Mar 25, 2014

ID Channel

Shout out to Khrystle Nichole for this status: If you're thinking about getting married, or want to stay married, don't watch the ID Channel. Who would want to ever get married after watching shows like "Wives with Knives", "How Not to Kill Your Husband", and "Who the Bleep Did I Marry?" And if you're single, there is a show for you too...."Stalked:Someone's Watching".
The above status came straight from a friend's Facebook. There is humor in this, but much truth. Those shows are good to watch because you don't know your mate like you think. Anybody can put on a good show to attract you, but when you spend enough time with them, that's when they show their real selves. The common theme in all these shows is the couples didn't do their homework on each other. They were in lust, not in love. The easy part is falling in love with a person: The constant I love you texts, calls, the smoochie-smoochie action, etc turns into I hate you, I can't stand you, I want a divorce, etc. Why do people think that relationships are supposed to be rose petals? In a perfect world, that would be ideal, but because we live in a fallen world, the reality is that divorce, infidelity, and shows like Wives With Knives exist.
If you get to the point where you second guess your relationship, it's time to exit stage left. Life is too short to waste on the wrong person. You have people who WANT a loving relationship, but can't find one through no fault of their own. I heard a saying that rings so true: The wrong people end up together, and the right people have a hard time finding each other. Let's discuss Who The @#$% Did I Marry? The show title alone rings a bell because all couples have wondered this at times. The first argument that ensues, one or both parties scream "Who Did I Marry? Depending on how bad the argument, the aftereffects could leave a devastating impression on the marriage, and could lead to divorce. It's important to keep calm and relax before a spouse says something they may regret. Once the damage is done, in most cases it can never be repaired.
I've never watched any of those shows because I don't know what times they come on, but I will make sure to catch them, because knowledge can come from everywhere, even from negativity. As far as being single is concerned, I don't doubt the stalker issue one bit. Some people see what they want, and will stop at nothing to get their mate. The problem arises, does the person want to be pursued? I wouldn't mind being stalked by an attractive woman, but she must have a sound mind and good character. Nothing worse than being stalked by someone you have no interest in.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.