Jun 4, 2015

Video: Little Girl Goes In On Father

The following video is of a little girl letting loose on her deadbeat father for choosing a woman over her. First off, any parent who puts their mate over their child(ren) is foul. The child was there before that (wo)man, so why should the child(ren) be on the backburner? Mess is crazy to me. You can tell this little girl is hurting because she is GOING IN. A lot of people are coming down on this girl, but who cares? This little girl has every right to vent, but from what she says: She's accepted the fact that her father will never be around, so her venting was a release. This video is symbolic of what many children went through/are going through; parents who either aren't in their child(ren)'s lives, or who choose a (wo)man over them. The thing is: These are the type of people who go on to do great things in life. They take their pain and turn it into victory because they knew what it's like to be without, they know what hurt is like so they turn it around and help others going through the same thing. It's like this: Kids know what's up. Kids are a lot smarter than parents give them credit for. A mother doesn't have to talk bad about her child's father, that child already knows. The sad thing is this girl has tried reaching out to her father with no success. If her dad doesn't care enough to have a relationship with his daughter, then it's for the best he's not around. Yes, I said it: Sometimes, a father's absence is a blessing because that's less drama for the mother and her kid(s) to deal with. Even if her father does come around, this little girl and him are strangers; they have no relationship. Sad to say, this little girl has gotten accustomed to not having her father around, so it's "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind." The only thing a deadbeat father can teach their child is what NOT to do. Watch how dad comes around years after she's successful and wants a relationship, but by then it's going to be too late. It's too late to want a relationship with an adult child. That adult child has their own life to live. 

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.