Jun 6, 2015

Advancing Black Americans

I got this from a mutual friend's Facebook page:
First off, I'm targeting the media who does a good job of painting blacks in a bad light. I would order proper representation of blacks in all sectors: Media & entertainment. Next, I'd clean up all black neighborhoods of violence & drugs; get rid of all gangsters, dope boys and those who stand on the corner doing nothing. Honestly, it's a dead giveaway that a neighborhood is rough if there's frequent police presence, you see the same guys standing on the corner from sun up to sun down, gunfire, the only black businesses are low-income stores, etc. No low-income housing because residents would have paid on the job training programs specifically designed for them to make enough money to move out of the hood. All black communities would have their own schools teaching our history & culture, our own colleges & universities, etc. What blacks have to travel miles to another part of the city for, they would have right in their own neighborhood.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.