May 21, 2015

Come Up Off That

I shared a very disturbing video on my Facebook page. It showed a man coming home from work late and as he pulled into his garage to park, he was about to go inside. 3 jackers proceed to run up on him and try to rob him, but he sent them running with some hot lead. The moral of that story is be careful who you try to rob, because not everyone is going to let you take what they've worked hard for. Some of these dudes are too sorry to achieve on their own, so they would rather rob someone else for theirs. When they do that, they're confirming what most of society already thinks: When in doubt, take what belongs to someone else. I feel bad for the victims because some of them have sacrificed to get what they need, and for someone to jack them is ridiculous. Nothing good comes out of jacking someone, and the reason is: You have to worry about retribution from their loved ones. When someone is a crime victim & the family hears about it, the first thing the family does is rally together to get at the criminals. If the criminal(s) are smart, they'll lay low knowing the victim's family is coming for them. These dudes allow hood music to influence their minds to rob someone, not realizing that they forget about the Second Amendment: The Right To Bare Arms (layman's terms: License To Carry). Some people will protect theirs by any means necessary. I would feel sorry for the jacker who got shot, but I can't. They got what was coming to them, and I bet they won't pull that mess anymore. Here's the video of the attempted carjacking: 

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.