the concern some Tallahassee residents have about the increasing violence, but we have it good compared to Central & South Florida. Violence in Central and South Florida is on a whole different level.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.