Oct 3, 2012

Keeping It Real vs. Being Rude

Everybody keeps it real or so they say. There is NO gray area between being honest and flat out being rude. Keeping it real is when you don't compromise your core beliefs; you can speak the truth but do it in love. You don't have to tell someone about themselves in order to get your point across because you can check them in such a manner that they realize their own shortcomings and make the necessary adjustment(s). Being rude is having no regards for others feelings as you "tell it like it is". A lot of people who pride themselves on being frank are using honesty as an excuse to be jerks. They feel that telling it like it is involves hurting someone's feelings when that reflects poorly on THEM instead of the other person. Whenever I hear someone who says they keep it real, red flags go up because if you keep it real like you say, you don't have to broadcast your realness. People know you keep it real by the way you conduct yourself. Nothing worse than to proclaim realness and act contrary. People like this have the nerve to get upset when others call them out on their behavior then wanna say "You can't handle a strong personality". Last time I checked, having a strong personality does mean not letting people run over you but at the same time having respect for another's feelings. Some of the strongest people don't broadcast keeping it real, they let their actions speak for them. I respect people who really keep it real and don't use that as a front for being obnoxious. Rude people can exit stage left. It's one thing to keep it real, but it's another to make no apologies for your difficult personality. It's as if one is proud of using the "keeping it real" mantra as a front for being rude. I don't allow toxic people anywhere near me. For me, being real is more about action than words.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.