May 30, 2015

Current Political Climate: By Rick Nappier

This was too good NOT to share. A good FB friend Rick Nappier gave a spot-on analysis of the political climate.

Rick Nappier
Here's my opinion about politics in the current state of the State.

God will handle His business how He sees fit. Everyone needs to stick what they believe and call it a day. In the end, if you're right, Congrats! If you're wrong, then you will be the only person who will know about it.

Preachers should do what they are called to do based on their beliefs and politicians should be running the country business like a business.

Through the flock and preachers, people will make decisions based on what the "Word" speaks to them. So preach the Word.

I just feel that politicians have taken their eyes off what matters where people need the greatest support. The Bible says "do not give a babe meat when they can only digest milk". (1 Corin 3:2) Today's politicians, doing double duty as preachers, are trying to force Christians' years of faith (MEAT) when unlearned people can only stand small nuggets (MILK). No wonder a segment of the population does not get it.

Start with love...which is universally accepted in most cultures. Then, give a man/woman a job. 2 Thess 3:10 says: "For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either."

So modern day politicians are doing two things wrong:

1) people are being fed MEAT when they can only stand MILK.

2) since the people cannot digest MEAT, they do not see it in their best interest to vote for jobs.

These are my own words as I see it.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.