Mar 26, 2014

Dahlia Speaks (How To Be A Woman)

I was cruising the How To Be A Woman page, and came onto this post. I have no problem with tattoos, as long as they're done tastefully. When you're tatted up, that does look crazy. I know it's one's body, but some things you shouldn't go overboard with. I'm leery of tattoos in general because I've read reports where people contracted HIV & AIDS from infected needles. Yeah, that was enough to turn me off from tattoos. Read Dahlia's words of wisdom regarding tattoos:
Tattoos *repost*

There's nothing wrong with tattoos, for the most part. The body is one of the greatest canvases. However, it is wise to do proper research and choose wisely when getting a tattoo.
Ladies, an abundance of tattoos splattered all over your body may project something negative. If you have Pookie, Man Man and Lil Grill's names tattooed on your body with a plethora of other ratchet tattoos, it makes you look trashy. If you have Tinkerbell on a flaming $100 bill next to the name of your street or the word "Bitch" tattooed on yourself, that looks trashy. If you're going to get a tattoo, be mindful of what you're getting and where you're putting it.
What you put on yourself says a lot about you. If you put trashy and outrageous tattoos on yourself, you will be viewed as, and may be treated as such. Ladies don't put on garbage and expect to smell like roses, so don't put garbage tattoos on yourself. If you choose to decorate your canvas with tattoos, go for it, but always do it tastefully. Stay classy ladies.


  1. I totally agree with this post. Tattoos, when done tastefully, should tell a story. Perception is everything. Plastering random tattoos will give the person a negative connotation.

    1. Correct. If you're tatted up from head to toe, that's strange. Why cover yourself in tattoos? What's the point?


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.