Nov 30, 2022

What Is Toxic?


 What do yall call “toxic”?? because I really think y'all just use it so loosely and throw it at any situation. Just because you argue with someone and it gets heated, and yall make up is not toxic!!!” 

Agreed. If you’re locked in with folks, y’all will fall out from time to time, but as long as y’all make up, that’s cool. My definition of toxic is ongoing drama with someone. If y’all are constantly battling, one or both of you is the problem. At that point, both need to part ways.

Nov 29, 2022


 As a believer, there's nothing wrong with asking Christians to agree with you in prayer, but the last time I checked, God gave every believer a mouth so what's stopping you from going to God for yourself? I understand the verse that says "When two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst", but some Christians are too lazy to go to God for themselves and instead take the easy way out and ask other believers to pray with them. I seldom ask fellow believers to agree with me in prayer because I figure, I can go directly to God for myself.

Nov 28, 2022

Nov 27, 2022

Sunday Message

If anyone has a problem with you being blessed, have them take it up with Jesus.

No child of God should have to dumb down their blessing(s) because some people will accuse him/her of being prideful. 

Nov 26, 2022

Power vs. Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding

 Power vs. Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding? I'd rather have Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding because power is a by-product of the 3. You can have power, but if you don't have the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to use it effectively, then you're nothing more than a tyrant because you'll run amok with no one to reel you in.

Nov 25, 2022

Men: Can I Lead?

 A man shouldn't have to ask for permission to lead. When I hear some men asking women to let them lead, I side eye them.

Nov 24, 2022

Unnoticed To In Charge: Joel Osteen

Repost: Joel Osteen 

People may not recognize you yet: your boss doesn’t give you credit, relatives discount you and think you don’t have much to offer. You may be overlooked now, but the time is coming when you’re going to be noticed. People are going to recognize your value, your gifts, your talents. God is going to cause you to stand out. You’re going to go from being unnoticed to being in charge, from being not recognized to being the favorite. You couldn’t have made it happen on your own. That’s the blessing on your life.

Nov 23, 2022

Do We Really Want To STOP Racism? 2 STRONG

Anyone with sense wishes for a racist-free society, but because some people are taught to hate, racism will continue. 

Nov 22, 2022

TV Black Fathers: Chill vs. No-Nonsense

I came up on Good Times, Cosby Show, Fresh Prince & Family Matters, and each black father was not the same. If you did wrong, you could get by with Carl Winslow, Cliff Huxtable & Uncle Phil, but James Evans wasn't having it. James was quick to reach for his belt like he had a gun anytime his kids got beside themselves. I believe James' old-school discipline kept his kids out of trouble because they knew what James would do to them if he found out that Michael & J.J. were cutting up. When the Warlords tried recruiting J.J. for warfare, James wasn't having it, especially since one member was disrespectful to his wife. Carl, Cliff & Uncle Phil were good in their own right, but they let their kids get by with too much foolishness. As soon as James was killed off, Good Times was NEVER the same because John Amos wasn't with J.J.'s antics. John Amos aka James Evans reminds me a lot of my dad; knew when to be tough and loving, but was a disciplinarian.


Nov 21, 2022

Monday Thought

 It amazes me that people are quick to believe accusations without considering that the person could be lying. Not everyone tells the truth, some do, but not all.

Nov 20, 2022

Sunday Message: What Being A Provider Entails

Sunday Gospel: At times, it's impossible to balance family and work due to conflicting demands. Either your family will demand more of your time or your job will; you cannot have it both ways. One is bound to suffer. If you put your family first, your job will suffer and vice versa. The key is finding a supportive spouse that understands your rationale for putting in extra hours on the job so you can make sure they're straight. A man's job is to provide for his family and part of provision means you have to take advantage of overtime opportunities or extra income opportunities. After all, he's doing it for the family. Women need to stop running guilt trips on their man because if the money wasn't coming in, she would be upset about that but when the money coming in, she doesn't say anything (by right she shouldn't). At least he has a job because most men don't work. If a man works too much, his woman gets pissed and wants him home more; If he's not making enough, she wants him to step his finance game up. Damned if you do and don't with some women. Did it ever occur to some women that the reason why their man may spend more time at work than with her is because she NAGS too much? *Crickets* No man wants to come home to a motormouth. I said all that to say this: You can't always balance work & family because one is bound to suffer. That Part. 

Nov 19, 2022

Blessed By God vs. Blessed By Satan

Satan's "blessings" come at a cost. When God blesses, there's no strings attached. 


Nov 18, 2022

Friday Thought

Some folks are so thirsty for friendships, they'll befriend anyone even if it's not in their best interest. 

Nov 17, 2022

Hard Truth

Repost (Shun Dennis Strickland)

Hard truth:

Sometimes families stop gathering because once Big Mama is gone there is no reason to put up with the toxic behavior that went on for generations. 

Ya'll were never close, you just all loved her. 

Blood doesn't make us family, just related. 

Post of the year. The younger generation sees the 💩 the older generation put up with for the sake of family, and wants no part of that.🤷🏾‍♂️Family is important, but not important enough for constant drama. There comes a time in one’s life where you must remove yourself from toxic environments. Another reason is that many of the elders in the family have passed, and family reunions just aren’t the same without Big Mama, Grandaddy, etc.

Nov 16, 2022

Shanquella Robinson

 I send my condolences to Shanquella Robinson’s family; their loved one died at the hands of her frenemies. The death of Shanquella Robinson by her so-called “friends” should serve as a wake-up call to watch those you’re cool with. Some people will continue kekeing with everybody who shows them love.🤷🏾‍♂️I see why some people stay to themselves because you don’t know who’s legit anymore. Some people get close to you and pull mess like this, so it’s almost not worth it to befriend people.

Nov 15, 2022

Today’s Thought

I appreciate a concerned woman just like every man does, but some women should understand one thing: If she asks her man what's on his mind and he doesn't tell her, it means 2 things: 1. He doesn't want her to know, and 2. He could be going through something major and doesn't want to burden her. Men are solvers by nature, and sometimes men aren't going to tell their woman what's wrong because he's focused on fixing the problem. 

Nov 14, 2022

Greater Faith

God will give you the desires of your heart. He put those desires there for us to submit to Him, that we’d trust Him to fulfill it. Wait on what’s yours. #greaterfaith 

Nov 13, 2022

Today Message: Choose Who You Help

 Repost (Tasha Renee)

It's funny how people will try to condemn you for not helping others. They'll accuse you of "blocking your blessings". Okay, so why aren't YOU helping those people? "NO" isn't just a 2-letter word, but a whole sentence. Some people have to have enough discernment and realize when they're being taken advantage of. I am NOT that person that's gonna offer to help everybody who asks me for it because I can't help a person who's not willing to help themselves.

All of this. My version of helping someone is giving them a blueprint, and watching them put the work in themselves. For me, I’ll figure it out myself before I ask anyone for help, because a lot of people will throw up in your face what they did & do for you.

Nov 12, 2022

Trump/DeSantis Political Beef

At first, former President Donald Trump was singing Ron DeSantis’ praises, now Trump is jealous of DeSantis’ popularity in the GOP. I’m not surprised that Trump is jealous of Ron DeSantis’ popularity in the GOP. Trump knows that DeSantis is his biggest challenger for the 2024 presidential race. 

Nov 11, 2022

"Who do You Love ?"/Queen B

This podcast shed light on a disturbing trend in society: People rejecting Christ's teachings. This has been going on for a while, so no one should be surprised. The Bible speaks about those rejecting Christ & becoming lovers of themselves. Listen as Queen B goes into depth as to why this is happening, and what Christians can do about it.

This Or That: 10K A Month Or 100K A Month

This question is about priorities: Would you rather work for your money or get free money to do nothing? I can live good off 10K monthly. I like working, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn't entertain 10k monthly doing nothing. For me, 10k monthly translates to 120k annually, which is enough to live on. I can pay off my mom's car & mine, continue renovating my home, take care of my oldest nieces' college education, etc. Greedy people couldn't live off 10k a month because they have expensive taste. 10k a month would allow more of a life: I go to the gym early morning, then come home and spend time with my dogs. I refuse to work 12 hours a day even if I made more. I wouldn't have much time for anything because I would be working.

Nov 9, 2022

Today’s Thought: Let Them Go

Repost (Herbert J. McClain)

Sometimes you block your blessings by allowing people to be in your life that should have been gone a long time ago.  

This is a word…I want all God’s blessings so the wrong people have to go. No hard feelings, but I must be obedient.

Nov 8, 2022

Politics: Behind The Scenes

In politics, what goes on behind the scenes carries more weight than what happens in the spotlight. Look at today’s political climate…everything the media reports has taken place behind the scenes, but most people won’t know unless they do their homework.

Nov 7, 2022

Today's Message: Doing You By Janelle McLeod

I've been on this vibe for a while, and I'm enjoying it because my name isn't in mess. All I do is go to the gym 4x a week, work my full-time job, spend time with my dogs, prayer and meditation, plus daily blogs. I'm good with that life because it's peaceful. Not many people can say they live a peaceful life.


Nov 6, 2022


 I salute everyone getting up daily and doing something positive. It doesn’t matter if you go to school or work, it’s better than doing what most people do…NOTHING

Nov 5, 2022

Saturday Gospel

When you're leveling up, your circle will change. The same people you ran with a while ago, you can't run with them now (in most cases) because some of them may not understand your growth. If they're your real Day 1's, they'll support you and level up themselves because they see you getting it.

Nov 4, 2022

Friday Sermon

Repost from Dana Kirksey (FB friend)

Today’s friend can be tomorrow’s enemy........🗣Stop ✋🏾telling ya fucking business! 🙄

Facts. As shady as people are, it’s not worth it. Even if you and someone are on good terms, still keep folks on a need to know basis regarding your personal life.

Nov 3, 2022

Today's Message: Love Yourself First, Then Love Someone Else

 Why are some people scared to be alone? They choose wrong & get hurt, so they label all (wo)men as no good. That comes from not loving oneself enough to accept that you may never find a (wo)man. I get that humans were made for relationships (to an extent), but it's never been that serious for me to get involved with the wrong people. I'm happy for everyone who has found the right person to do life with, but for those who are desperate to be with someone, don't claim the wrong person and wonder why you end up in your feelings playing sad songs. The best way to find yourself is by yourself. When you're comfortable with self, you can be comfortable with someone else.

Nov 2, 2022

Anything For A Friend

It's sad to see people do anything for friendship. These people are so scared to be alone that they will sell their character and values just to be approved by others. I promise it's never been that deep for me. I don't fit in & never will. I never wanted to. It takes more heart to ride solo than to be a mini-me. I don't consider everyone a friend because I don't use that term loosely. For me, a friend is someone that I've known since childhood, someone that's got my back & vice versa, we keep it real with each other, and so on.
It is pathetic. Who raised these grown folks to follow the leader? When I was a kid, and I wanted to do what everyone else was doing, all my parents had to ask me was this question: If everybody jumped off a building, would you? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm glad I was raised to think for self, because the majority can be wrong.
Another bomb comment from one of my FB friends. She nailed it: Humans are way too fake & phony, so it's best to deal with them accordingly.


Nov 1, 2022

Move In Silence

Date, love, Be happy, live, make money, take losses & Rebuild yourself in private.💯 

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.