Apr 11, 2023

Today’s Message: What Are You Willing To Pay For Peace?

Repost: Britteny Brown (Inspiration Coach)

Disclaimer: She said something here!🔥💯

I have distanced myself from so many people this year that it’s actually sad. I’m not bragging on it but I swear when you get a deeper understanding of who you are, who you wanna be and what you possess inside.. It’s almost impossible to deal with people who can’t see past the surface. I have surrounded myself with people who think ABSOLUTELY nothing like me for too long. I’ll continue to be alone before I let shallow minded people take up my space or time. I swear peace will cost you almost everybody.

All of this. I’m getting a deeper understanding of who I am & where I’m trying to go, so at 42, I can’t afford to be around the wrong people. If folks can’t see past the surface, I don’t want them around me. Maybe that’s why I don’t have many friends, but I’m fine with it because the more I observe folks, the less I want to deal with them because some folks have ways about them that I just can’t deal (some of them probably feel the same way about me).🤷🏾‍♂️Hopefully, peace won’t cost me the right people, but we’ll see.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.