Jan 31, 2023

Today’s Message: Disengage By Tera Carissa Hodges


I’m a supporter of disengaging from toxic people because it’s not worth it to wait on them to change. Change comes from within. 

Jan 30, 2023

I Don’t Care Until It’s Time To Care

 Repost (Brittney Brown: Life Coach)

We live in a culture where we don’t care until it’s time to care. Your homeboy been trying to get in touch with you for months, your spouse has been telling you what they don’t like that you’re doing and how much it’s bothering them, mama been asking you to stop by the house. Now he lost his job and house then you want to reach out, now that divorce papers are served and you want to change, now she’s told the doctor says she only has 6 months now you want to spend time. I know everyone has a busy life, but you make time for what you care about. Start doing what’s genuine instead of what’s customary.

Kalief Browder

3 Takeaways from Kalief Browder story:

1. New York authorities waited until Venida (Kalief’s mother) died before they finally agreed to $3.3 million settlement to his family.

2. The father is a classic example of a coward: Left the family when things got “too much” for him. He believed the narrative about his son being a criminal. But when money was involved, he was all in.

3. Kalief had more heart than most because how many of us would fight to the death to prove innocence? He did that. 

Jan 29, 2023

They’re Not On My Level: Monica Regina Jones


They're not on my level. How many times has this been said? However, the reality is that God probably didn't call them to be on "your" level. That He elevated you to show others what is possible and for you to be a solutionist. It has nothing to do with your perceived "greatness" in God. Even though Jesus is the Son of God, He walked the face of the Earth to show others the way. He is the ultimate Example of being the Way to the Father. We were not on His level either. Yet He humbled himself, and came to us to direct, teach, and help us to become who we were initially called to be before the foundations of the Earth. Therefore He is our Prototype and who we are to emulate. Let us be mindful of the subtlety of pride. 

Jan 27, 2023

Proverbs 18:24-Misconception

 Morning Chronicles:

One common misconception of the Bible is Proverbs 18:24, where it says if you want friends, show yourself friendly. Aht Aht…No matter how friendly you are to some people, they won’t reciprocate. Christians really need to understand the context behind scriptures instead of taking them at face value. 🤦🏾‍♂️

Jan 26, 2023

Jan 25, 2023


 Repost (Britteny Brown)

🗣You can come back from ANYTHING...You just can’t come back with EVERYBODY

Jan 24, 2023

The Christian Race

As Christians, we’re running the same race. Those who came before us are cheering us on, letting us know we can make it. 

Jan 23, 2023

Today’s Thought: I Have Time To Cheat

If a man is doing what he's supposed to do by providing and protecting, he shouldn't have time or the desire to cheat on his spouse. Some men irk me thinking they have the right to cheat just because they take care of their families. 

Jan 22, 2023

DeSantis BANS New AP African American Studies Class Sparking OUTRAGE | R...

This video sheds light on Ron DeSantis decision to ban AP African American studies in Florida high schools. If people dig deeper, they'll realize that DeSantis isn't opposed to African American studies being taught in schools, he doesn't want the "woke" agenda snuck into the curriculum. I don't co-sign Roland Martin on much, but I largely agree with him on this. History includes exposure.

Watch Carefully For These Signs Of ‘Spiritual Abuse’

Watch Carefully For These Signs Of ‘Spiritual Abuse’: Proverbs 18:14 urges us to pay attention to our spirits. “The human spirit can endure a long illness, but who can survive a crushed spirit?” But what happens when our spirits get crushed in church or when we are practicing our faith?

This is a VERY important article because spiritual abuse is rampant in Christianity. Depending on how mature a Christian is in their walk, some believers are seasoned enough NOT to let flawed believers deter their walk with Him. What about baby Christians? What happens when their spirits are crushed in church or while practicing their faith? Well...many of them go back into the world because they aren't strong enough to withstand spiritual abuse. Let's be clear: I DO NOT & WILL NEVER CONDONE SPIRITUAL ABUSE. God will deal more harshly with spiritual abusers because they are misleading the masses by watering down God's Word to fill seats. I feel for those who left church because of church hurt, and pray they recover. Now, you'll get the cliche statement from mature believers: Church is for imperfect people (believers included), but that's a copout. That sounds like an excuse for spiritual abuse; hurt people are supposed to overlook offenses against them by so-called church folks. That disrespectful mindset is the reason why many people are turned off by Christianity, because if we're honest, some church people act no different than unsaved people. Folks aren't ready for THAT conversation. Spiritual abuse is foul, and needs to be exposed.

Jan 19, 2023

Hanging With Folks Who Don’t Like You & Vice Versa

 Repost (John King Johnson)

Y'all be hanging with people you don't like. Who also don't like you. That's some weird shit.

I will never be desperate for approval to where I hang with those I don’t like & don’t like me. What’s wrong with humans today?🤦‍♂️

Jan 18, 2023

Don’t Tell Everybody Your Dream

If you’re familiar with the Bible, then you’ve learned about Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers. His first mistake was telling his brothers his dream because they were upset that God didn’t give them the dream. Moral of the story: You can’t share your dream with everyone because of the hate that comes with it. If you have a dream, execute it in silence. Your result will speak for itself. 

Jan 17, 2023

Throwback Tuesday: Following God

Keep It Real Statement Of The Day:

Some Christians need to stop lying to unsaved people by saying coming to Christ is the best decision they will ever make because that's false. The truth is that once an unsaved person comes to Christ, they have a target on their back by Satan. At times, you'll go through more crap than you did before you got saved. You'll ask yourself "Why did I choose to follow God if I'm facing more fiery storms than I did when I was out there in the world? I would've never came to Jesus if I knew I had a target on my head." Nobody's that high holy & sanctified to where they didn't/don't question God. Then you have Christians who used to follow God, but turned their back on Him because they see no benefit in serving God, or they got tired of "suffering" so they abandon God. If I'm leading someone to Christ, I'm going to keep it real with them and say this walk isn't easy. Battles will choose you that you didn't ask for, and you'll question God & say, "Why?" If you can tolerate fiery trials, choose God and know he has your back, but if not, this life is not for you. I truly believe the reasons above are why some people choose not to come to Christ or they abandon Him, because who wants to suffer through no fault of their own in order to identify with Christ🤷 

Jan 16, 2023


Sometimes you need to get alone & meditate. Why? Meditation gives clarity on what route you need to take for personal success. I’m beginning a new chapter that will require more meditation than before, and I’m ready. Time out for distractions because my next move will yield the desired result. Will the road be easy? No, but I’m willing to do the work to get the results I want. 

Jan 15, 2023

Sunday Messages

 You can't dance with the devil and praise God with the same tongue.

God is the last thing on people's minds when they're blessed, but the first thing on their minds when they're praying for a miracle.

People don't need a reason to believe something someone else told them. You can know someone your whole life, but you can't control who they choose to let get in their head.

Jan 14, 2023

Rae Carruth: Go To Hell Pt. 2

18 years ago, Rae Carruth walked. He was charged with the murder of his pregnant girlfriend & the attempted murder of his unborn son Chance. Chance has to live with cerebral palsy because of his father (if you can call him that). Unless the definition of father has changed, a REAL father wouldn't attempt to kill his unborn child because he didn't want to man up & take care of the baby. No, he would get the bag by any means necessary (within reason) because he has a child/children to look after. When I read about Rae's release, I was PISSED because he didn't deserve a light sentence. He should've gotten life with no parole, or the death penalty. Upon release, this fool wants custody of his son. Mind you, he attempted to kill his unborn child so why should he get custody? That SSI disability check is looking good to him. Personally, I wouldn't let Rae Carruth or ANY of his loved ones near Chance. He could want to see him to finish what he started. This is one instance where I support single mothers not letting the child's father near her son/daughter. If you're so cold to kill your OWN unborn child, there's no telling what someone is capable of. The young man graduated high school, but the damage caused by Rae Carruth is done. I wonder how Chance is doing right now. Even if Rae did see his son, what would he have to say for himself? How would he face the same person he tried to kill?

Jan 13, 2023

Rae Carruth: Go To Hell

Rae Carruth can burn in hell. The child he attempted to kill 18 years ago is living with cerebral palsy because of him. Yet he’s out of jail, and wants custody of his son. 🤦🏾‍♂️

I can’t get that story out of my mind, because his actions caused his son to be special needs (permanent brain damage). How can you forgive THAT? I don’t care how much people ask for forgiveness, it doesn’t undo the damage. Last I checked, Chance (the son’s name) graduated high school, so I hope he’s still doing well.

Jan 12, 2023

Today’s Message

When someone does you wrong, expect no apology from them. Most times, they'll apologize just to shut you up. 

Jan 11, 2023

Power Over Someone

You can tell how much power you have over someone when they go out of their way to make your life miserable. 

Jan 10, 2023

When A Parent Passes…Peace?

Repost (Nora Simpson)

I recently qualified at a meeting and talked about the grieving process around my mother. I talked about accepting that, once she died, the opportunity was to accept the shape of my relationship with her from beginning to end. To accept that I spent 39 years wishing and hoping and pining to be close to her. And that I was never close to her. I never felt safe with her. Her trauma burden was too great. 

She was brilliant and funny and charming and seductive. But she struggled under the immense burden of her trauma for her entire life. And I was born a trigger for her. So when she died, I was sad about how relieved I was to be free of my constant fear of her compulsion to hurt me and destroy the things that mattered most to me in my hard-earned adult life. 

Relief was and continues to be my strongest response to her death. And for me, to have a mother who is safer dead than alive--that is a great tragedy. And yet, it has also shaped me in important ways. It has forced me to take a journey of learning compassion for myself, for her, for others. It has catalyzed me to see mothers and fathers who struggle as people in need of more support from other adults. (And I believe there is a heartbreaking lack of functional adult support for parents in our society)

It has given me an identification with the fears and mysteries of childhood. It has prompted me to tell my children and other people's children: do you know that there is nothing you could say or do that would make me stop loving you? Do you know that there is nothing you could tell me that  would make me stop thinking good things about your father? about your mother?

About a year ago, I found out that a young child in my circle was sharing with a trusted adult that his mother was hitting him. His mother was my friend. I knew she had a lot of good in her--like so much good. After many days of meditating and anxiety, I sat her down and asked her about it. She admitted it and she cried. I told her that if she feels driven to hit him or to yell at him, it's because she's not getting enough love and support from other adults--it's not because of anything he did. He's a kid. Kids do totally inane stuff all the time. 

And then I told her that I loved her. And I told her that I wanted her to call me anytime she was feeling raw or sad or angry. I told her that I wanted her to call me anytime she needed help. That if I were with the kids, I would bundle them up and come over to help. That if I were alone, I'd grab the laptop and be there in a flash. I told her if she needed to run away from home, she could run away to my home.

And then she cried and told me that her mother died when she was very young and that she has been trying to learn about good parenting ... but it's so hard and it's so hard to know the right thing to do.

And I held her. And we practiced things she could do and say instead of hitting. And then I held her some more.

No child wants to be separated from a parent they love. This kid loves his mom so much. And you know what, that mom doesn't hit her kid anymore. And we still talk a lot. And she's a beautiful soul--searching for her own path. Just like all of us. Just like all of us.

I wish someone could have given that to my mother. But my mother's book has been written. Her last chapter has closed.

But my chapters are still unfolding. I get to be the mother I never had to my children. I have plenty of flaws but I'm pretty sure they feel safe with me. And when I mess up, I apologize and I don't justify or accuse. I just accept my humanity and treasure their courage. I get to be the adult support to other parents that my mother never had. I get to love and support other children in ways I was not supported as a child. 

I used to wish for a different life. I used to long for a different reality--a different past, a different history. I don't anymore. I don't know if my life is better or worse than anyone else's. But I can honestly say I love myself and I appreciate my path today. And my path feels good and right for me. I don't have to compare it to anyone else's path. I can simply put one foot in front of the other and appreciate the grass beneath my feet, the stars in the sky, the smell of the cool night air, the miracles of meaning and closeness that come when they come -- in their own time, in God's time, not mine.

 And I can treasure being alive and learning on the journey -- whatever I'm meant to learn today. Just for today. Just for one day. Just for this day. I accept and I breathe. 

This was powerful. I pray this lady found healing through this post. So many people can relate to this, which is sad because everyone should be blessed with good parents, but unfortunately that’s not the case. Parents aren’t given a syllabus with textbook on how to raise kids; they do the best they can & hope their kid(s) turn out good. Some adults who had bad parents break that curse by raising their child(ren) better than they were raised.

Jan 9, 2023

Monday Thoughts

 For Christians: Would God recognize your voice if you spoke to him with the same frequency as you do your friends, parents, pastor, etc?

As far as I'm concerned, you're wasting your time by trying to waste someone else's.

People are people: They're going to lie, cheat, steal, be mean and nasty, gossip, do whatever they want...Focus on you and let people act stupid.

I put the 3rd thought in bold for emphasis. People get in their feelings (myself included) over why people act as they do, but I'm at the point where people have the right to act like fools, I...I...have the right to swerve on them, meaning let them cut the fool by themselves. If people want to embarrass themselves, go right ahead. Clowns will always do what they do, it's up to you (myself included) not to give them an audience.

Jan 8, 2023

Sunday Message: Discernment


The above response says it all. If people claim to have all this discernment, they would recognize when they're being played. Discernment is strategic & accurate; those who have discernment don't need to announce it to others. It shows in how accurate they judge situations, people, etc.

Jan 7, 2023

Introverted vs. Extroverted

In an extroverted world, it takes more heart to be introverted regardless of whether people think you’re antisocial. While everyone’s trying to be popular, there’s the person who’s not trying to fit in. You hear the shade: They’re antisocial, they’re better than us, etc. I’ve heard it all as an introvert, and I STILL pay them dust because I have nothing to prove to anyone. Truth be told, I’m not trying to get to know anyone. Somebody has to be really amazing for introverts to put themselves out there, and not many people make the cut. As long as I have a few SOLID people in my life, that’s all I or anyone should need.

Jan 6, 2023

Switching Up

I switch up frequently; you're supposed to if you realize not everyone is for you. People aren't the same, so there's no harm in moving accordingly. Personally, I think folks are crazy to be locked in with those who aren't for you.

Jan 5, 2023

Social Media Drama

Repost: Paulette Marie

Am I the only one who is thoroughly entertained when a couple gets mad at each other and bring their dysfunction and pettiness to social media? 

He let everybody know her coochie stank and she tell everybody he has shit stains in his drawls. Then two days later they’re back together posting pictures with the caption…”It’s us against the world”



🤦‍♂️💀😂Listen…some things should NOT be shared. People are wild for airing their business. If my spouse and I are warring, we’ll cut the fool with each other and make up.

Jan 4, 2023

Law Of Attraction

Retweeted Law of Attraction (@TheLOAWorld):

Do not chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay. 

Jan 3, 2023

What The Bible Reveals About Racial Injustice Against Black People

What The Bible Reveals About Racial Injustice Against Black People: Rev. Lenny Duncan says, "Jesus is Trayvon Martin, armed only with a bag of Skittles and an iced tea against an entire world that would rather hang him from a tree than love him. Until we see this, we are lost." But what does the Bible actually say about racial injustice?

Black Christians are taught to “love your enemies, pray for those who spitefully use you” & so on. There’s coming a time when blacks will get tired of racial injustice and decide to handle it themselves. I’ll be honest: I live for it because people can only take so much before they start fighting back. I pray I’m around to see blacks get payback for everything they’ve went through. There’s a reason blacks are rejecting Christianity, because if God can allow suffering at the hands of evil people, why would or should blacks follow Christ?

Jan 2, 2023

Creator Of Term ‘Critical Race Theory’ Kimberlé Crenshaw Explains What I...

Critical Race Theory is one topic that has people BIG MAD, and rightfully so. The only people upset about CRT are racist fools. They don't want their children finding out about the horrors of their parents & great grandparents. Well...they were proud of the racial terror they inflicted, so let white children learn about the shameful acts their great grandparents did. Racists have gotten away with too much for too long, and it's high time they're exposed. The main folks upset over CRT, don't know what it is, so let me explain: Critical Race Theory DOES NOT TEACH OTHERS HOW TO BE RACIST, Critical Race Theory TEACHES OTHERS HOW TO UNDERSTAND HOW RACISM DEVELOPED AND WHY IT STILL EXISTS. America has A LOT to atone for, and until we confront this nation's ugly racist past, we'll continue going around the same circle. Truthfully, we haven't come far as a nation because we're still dealing with systemic racism. Here's some real talk for folks: Black people supported segregation; they wanted to be left alone, but racist white mobs weren't having that, so they terrorized black communities. Look what happened to Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Rosewood in north-central Florida, and many other prosperous black communities around this nation.

Jan 1, 2023

Jeremiah 1:5

If God already knew us before creation, then he knows everything we will go through (good or bad) to get us where he wants us. 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.