May 31, 2015

Bickering vs. Disagreement

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a FB friend about relationships, and it was getting serious. As the convo was going back & forth, I explain to this woman that by nature, men don't like conflict, but we will shut it down if necessary. I tell her how any woman who gets with me, better not bring any confusion into my life or she's done for. I value peace of mind over conflict, and most sensible men do too. This broad has the nerve to say: "You know that's not realistic, right?" and a bunch of foolishness that was getting on my nerves to be honest. To be honest, the women who say "You can't have growth without challenges" are the same ones guilty of most conflict in relationships. It's ridiculous that some women think that conflict is "healthy", so I told her this: What you said confirms my decision to remain single, because I will NOT sacrifice my peace of mind for growth in challenges. It seems like some women are used to fighting with their man, so they expect men to subscribe to the foolish idea that "fighting is healthy." Conflict is not healthy in relationships because both sides are too focused on being right; no one wants to budge.
Some folks have the nerve to ask me why am I still single. It's the stupid logic that some women possess that turns me off from relationships as a whole. I'm going to post a few responses to my thread:

Jeff Green That "love hurts" "relationships take work " BS is played.

If i have to battle with you,,im out!
I would rather date palmella or pay a pro for services than to be bothered with a nagging combative chic.
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Jeff Green Good sh** Richard!!!!!
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NasSun Greene Y'Akoakam Idc what anybody says, when arguments 'miscommunication and challenges' become the steady diet of a relationship, it's better to be alone. Ain't nobody got time for that.
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Leslie C. Bolton-Browne Also, when conflict occurs you can't just call it quits Richard Hudson. This is when being mature enough for a relationship and choosing a mature partner to be in a relationship with comes into play. You work through arguments that will most definitely happen at some point.
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Leslie C. Bolton-Browne NasSun Greene Y'Akoakam that's just it, it shouldn't be a steady diet. You BOTH have to accept that there may be a few disagreements in life and learn how to get through them. Its inevitable! No two people are the same or have the same mind.
5 hrs · Like

Mary Stieff Antonio, I understand. The miscommunication was on his part for not speaking up about an issue but letting it fester then blowing up. I always ask for proper communication, I don't read minds. No slamming doors were needed, he went to work, I visited with family and we hashed it out after that. 
I agree on talking things out, open and honestly, but there are some men who make that very hard (liars, cheaters) and get mad at their woman for calling them on that.
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NasSun Greene Y'Akoakam Isn't separating oneself from a confrontational and argument prone individual part of the "mature" process of looking for a "mature" partner? Lol

Jerome Bolden No Mary Stieff men are at the place now where we have an even lower threshold for unnecessary conflict
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Mary Stieff I don't argue about silly shit. We argued two weeks ago about a misunderstanding due to miscommunication. We gave each other some space, he apologized and I apologized, we talked some things out. That was that. Got a better understanding of some things on both parts.
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Antonio Negrodomus Chambers Okay, now with that being said, miscommunication is silly in others eyes. I want to discuss matters without the slamming of doors, sleeping in separate rooms, etc.. So, Mary, we are only saying as men, is can we just talk it.out instead of the bickering.

NasSun Greene Y'Akoakam All that maturity and working things out speech is cute . But , we can all tell early enough in a relationship, when solving issues and live peacefully isn't gonna be possible. Maturity will ask that you flee the situation ASAP . I believe this is what Richard's post is about. I'm not about to wait to see how dysfunctional a relationship might make me before I decide to leave alone all tigether...hell no.

Mary Stieff To me, people give up too easily in relationships nowadays. There will be a lot of lonely old folks in the next 30 years.
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Jeff Green Relationships take love,,not work.
If i have to work at being with you then our togetherness has become a JOB.
I WORK everyday,,i dont want to come home and have to work at being with you.
My home is my peaceful rest spot,;not my second job.
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Leslie C. Bolton-Browne I've been married 18 years in July and we're happy and still going strong. We've had difficult discussions from what art schools to put our daughter in, what kind of vehicle to get, how much life insurance to get, what Doctor should care for our ill son to simpler things like where to vacation and what restaurant to eat at this weekend.....we get through it all and move on.
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NasSun Greene Y'Akoakam Rather be alone than fighting and arguing all the time. Don't mind being alone anyways. I'm actually comfortable with it.

What I got from posting this thread is that everyone has varying tolerance levels. Some can overlook a lot, others have a very low threshold. For me, my patience is very thin on arguments, so any woman I get involved with is going to have to understand that. If she can, great. If not, exit left.

May 30, 2015

Current Political Climate: By Rick Nappier

This was too good NOT to share. A good FB friend Rick Nappier gave a spot-on analysis of the political climate.

Rick Nappier
Here's my opinion about politics in the current state of the State.

God will handle His business how He sees fit. Everyone needs to stick what they believe and call it a day. In the end, if you're right, Congrats! If you're wrong, then you will be the only person who will know about it.

Preachers should do what they are called to do based on their beliefs and politicians should be running the country business like a business.

Through the flock and preachers, people will make decisions based on what the "Word" speaks to them. So preach the Word.

I just feel that politicians have taken their eyes off what matters where people need the greatest support. The Bible says "do not give a babe meat when they can only digest milk". (1 Corin 3:2) Today's politicians, doing double duty as preachers, are trying to force Christians' years of faith (MEAT) when unlearned people can only stand small nuggets (MILK). No wonder a segment of the population does not get it.

Start with love...which is universally accepted in most cultures. Then, give a man/woman a job. 2 Thess 3:10 says: "For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either."

So modern day politicians are doing two things wrong:

1) people are being fed MEAT when they can only stand MILK.

2) since the people cannot digest MEAT, they do not see it in their best interest to vote for jobs.

These are my own words as I see it.

May 29, 2015

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS: Help Me, Help Me Please

I'm with the husband on this one because marriage is a partnership where BOTH people pull their weight. How can people expect a successful marriage if the man is doing all the work. Yes, he's the head and the head is responsible for providing & protecting, but as his helpmate, she's supposed to bring that balance. If his business is struggling, he's right to ask his wife to contribute. I think the wife misunderstands the true meaning of marriage. Marriage is a partnership where BOTH have to make it work by any means necessary. This means the man plays his position, and the wife hers. Is it any wonder why many women want to be married? So their husbands can take care of them like daddy took care of the family. In most households, the man makes the money while the wife stays home and does nothing (You have very few wives that can be trusted enough to stay home and take care of the house). The problem is because the wife's mother didn't work, she feels she doesn't need to do the same. Strawberry Letters like these are the reason why I have a sour outlook on marriage, because who's to say if God sends a mate into my life, she'll play her role as my HELPMATE? I don't know, and I'm not trying to find out, so I swerve! Anyway, I'm praying for this brother hoping his wife comes to her senses and starts helping because at this rate, I don't see them staying together for long. He's at the point of no return because as he states, her selfishness has caused intolerable tension. This is why men need to be VERY careful about wanting to be the head, because they will meet some women who expect him to fulfill that role. By fulfilling that role, she doesn't work, but he has to make enough for her to stay home and do nothing. That may have worked in the 40's and 50's, but this is 2015, where it takes two incomes to run a household. Then again, he could be one of those men who believes in tradition, which states the man should be the sole provider so his wife can stay home. If that's the case, some of the blame goes to him for allowing his wife to run reckless with her selfishness.

More Teenage Foolishness

Just when I thought these stupid challenges died down, here comes another challenge: Teens trying to summon the occult. First off, the occult is demonic, and it's nothing to play with. Second, these students have too much time on their hands to try and drum up bad spirits. These are school-age children so you would think they're busy enough with school, but that can't be true if they have time to drum up evil spirits. You can't tell them nothing, in their mind "I'm Doing Me." Ok then, go ahead and "Do You." It's that mindset which is why society is in the shape it's in. I'm going to be real: Some kids know about the occult, others don't. The kids who don't know should not be trying to contact the occult because they're gonna get in touch with something they can't get rid of. I remember a story years ago that dealt with this very matter: Kids were playing with Quija boards, and late at night those spirits tried to take over their body. Their baby sister gets out of her crib on her own and goes outside on the porch to stare into the sky for hours. Parents wonder how she was able to do that on her own, but that's not my business. These kids think this occult is a game, but it's not. This is why I say if kids saturate themselves in extracurricular activities, they won't have time for this foolishness. They'll be too busy bettering themselves than getting in touch with the occult. The more I read stories like this, the more I feel sorry for my nieces because they are coming up in a crazy world. When you take God out of the equation, the door is opened to nonsense like this.

May 27, 2015

Paying Bills=Free Pass To Cheat?

I read a photo on Facebook that says: Yes or No? When your man pays all your bills, you mind your business when he cheats. I'm looking at this from both sides: From the cheater's standpoint, I'm saying yes because if he's paying the woman's bills, then she can't get in her feelings about his indiscretions because he can threaten to stop paying her bills if she has a problem with it. Double Standard Alert: If the shoe was on the other foot & the woman was cheating, but she was paying the bills, she would be called everything under the sun. The bottom line is that cheating is unacceptable no matter who pays the bills. Just because one is the breadwinner doesn't give them the green light to creep. This is why both parties should have their own in a relationship because there are some people who really believe that if a man's paying a woman's bills, he has the right to cheat. Even if I had it like that, I wouldn't pay all of my mate's bills. This is a form of manipulation because you're forcing someone to accept your mistreatment of them in exchange for them paying your bills. The way I'm set up: I couldn't take advantage of someone like that, nor would I expect them to allow me to. Some people are a trip thinking that just because they pay your bills, they are excused from infidelity. Sad thing about it, some people like the arrangement because for them, at least they're taken care of.

May 26, 2015

Blessed & Highly Favored? 😒

This is one of the annoying phrases in Christianity, and let me explain why: People who scream they're blessed & highly favored keep up more mess in their lives and other people's lives. Last time I checked, God is not the author of confusion so they're just saying that to ease their conscience. Being truly blessed & highly favored means you have favor everywhere you go; everybody can see Christ through you & don't have any ill word against you. That's what being blessed & highly favored is all about, even making your enemies show love to you. It's funny how people like to twist Christian phrases to justify their foolishness. My thing is: Don't say you're blessed & highly favored and you're keeping up mess everywhere you go. You're gossiping about Sister & Brother so & so in the choir when (s)he has been nothing short of respectful to you. You have to be a special version of phony to do people like that. You're blessed & highly favored, but you broke up someone's marriage & have the nerve to thank God for sending that (wo)man into your life. No, YOU couldn't stand to see someone else happy so you try to take what's theirs. I don't respect that foolishness at all. Then again, you can't really steal anyone from a person because they probably were in on the scandal. You can never win being dirty, because what you do to others (good or bad) will come around on you. That's why I'm annoyed when some folks say they're blessed & highly favored because it's almost, always coming from a messy place. You're Blessed & Highly Favored, ok then.

May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an annual holiday to pay respects to our fallen soldiers. Our deceased service(wo)men have paved the way for us to enjoy the freedom we have, and I'm grateful to them for that. To me, the ultimate sacrifice one can make is to lay down his/her life for the greater good, and that's what Memorial Day is all about, that ultimate sacrifice. Current military service(wo)men celebrate Memorial Day to pay homage to those who came before them. What do Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and other federal holidays have in common? We get a few paid days off work to enjoy our families under hamburgers & hotdogs, BBQ chicken, and the fixings. When Memorial Day was first celebrated, there weren't cookouts. Memorial Day was a time to remember our fallen soldiers, which if it wasn't for their sacrifice, we would not have the freedoms we do today. Fast forward to 2015, and Miami, Atlanta, and other major cities have big Memorial Day Weekend shindigs; get in the club until such and such time for free, folks having cookouts, etc. I bet you none of these revelers could tell you the significance of Memorial Day, but they can tell you where the party's at. I'm not a party person anyway, so I could care less about cookouts. I honor Memorial Day the way it's supposed to be honored, by remembering our fallen soldiers. To all our fallen soldiers: Thanks for making the ultimate sacrifice. May You Never Be Forgotten.

Strawberry Letter | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

Is she stupid? No really, is she STUPID? She's crushing on a 14-year old when she's seeing the older brother. Never mind the legal ramifications that could take place if she follows through, but she could lose her job and teaching license. With these high-profile cases of teachers sexing their students, she better be careful. Besides, she's seeing the older brother so what's up? I could understand her having sexual thoughts and feelings for the older brother because he's around her age. The older brother and this teacher are at the same stage in life, so they have more in common. What could a 14-year old boy and this teacher have in common? She's a professional, and he's in school. At 14, this boy is thinking with his other head. He's looking at an attractive teacher thinking if he smashes, he'll be a celebrity among his friends & peers. I understand there are mature teenagers, but this 14-year old boy can't be that mature to where he's saying what an older woman wants to hear. 
I can't be too hard on this teacher because she understands it's wrong. She's got too much to lose and she's not trying to lose her professional career. Moving him out of her class, cancelling after school sessions and getting moved to a higher grade level are good moves she made, but I think she can still work with the student, just keep it professional. If the student needs extra help, the 14-year old can continue seeing her for tutoring, but the conversations CANNOT be personal. Keep the conversations academic-related. She knows where her mind can go, so it's best for her not to put herself in that predicament. Some teachers have such an impact on their students that sometimes, they let their personal feelings cloud their professional judgment. Since she's dating the older brother, focus on him. Besides, I'm sure the older brother would be livid if she told him about her sexual feelings & thoughts for his little brother.

May 24, 2015

Strawberry Letter: I Can't Help Myself

This is easy. Her vibe is so good, guys are drawn to that. She puts young men at ease and because they feel good around her, they tell her those magic words and she lays down with him. It sounds like she ties her self-worth to how many men she can get to sleep with her. If men are sleeping with her, she feels attractive, but the problem is that none of these men are giving her a second glance outside of sex. Yes, she's attractive and has a lot going for herself, but those men don't see that, all they see is someone to sleep with. These men say the right words, and she opens up heaven's gate. I think she needs to realize her worth and let men be attracted to her mind & ambition, because she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She tends to trust men too soon before getting to know them. She needs to realize how a man thinks: When a man is getting to know a woman, he will say anything to get some. Not all men, but a lot of them think with their other head instead of the one attached to their shoulders. A man will put a woman at ease long enough to get what he wants, and he's gone. She's left looking crazy because in her mind, he said all the right things. That's the problem, some men talk a good game, but very few back it up. Maybe she should consider celibacy. It's gonna be hard for her because she will have those urges but in the long run, she'll have a clear understanding of who she is and what she's looking for, so I think celibacy will be a good look for her. Celibacy will allow her to focus on herself & school, and who knows? She may meet the right man who's on the same path as her.

May 22, 2015

3 Things That Will Destroy A Man

What do Bill Clinton, King Jehoshophat, King David, Jimmy Swaggart, Eddie Long and others have in common? They were all destroyed by Money, Women, and Vice. Some of those men have made a comeback, and others have fallen off for good. Former president Clinton seemed to have recovered from his infamous scandal because we haven't heard much about him in the news. Bishop Eddie Long is trying to recover from his infamous sex scandal, and so far his church has forgiven him and all seems to be well. When you're in a position of power, every kind of temptation is thrown your way. Some people want to see you fall, so they'll do everything possible to trip you up, so that's why I say it's important for men to exercise discipline. Matter of fact, a man has MORE reason to keep his circle small because he doesn't know who's coming for his #1 spot. It's a known fact that women are attracted to powerful men, so a lot of women use their sex appeal to bring a man down, and sadly a lot of men fall for it. I've read about several powerful men that had everything going for them, and they got hooked up with some skeezer who brought them to their knees. All I could do is shake my head at how stupid some men can be to let a woman screw up their whole image.
You can tell a man that's not used to money, because the first thing he does when he gets a large sum of money is go to the strip club. You guys know what I'm talking about: Spend $8,000 on booty, like they've never seen beautiful women before. Or he'll take his crew of friends to the mall for a shopping spree, just to be noticed. Women are like: Look at him, I know he's got some money, ummmhmmm...balling with his partners. From time to time, I'll look at the richest men in the world and how they got their wealth. Some of them inherited their money, and others capitalized on their gifts and got rich that way. Football superstar Terrell Owens comes to mind. This was one of the most talented receivers in NFL history, made millions doing what he loved until he let too many people get in his ear: Leeching family & friends, women, crooked financial professionals. All of them destroyed Terrell's financial picture because now he's struggling to get back into football. Last I heard about him, he's doing tryouts for arena football, and they make $300 per game, which isn't much for a former multi-million athlete. If T.O. had the right people in his corner, he would still be doing very well for himself right now
I'm not scared to say it: Some men are moved by money, women, and other vices. Money and Women are the two major things some men will let destroy them. It's sad to see successful men ruined because of money & women, but maybe if some men weren't so thirsty, they would still be on top. The most successful men have nothing to prove; they know who they are. If no women are checking for them, big deal. I'm sure a lot of them are glad because as stated before, some women are attracted to powerful men and the wrong woman can bring down a man's empire. Powerful men need to be more disciplined than the average man for one reason: They have more to lose.

May 21, 2015

Come Up Off That

I shared a very disturbing video on my Facebook page. It showed a man coming home from work late and as he pulled into his garage to park, he was about to go inside. 3 jackers proceed to run up on him and try to rob him, but he sent them running with some hot lead. The moral of that story is be careful who you try to rob, because not everyone is going to let you take what they've worked hard for. Some of these dudes are too sorry to achieve on their own, so they would rather rob someone else for theirs. When they do that, they're confirming what most of society already thinks: When in doubt, take what belongs to someone else. I feel bad for the victims because some of them have sacrificed to get what they need, and for someone to jack them is ridiculous. Nothing good comes out of jacking someone, and the reason is: You have to worry about retribution from their loved ones. When someone is a crime victim & the family hears about it, the first thing the family does is rally together to get at the criminals. If the criminal(s) are smart, they'll lay low knowing the victim's family is coming for them. These dudes allow hood music to influence their minds to rob someone, not realizing that they forget about the Second Amendment: The Right To Bare Arms (layman's terms: License To Carry). Some people will protect theirs by any means necessary. I would feel sorry for the jacker who got shot, but I can't. They got what was coming to them, and I bet they won't pull that mess anymore. Here's the video of the attempted carjacking: 

May 20, 2015

Cheating In The Next Room

The title of this Strawberry Letter is perfect because this lady is cheating on her husband with another man, then has the nerve to say she doesn't want to mess up her family. Never mind that he cheated first, but she's no better for trying to pay him back. I've said the same thing in previous letters of this nature: If couples are sneaking around on each other, they have no business being together. You can tell she hasn't forgiven him because the moment she had an opportunity to exact revenge, she took it. She already destroyed two families: Hers & the other man's (if he's married). This is what people don't realize about cheating: Not only does cheating hurt the victim, but it hurts the offender and the other party. Once the other woman finds out, this person is going to be in a world of trouble. She's not in love with the other guy, she's in love with the sex. For her, it's a rush to see how long she can keep up the creeping around before she has to make a decision. Just like women hate being led on, so do men. She's going to have to choose which guy she wants: The man she's been with for 6 years or this new guy she's falling for. Just like she's playing two men, the other guy could be playing her just the same. The other guy probably isn't feeling her like she's feeling him; she's just a piece of meat to him. As for the husband, I don't condone what he did, but he should've learned the #1 rule about women: A woman will forgive her man for cheating, but she won't forget. If a woman gets an opportunity to exact revenge for her husband's infidelity by sleeping with another man, there's a good chance she will take it.

May 19, 2015

The Blessing In Being Unwanted

Everyone has heard this notorious shaming tactic from time to time. Some people really think they're supposed to hurt one's feelings when they say this garbage, which some folks may be slighted by this statement. The majority of people would shrug it off because for one, some people are single by choice. They don't need someone to define them. If someone comes into their life, good. If not, that's cool too. They were fine before that person, and they'll be fine after them. I'll go one better: They'll be fine if no one wants to be in their life! The main folks who utter this statement are those that no one would want anyway. I find it hilarious that people think everyone's hard up for a significant other. I've mentioned this in a few previous blogs: A significant other enhances what's already there. They aren't responsible for completing you, you're supposed to already be whole. At the same time, some folks would take the "That's why no one wants you" statement to heart. Some folks self-esteem is low that they think something's wrong with them if someone told them that. If anything, there's a lot more wrong with the offender than the victim, so for those who are slighted by that statement, know your worth and don't let anyone make you feel bad for being single. It's better to be single than alone in a relationship. In other words, you can be with someone and still be alone. What do I mean by that? You and this person live together, but you two barely communicate. Y'all know nothing about each other, but everything's lovely according to y'all (side eye). Sometimes, being unwanted is a blessing because you avoid drama. When the wrong people want you, it's only a matter of time before something goes wrong. 

May 18, 2015

Growing Apart From Those Who Don't Grow

You will grow apart from those who don't grow. Why is that? Because if you & your associate, friend, acquaintance, significant other, etc are going in opposite directions, there's no chance for a successful relationship. In order to have unity, both parties must be on one accord. That's not to say they will co-sign each other on everything, but their similarities should far outweigh their differences. Trying to grow together with someone you have little in common with is like swimming against the current: You're strong enough to do it, but why would you? You're wasting your energy, and eventually you'll become weary. The older someone gets, the more meaningful their relationships should be. Nobody should waste time trying to grow with those who are growing apart; I know I don't. I used to force some relationships to work because I didn't want to be alone, but as I got older I've learned to embrace my solitude. I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are true riders. We can go days, weeks or months without talking, and come together like it's nothing. At my current stage, I have no problem growing apart from those who don't grow.
I don't know why some people are scared to grow apart. It's like they're scared to be alone so they force some relationships to work that are temporary. Listen, not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. Some people come into your life for a season & a lifetime. It's important to know the difference, so let me break it down: Seasonal folks are those you hit it off with immediately. You feel like you've known them your whole life, and it's so far so good. You think these people are with you for the long haul until you two discover you're more different than alike. Your outlooks aren't the same, nor is your life trajectory. Through no fault of each other, the relationship comes to an end. Lifetime folks are those people who you hit it off with immediately, but with one difference: These are people who have your back from start to finish. They don't want anything from you, just your friendship & loyalty. You know these people are for you because you can't go a day without chatting with them. You rejoice & grieve with them. You two have the same trajectory & outlook on life. If you're smart, you'll grow together with those who are growing.

May 17, 2015

Foolish Woman Vs. Wise Woman

Foolish women look at a man's ride; smart women look at a man's drive. If I asked a woman what's the first thing she looks for in a man, she would tell me that he has to have a nice car. In her mind, she can tell a lot about a man by the kind of car he drives. He could be well to do, but he's not into luxury items. Because some women can't see past the outer, they assume he's broke; he has no hustle & won't give him the time of day. The guy with the Rolls Royce would get looks from all the women because to them, the Rolls Royce signals success. Some women like to see tangible evidence of men with their stuff together. Going back to the other guy, he has the same good job as the man with the Rolls Royce, but he believes in living below his means. He feels that he will attract the wrong women if he decides to upgrade, so he dumbs down his prosperity. When you're getting to know someone, you have to give them doses of you because not everyone can handle everything that comes with you. At the same time, if you're blessed, there's nothing wrong with voicing it, as long as it's to inspire someone. Use discernment in who you allow to be in your life, and you should be fine. The wise woman sees a man hustling for a better way and wants to be with him. She believes in him so much that she wants to be instrumental in his success. That's the woman that will sit on the mountain with him because she saw his grind, and elevated it.

May 16, 2015

Kenya Moore's Fake Marriage

Two weeks ago, Kenya Moore went on Millionaire Matchmaker to find love. All was well, or so we thought. Her so-called boyfriend James Freeman is getting lit up on social media because led Kenya on. First off, these matchmaking shows are booboo because how many folks actually find love? A small percentage. Those matchmaking shows are rigged to where contestants fail at finding true love, so they can get their 15 minutes of fame. My thing is, why lead someone on? If you're married, admit it. The worst thing that could happen is the person leaves you because by right, they shouldn't be involved with a married man. James & Jamie used Kenya because she's a hot commodity. Since she's been an RHOA cast member since Season 5, her name is back in the spotlight, so irrelevant folks are trying to use Kenya to come up. If you're proud of being married, you should have no problem showcasing it to loved ones & friends. Notice how James had NO ring or marriage documents, which leads me to believe this fake marriage was a sham from the jump. I feel bad for Kenya because she was lied to, but obviously she's not bothered by it because according to Ms. Moore, God's got the right person for her. In conclusion: I'm sick of this; Haven't they humiliated this woman enough? What's really the problem they have with her? Nothing but jealousy because this is just too much. They need to leave this woman alone. Don't they see she will not fall nor fail? Damn, let it go because jealousy is an #UGLY trait..My goodness. 

May 15, 2015

140 Characters Of Realness

May 14, 2015

Pressure Busts Pipes

When you're a private person, you should be cautious of who you open up to, because what you say can & will be used against you. The issue is when someone genuine comes along who wants to put you at ease, and you refuse to open up because you think they can't handle the results. That pressure builds up for so long until that pipe bursts, meaning you finally open up because they aren't going to let it go.

May 12, 2015

A Rose Is Still A Rose: Wonderful Watson

"A rose is still a rose." This was the response of a young lady in reference to a discussion regarding the loss of virginity correlated with public perception. I found her comment interesting because in her mind, her worth to her future husband will not be affected because of her sexual encounters prior to marriage.
I reminded her of this indisputable fact. Fresh roses are preferred over wilted ones. Compare the reactions of people who receive fresh roses compared to people who receive wilted ones. Yes, a rose is still a rose regardless of its condition.

May 11, 2015

Real Housewives Of Atlanta: Game Recognize Game

Last night on Pt. 3 of RHOA Reunion, Nene breaks out the fake tears. I'm not trying to be cold, but Nene is full of crap, and let me explain why: Since Nene first joined RHOA, she bullied just about everyone of her cast mates except for a couple: Sheree and Claudia Jordan. Nene has gotten into it with Kim, Phaedra, Kandi, Cynthia, Kenya, Sheree, and Claudia Jordan. Sheesh! She's gotten into it with everyone of her co-stars. Common sense tells me that if someone is always getting into it with various people, the problem lies with THAT PERSON. The common denominator in all of Nene's conflicts have been HER. Why? She calls herself HBIC, Rich *&%$#, and many other monikers. In other words, she's smelling herself. When the 3-part RHOA reunion took place, every one of the cast mates let loose on Nene; they held nothing back & rightfully so. Nene has hurt alienated a lot of people with her nasty treatment towards them, until: She plays the victim. That's right, Nene broke out the fake tears on RHOA Reunion Pt. 3.

Nene started talking about her parents, and how they mistreated her when she was younger. Basically, using the "I've been through a lot" card to justify her bad attitude towards the rest of the cast. Phaedra & Porsha were the first ones to console her because after all, they co-sign everything Nene says; they're her puppets. When Nene says jump, Porsha & Phaedra ask how high? During the RHOA Reunion Pt. 3, Nene was lit up on social media. My Twitter feed was blowing up with comments about how Nene is full of crap, she deserves a Grammy for her great acting (fake tears), and so on. Nene needs to cut the crap with those fake tears. She'll be back to acting a black fool next season. She isn't slick. When Kenya & Nene had their fallout, Kenya's aunt schooled her on forgiveness, and I have to admit it: Kenya, Cynthia and Claudia showed much class when they consoled Nene, even though she's treated them horribly. There's a reason why Kenya, Claudia & Cynthia are called Team Pretty, because of their character and obvious looks.
Claudia, Cynthia & Kenya didn't have to console Nene after how she did them, but I respect them for being the better people. Most people would be like "Big deal if Nene's crying, she deserves to feel every bit of guilt for her mistreatment of others." Sometimes, those feelings are justified; other times, you have to be the BETTER person, even if someone is acting a fool. I doubt Nene is going to turn over a new leaf because if she's been brash & rude since Season 1, why change now? It's working for her, so she might as well stay true to herself. When she broke down on national TV, I wasn't buying it. Why? Because when someone shows you their true nature, believe them. Yes, God can change a person's heart, but they have to let him.

Personal traumas do not give folks a green light to hurt people. Yes, hurt people hurt people, but that's still no excuse. Deal with your pain and move on. Once again, Nene needs to cut the crap.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.