Feb 20, 2013

Man Still Paying Child Support 25 Years After Childs Death

You know, this is sad. 25 years after the child's death and the baby's dad is STILL paying child support. If the child's dead, then who's the money going to? The mother. Going further, I have to wonder while the child was alive, what was the mother doing with the child support money. I hope she wasn't spending the child's money on herself; I hope she was using the money to care for the child at the time (s)he was living. It's common for single mothers to use their child's support money to pamper themselves. It's too much like right for the mother to give back all the money she received. That would mean no more shopping sprees, no more eating out at Red Lobster among other things. I'm very sure she's STILL receiving the support to this day. Why would she give it back? Free money for her to do as she pleases, right? If someone's benefitting off another's mistake, they're not going to acknowledge the error and make amends. No, they're going to continue milking the system. I support men taking care of their children's financial needs, but this is uncalled for; so ridiculous! Like someone said, after it was found out, no one did anything to stop the process and give that man his money back. These women see their child as a check, and nothing more. Few women fight to have an upstanding father in the home with them, raising them properly, while loving and caring for them at the same time. But, MANY of them will fight for them to pay, while ducking and dodging full ownership of the mistakes they've made in choosing to get pregnant quite possibly at the wrong time and by the wrong person(s).

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.