Dec 26, 2013

Virtuous Woman: By The KingMaker Micha'el-Cordele Rolle

She may be a "good woman" but is she a virtuous woman?

A man can be surrounded by beautiful "good women", but none or maybe few are virtuous. I often hear women say why they are a "good woman", but rarely can a woman tell you why she is virtuous.

The question of "Who can find a virtuous woman" is so intriguing to me because: This was a question proposed to King Lemuel (Solomon), from his mother. Now what we do know is that in his position as king, he had over 700 wives of royal birth, and 300 concubines. Even with all these women, his mother Bathsheba didn't believe that he had found a virtuous woman.

Many women today, either (1) want to be a stay home wife or (2) want to be a working woman, but usually not "embracing" the role of both, but that's just part of it.

The virtuous woman that the King's mother told him to see if he could find…
(1) Her husband was able to trust her and her decision making (Prov. 31:11)
(many women today condone cheating, or talk about why they can't fully trust a man.)

(2) She was domesticated (Prov. 31:13-16)
(Many women today see being domesticated as being offensive, they would rather be called a B---h than be asked to manage a home.)

(3) She was a business woman by day, She understood business, and how to handle it. Not idle, not lazy… not on welfare. (Prov. 31:16)
(I hear many women complain that if they have to be a mother, they won't be able to do anything. This woman understood that she was her own entrepreneur)

(4) She was compassionate (Prov. 31:20)
In today's society, most women are "every man for himself" and it's hard to find individuals that generally care for another's well being.

(5) She was proud to be called by her husband's name, and her husband was a powerful man because of her. (Prov. 31:23)

(6) She was smart, sweet and wise (Prov. 31:26)

(7) Strength and honor are her clothing…
(The way many women present themselves on the internet, killed that for many of them.)
A man has to be proud to take you somewhere…

(8) Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
(Her husband is proud to say "that's my wife" and the kids are proud to say "that's my mom")

(9) "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
—— She is the best of the best…

10. And last but not least… "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."

She may be beautiful, but it is her love for the Lord that will make her virtuous….

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.