Jul 25, 2014

Friendships Between Preachers Wives

I was watching Preachers Of L.A. on Wednesday night, when this subject came up: Can First Ladies be good friends? If you've followed the show, you have Bishop Ron Gibson and his wife Lavette, Minister Deitrick & Dominique Haddon, Pastor Wayne & Myesha Chaney, Bishop Clarence & Priscilla McClendon, Pastors Jay & Christy Haizlip. During last season, there was an episode where Lady Myesha invited all the wives to her tea party. All the ladies chopped it up, and got to know each other pretty well. They discussed the struggles they face as preachers wives, and they seemed to get along. I think preachers wives can become good friends because they have a lot in common. Their husbands are ministers so by default, the wives are able to identify with the struggles of being a preacher's wife. Preacher's wives have an insight that regular wives don't have when it comes to being involved in the ministry.
Just because I think preachers' wives can become good friends, doesn't mean caution should be thrown to the wind. Just like worldly women can be catty, so can preachers' wives. Yes, a minister's wife is to set herself apart from a worldly woman, but a minister's wife isn't immune to occasional screw-ups. Here's my thing: It shouldn't matter if one minister is more famous than another, they're all doing God's work, so there's no need for one wife to undermine another minister's ministry. You have some preachers wives that will get close to another wife just to find out how popular a minister may be. If she feels threatened by another minister's success, she's going to be slighted because she believes her husband deserves the spotlight. When the shade is thrown, look out. Why do you think Loretta (Bishop Noel Jones' "special friend") caught major shade from the other wives? They believe Loretta should marry Bishop Noel Jones.
In conclusion, preachers wives are able to identify with each other's struggles, because they're in it together. There's nothing like being able to relate to someone when you're going through rough times because they're going down that road with you. If preachers' wives are going to become friends, it should be with the understand that they have each other's back, and most of all their husband's.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.