Nov 2, 2022

Anything For A Friend

It's sad to see people do anything for friendship. These people are so scared to be alone that they will sell their character and values just to be approved by others. I promise it's never been that deep for me. I don't fit in & never will. I never wanted to. It takes more heart to ride solo than to be a mini-me. I don't consider everyone a friend because I don't use that term loosely. For me, a friend is someone that I've known since childhood, someone that's got my back & vice versa, we keep it real with each other, and so on.
It is pathetic. Who raised these grown folks to follow the leader? When I was a kid, and I wanted to do what everyone else was doing, all my parents had to ask me was this question: If everybody jumped off a building, would you? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm glad I was raised to think for self, because the majority can be wrong.
Another bomb comment from one of my FB friends. She nailed it: Humans are way too fake & phony, so it's best to deal with them accordingly.


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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.