Oct 8, 2012

Superhero Men

Monday Gospel: From Norm J Blunt (Facebook friend): "Men who say we need to heal our women are the ones who hurt them in the first place."
These superhero brothers are something else; always seeing a need to swoop down with their cape to save the day. No man should have to heal ANY woman because 9 times out of 10, she brought the hurt on herself. The Captain Save 'Em Phenomenon needs to cease and desist. Women are not damsels in distress (although they may play that role at times) so they can hold their own. This is a good example of how men try to gain women's favor by coming to her rescue. Women don't play the superhero role for men because men can hold their own. I'm all for stepping in on a woman's behalf if she's being harassed but if she can hold her own most of the time, there's no need for a man to swoop down and save the day. This happens too much in relationships where a man takes on the responsibility of healing a broken woman. I will say that there are instances where a man would be needed but it shouldn't be all the time. If a woman was being harassed, she would look for a guy to help her out, which would be understandable. There is a balance between being needy and independent .And what does it say about you when you have to be saved all the time? Either you are putting yourself in some bad situations or making bad decisions. Yes, we all have issues and can use healing but if you can fix your own problems, what you need help for? Most of the time, you have the solution in your face but are too lazy to do the work. I call it like I see it. Men who play superhero to women ARE trying to gain their favor, period. Otherwise, some of these men wouldn't go to the lengths they do to "fix a woman". It's only ridiculous to some women who expect a man to play this role. Flipping the script, men wouldn't expect, nor would they want a woman to help ease his burden(s) because most men have too much pride to admit they need help. I'm all for adding value to a woman's life but at the same time, she should already know her worth. In a relationship, you should be adding value to your mate's life and if not, why are you with them? Perhaps the person wants to help ease their mate's burden, but that's a very thin line between helping them through their rough time(s) and playing superhero, which would be enabling because you aren't giving them the tools to help themselves while being right at their side.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.