Oct 10, 2022

Straight Talk: Silencing Of The Lamb

Straight Talk: Silencing Of The Lamb 

"There's a problem with the way we teach Christianity these days. Instead of letting our lights shine, we are taught to shut up and not say anything - to be quiet and not offend anyone. We are called to be the light in the world. When our light is turned off it's victory for darkness, it's a victory for ignorance.

Christians have a duty to be heard. Our primary purpose is not just to be seen by the world, but also to be heard. We cannot live in the shadows of this world. And so we're done being silent. We are called to be a voice for those who cannot speak, to be a light to those living in darkness. We are not meant to sit idly by while the world is burning around us and go on as though nothing is wrong. There are many in this world who are afraid to speak up. We must not be afraid to stand up for what is right.

Let's turn up the volume and start standing up to be heard out together."

This discussion is calling out Christians for staying silent in the face of sin. The world can push their agenda, but God's people can't push theirs? Makes no sense, but a new day is coming (or has arrived) where Christians are roaring loud; they're tired of the enemy having his way in society. Based on what I've seen; Christianity has been watered down since the 2000s. Old-school minister RW Schambach said it best: The world has become like the church, and the church like the world. You can’t tell them apart. When some believers don’t speak out against sin, they’re supporting it. Too many Christians wanna go along to get along. Some Christians need to make a decision: Stand for Christ & be hated, or co-sign the world & be popular.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.