May 28, 2024

A Proposal From The Devil

 Written by Tanzania Phillips 7 years ago. A very cautionary message that deserves a repost from my FB memories.

A Proposal from the Devil

Idk if you all read my post last month titled the "Hiding Man" where I had a dream I was summoned by the devil to be tempted multiple times. When I turned him down he told me he was going to follow me everywhere and hunt me down. Since then he has been making good on that threat. He's gotten so crafty and yet so desperate that he sent someone who the average desperate damsel in distress would have fallen for. 

This is why I rally so hard for you all to stay sober and vigilant because if you blink too many times or nod off you will miss demonic subtleties and fall into a boobie trap!

Let me tell you this man came into my inbox with the charm of a thousand men. Every hard question I asked him he answered with confidence. I was looking for him to say all the wrong things but he was saying all the right things. He even quoted scriptures better than me, exemplified leadership qualities and could rightly divide the word of truth to the point I imagined him grinding it into oil and pouring it on my head calming all kinds of insecurities and fears I didn't even know I had. No man interested in me had EVER done this to me before. Where I was used to being either beat with the bible or critiqued about my human he did neither. He literally loved on me with the word.

In all of this, I still did not receive a peaceful enough resolve to let all my guards down. One night he asked if we could pray, he prayed first and then I prayed. I could hear that his spirit was rattled by my prayer because I asked God to expose the dark things. I wasn't playing. After that I begin to feel a menacing suffocating presence hovering in my room whenever I was on the phone with him and after we would get off the phone I would feel like my head had been under water and I was holding my breath. I did not like this feeling at all! Every night I would ask God, "What is this! Who is this man? Tell me who is this man because he keeps saying I'm his wife! Something is not adding up! Help me!" I just felt like this man was trying to use all kinds of ways to get my NEW heart to betray me so he could snatch me out of God's hands WITHOUT permission! I begged God to just take me off the market lol because I was starting to get really scared. 

But then I got my courage after taking some serious notes in biblestudy where my apostle talked about the SPIRIT OF THE STRANGE WOMAN or the SPIRIT OF SEDUCTION. He literally described the SCIENCE of what I was encountering. It was NOW adding up! And when I tell y'all it felt like somebody took my 9mm and gave me an Ak47! Ha! Homie must have saw my posted notes and called me IMMEDIATELY. 

I was ready for him. We talked about lighter things and then I haphazardly told him that I was going to be using my new concordance to especially study the scriptures that people have taken out of context like the scripture, "The marraige bed is undefiled." I didn't even know what I was saying but in me doing this the mask would fall off when I asked what his take was on this. 

I do not even remember what he said because he was running around it like I was shooting him with a water gun. I do rememeber him specifically saying, "One can not be in pain or be hurt by their significant other unless they resist." 

My eyebrow raised. What in the homemade hell does that mean? He didn't give me a chance to have him expound on this because he quickly threw the scripture back at me! I told him that scripture in my view is God's way of confirming that it's a pure bed a holy bed. But just like something can be made holy it can be made unholy. If a person went outside and rolled in mud but came into a clean house that house would not be so clean anymore because something would have made it dirty! Some area of that house would be spotted with mud! In some examples of the word defile, a man taking a woman's virginity without consent meant that he defiled her. In the same sense you can take away the innocence and purity of the marraige bed by adding unholy components to it that defiles it! The marraige bed is undefiled until it is made defiled by acts that are permissible but not profitable.

He disagreed by using his experience with his ex wife whom he said he wanted her to engage in anal sex but she would reject him. He told me that he would tell her that she needed to do what she needed to do to keep him home because there are women out here who will let him do it and that her not doing this or only doing this for his birthday, defiled the marriage bed. I was APPALLED! However I took the judges gavel down and was honest. I told him that when I was out in the world I did stuff that was not kosher just to please a man INCLUDING that and I did not like it, it was uncomfortable, and painful. I asked him how would this be fair to your wife? To put her in this position? We went back and forward with this until I had to get off the phone. Later I texted him that it wouldn't be a good idea for us to move forward. He said that I was giving up on him like all the other women who weren't ready to be loved.

The next morning he sent me the picture of this ring and told me that he couldn't believe it was over before it had begun that he was falling in love with me, and that he wanted me to be his wife. Mind you i had only been talking to him for a little over a week! I kind of assumed he was baiting me.

But I still ended up talking to him later that day about my views and he seemed to understand. He changed the subject to seeing if we could see each other wondering if my decision to meet him in a public place outdoors had an alternative just in case it rained. I told him I was working on it. He told me the ALTERNATIVE would be to come to his house. I told him NO! We went back and forward with this until again I was provoked to get off the phone. I prayed one last time for clearance because I'd already recieved my answer, "CLOSE BUT NOT QUITE! END THIS NOW!" 

He texted me the next morning and I told him I had a meeting with God about him. Somehow I could sense he knew what was up. I told him that God told me we could not move forward. He asked if we could be friends. I told him no, deleted and blocked all avenues of contact. Immediately after that suffocating dark presence which I concluded was the spirit of BONDAGE left me. 

I want you all to understand something! The devil know you backwards and forwards. He probably know you more than you know your own self especially if you out here trying to live the straight and narrow! He know the bible too! But there will always be something perverted about his decoys and something unsumbitted in these vessels! If you are completely submitted you are no longer seeking perfection or your own preferences YOU ARE SEEKING FULL DEEP  SUBMISSION! Women especially depending on your call you are seeking someone who has no room for compromise because if he's compromised in anyway YOU'RE compromise because he is called to be your HEAD! Fellas depending on your call you're seeking the same thing because if she is compromised she WILL NOT SUBMIT TO YOU and she will make your life hard as hell for no reason! 

Take heed lest you fall...

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.