Feb 22, 2013

Black Christians Can Do No Wrong!

This is one of the reasons why atheists have a good argument against Christians. At least an atheist makes it clear that they don't believe in God, whereas some Christians, it's unclear why they believe in God. if you are not living a righteous life, then the word "hypocrite" should not be in your vocabulary. To call someone a hypocrite when you know you are not living up to God's standards makes the namer, not the named, the hypocrite. Only righteous people can rightly use the word hypocrite. Only Jesus called others hypocrites, not even his enemies called him a hypocrite. Never fear being called a hypocrite by the wicked. To set someone on fire is callous, cruel and I bet you that if you would do that to them or attempt, they die from fright. Remember, people who inflict pain cannot take it. Here's where Tommy starts preaching: How can you love GOD WHEN YOU AIN'T FAITHFUL TO HIM BUT EXPECT YOUR BOYFRIEND TO BE FAITHFUL TO YOU! That's malarky to me. Most, if not everything Tommy has stated about black Christians is spot on: Quick to hoop & holler for the Lord, but disrespect someone and cuss them out if they call you on your hypocrisy. You're proving them right! Christians are flawed, YES, but at what point do you (wo)man up and make the proper adjustment(s)? Many Black Christians hide behind "Only God Can Judge Me" or "All have sinned and fallen short of God's glory". It's true, BUT...that doesn't absolve you of simple respect for others and yourself. When you do wrong, don't throw God in the mix and expect to have others co-sign your foolishness.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.