Jan 9, 2023

Monday Thoughts

 For Christians: Would God recognize your voice if you spoke to him with the same frequency as you do your friends, parents, pastor, etc?

As far as I'm concerned, you're wasting your time by trying to waste someone else's.

People are people: They're going to lie, cheat, steal, be mean and nasty, gossip, do whatever they want...Focus on you and let people act stupid.

I put the 3rd thought in bold for emphasis. People get in their feelings (myself included) over why people act as they do, but I'm at the point where people have the right to act like fools, I...I...have the right to swerve on them, meaning let them cut the fool by themselves. If people want to embarrass themselves, go right ahead. Clowns will always do what they do, it's up to you (myself included) not to give them an audience.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.