Jul 28, 2014

Christian Sex

Sex has been considered a taboo subject in church. Very few pastors are willing to tackle this issue because they don't want to seem worldly. In a way, I understand because some Christians are conservative, and there are subjects that just aren't discussed in Christian homes. On the flip side, God created sex to be enjoyed in the confines of marriage. There's nothing like a couple expressing their affection with a sacred act. After all, God did create sex and how do you think any of us got here? Our (grand)parents came together, and the rest was history. Sex has been around since Biblical times, so this article was right on target. The reason why many Christian leaders won't discuss sex is because society has tainted sex. The sex industry makes billions annually, so it attracts those with ill motives. I think Christians shouldn't be afraid to keep it real about the subject of sex. Don't be afraid to have frank discussion about satisfying sexual relations between Christian married couples. In my opinion, all bets are off when it comes to sex between Christian couples. If a couple's married, there should be no hangups about what kind of sex you engage in. God did invent sex, didn't he? Of course he did. If (s)he has conflicting styles of sex, they can find a way to combine desires so that both parties can feel fulfilled. It's not just about the man getting his, the woman must get hers. When both feel fulfilled, that couple looks forward to more encounters because both are ready & willing.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.