Jan 31, 2022

Monday Encouragement

All my believers (myself included) could use this encouragement:


Women Have No Place In Ministry? Hogwash


Do men bother researching before they bark about how women shouldn't be in ministry? Obviously not, because they would know that women were always used to further God's kingdom: Mary, who was the mother of Jesus, Eve: first woman created by God, Sarah: Mother of the Jewish Nation, Rebekah: Intervening wife of Isaac, Rachel: Jacob's wife & Joseph's mother, etc. Women were the reason for a lot of men's success, back then & now. Acts 10:34 (paraphrase)-God is not partial to one group of people over another. In other words, it doesn't matter if someone's a man or woman, if they allow God to use them, he will.

Jan 30, 2022

Today's Thought: Believe What You Wish

Honestly, let them believe what they wish. If you know who & what you are, let them look stupid. If someone's stupid enough to believe the bad about a person, those are people you shouldn't want around you, let alone in your life. Get to know people for yourself instead of going off of hearsay. Granted, some people's track record speaks for itself as to how foul they are, but if someone's been cool with you, believe the good about them, but keep your eyes open because people change.


Jan 29, 2022



Jan 28, 2022

They're Not Ready For This Conversation

This clip is where the phrase "They're Not Ready For This Conversation" comes from. All I'll say is that truth can be painful.

 White America Won't Touch This

Jan 27, 2022

Be Glad You We’re Excluded

 Repost from Tera Carissa Hodges:

“You’re about to be GLAD you were excluded...”

I follow this woman’s page and she brings that 🔥. Sometimes, people don’t understand why they were excluded, but understand that exclusion can be a blessing. Inclusion isn’t everything, and once I learned that, life has been good. Most times, I had no interest in being included, so was it really a loss? I get it, we all want to be included, but if the inclusion comes at a cost, it’s not worth it.

Jan 25, 2022

What's Love Got To Do With It?



A couple of years ago, I awoke on my birthday to find my husband had not come home. This had become a regular occurrence; the sun would beat him home from the night before and I would endure his lies about where he had been. This day his actions were especially heinous, and I felt the pain in my soul. 

A couple of nights later, he refuses to come home after work yet again. I reached out to God in my misery through prayer and was immediately greeted by an uncomfortable feeling. Something was wrong. My husband would not come home alive. I jumped in my car and drove to his favorite bar. I found him in the crowd and asked him to follow me outside. 

I’ve never seen him look so angry before. Outside of the pub, I begged him to get in the car and come home. He refused and began to berate me. He didn’t love me, didn’t want to be with me, I was pathetic, and no one liked me. 

I stood my ground and asked him to come with me. 

He continued, saying some of the cruelest things I’ve ever heard. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I wouldn’t be moved. He had to come now. I just knew it. 

Eventually, he gave in. We drove home in silence. As I pulled into our driveway, I felt overwhelmed by a spirit of joy and peace. I cried and smiled; I told him that I was happy he came home. He went to bed angry and went out again the next night. I left him alone. 

I cannot prove it, but I know what I did saved his life. I thank God for His mercy on my husband, even though his infidelities continued. That man has only brought me pain ever since, but my daughters still have a father, and his soul can still be saved. 

Love endures all things. It bears all things. It does not fail. Love sent Christ to the cross, in fact Love itself was nailed to the cross. It is sacrifice, it is long suffering, it leaves nail marks in your hands.

It is Love that wouldn’t wish my cancer upon him; it is Love that still wants my husband whole, healthy, and redeemed while I live my every day in solitude and pain. It is because of Love that I cannot be made to feel foolish for my years of forgiveness, even though I never felt loved or appreciated in return. 

It is the example of Christ. 

I speak to my husband every day, applauding his successes at work. I pray for him earnestly. I helped repair his relationship with our daughters. I ask if he has food in his apartment and often remind him that he still has my friendship. I desire his happiness and peace. I’d gladly give my life for him. 

This was not always so. I’ve fought for my spiritual growth through tears every single cancerous day of the last year of my life. This maturity is the result of God’s mercy as He preserves my life, and the suffering that I now recognize is my reasonable service. May He receive all glory. 

I am just grateful that I know Love. “For he that does not know love does not know God; for God is love” (1 John 4:8)." Tamarah Davis 

What Sayeth thou.." 

Is this love or stupidity? From a Biblical standpoint, she's showing the love of Christ because how many times do we abuse God and he loves us unconditionally? Too many. If God was human like us, he would've done away with us long ago because he wouldn't put up with our mess, and he shouldn't. She's better than me because the first sign of disrespect & abuse (verbal or physical), she's gone. My peace is far more important than loving a scoundrel. Let's tell it like it is: This man is a dog. First, he's setting a bad example for his daughters on how a man should treat them. A daughter's view of men comes from how her father treats their mother, and unless the daughters demand better, they may run into men that won't value them. Second, the Bible states that God allows for divorce in adultery & abuse. Think about it, why would God allow one of his precious daughters to endure adultery & abuse? He wouldn't, but don't let some of these self-righteous Christians tell you that. They're quick to say love endures all, which is true from a Biblical standpoint, but this is clear-cut infidelity. He wouldn't throw water on her if she was on fire. She may be trying to lead him to Christ, who knows?

This situation is certainly harmful, not prosperous and I have no idea what kind of hope and future there could be. Please know, if this is God's plan for their lives and he's going to turn that man's heart around and this will be a powerful testimony, so be it. I just hope it doesn't make Christians go around thinking abuse is acceptable because they're showing Christ's love. This is how the church gets messed up. She extended grace & mercy, but I think she's crazy for staying because who knows what & who he was doing. Staying in a bad marriage doesn't make anyone holy, all it does it cause resentment & bitterness because by the time a person decides to leave, they're too jaded to accept true love from someone who will do right by them.

Jan 24, 2022

Thought For Today: Fake Growth In Churches

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but Pastors: Your church is not growing if the members are coming from other churches. Folks are quick to label a church as growing when 80-90% of the members are from another church. That’s called growth transfer: Members from one church transfer to another.

Jan 22, 2022

Family Defends Criminal Loved One: He Didn't Do Nothing

Family Sticks Up For Their Criminal Loved One 

Let me get this straight...this young man robbed Family Dollar and a Good Samaritan fired back, sending him to the hospital AND....the suspect was still charged with robbery. This criminal better be glad he's not dead, and good job to the Samaritan for saving lives in the midst of the robbery. This is why criminals need to be careful who they target because they don't know who else is armed; then again...expecting criminals to have logic is far-fetched. What bothers me is the family defending the loved one's crime. In other words, the family felt the Good Samaritan shouldn't have been armed even though he saved lives during the robbery. The family felt he should've had free reign to terrorize innocents during the robbery. The robber's family should've raised him better, and maybe he wouldn't felt the need to rob Family Dollar. Either way, the robber escaped with his life. You can't do wrong and expect some people to stand by & do nothing. There are people who believe in protecting others.

Jan 21, 2022

Student Debt Crisis

Ever notice that Republicans always take issue with any relief that can change lives? It's no secret that tens of millions of Americans owe a collective $1/7 trillion in student loan debt. Of that amount, millions of borrowers already had student debt forgiven through targeted relief, and I'm happy for them. In my mind, student loans are nothing more than punishment for students who want to better themselves. Student loan companies charge ridiculous interest rates, and all Virginia Foxx can say is "The student loan payment pause is troubling." No...she's upset at the loss of revenue from loan repayment. She didn't say anything when folks were repaying their student loans because the money was flowing, but as soon as people started struggling and Biden extended the student loan pause, that's when she & other Republicans were in their feelings. It's all about money with her & many other Republicans. So what revenue will be lost from loan repayments? Loan companies can stand to lose revenue since they charge ridiculous interest rates. I'll take it further and say: I don't care about loan companies losing revenue from student loan repayment; I care about those struggling to repay their student debt through no fault of their own. Then again, this is the same party that used the filibuster to block voting rights legislation.

Jan 20, 2022

Watch Your Kids Around Other Kids

Facts. Kids will learn more from their peers than parents. Parents shouldn't want their children around other kids if those kids are a negative influence. 

Jan 19, 2022

Black Fathers: What Are You Doing?

I had to repost. Good question. A lot of it has to do with the environment. If all an inner city black kid sees is gangs, then they could be drawn to gang culture even if there’s two parents in the home. Your mind has to be right to survive the ghetto because there’s too many pitfalls that come with ghetto life. On the flip side, if a kid is involved in sports & academics & knows what they want out of life, then being in the streets won’t cross their mind.


Jan 18, 2022

Don’t Abandon Your Pet


“ Pets, it turns out, also have last wishes before they die, but only known by veterinarians who put old and sick animals to sleep. Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what was the most difficult part of his job. 

The specialist answered without hesitation that it was the hardest for him to see how old or sick animals look for their owners with the eyes of their owners before going to sleep. The fact is that 90 % of owners don't want to be in a room with a dying animal. People leave so that they don't see their pet leave. But they don't realize that it's in these last moments of life that their pet needs them most. 

Veterinarians ask the owners to be close to the animals until the very end. ′′It's inevitable that they die before you. Don't forget that you were the center of their life. Maybe they were just a part of you. But they are also your family. No matter how hard it is, don't leave them. 

Dont let them die in a room with a stranger in a place they dont like. It is very painful for veterinarians to see how pets cannot find their owner during the last minutes of their life. They dont understand why the owner left them. After all, they needed their owner’s consolation. 

Veterinarians do everything possible to ensure that animals are not so scared, but they are completely strangers to them. Don't be a coward because it's too painful for you. Think about the pet. Endure this pain for the sake of their sake. Be with them until the end.”

- Tricia Mo’orea

This hit me harder than anything life has thrown my way. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a pet, but I realize that day will come, so for me; I’m building memories that will last a lifetime. I can’t imagine leaving my pet in their final moment. Yes, it may be hard to watch then leave, but I’ll remember the good times with my dog: The walks, front yard play outside, the trips to the park, car rides, etc. My pet was there for me, it’s my turn to be there for them, even if it’s their last moment on earth.

Jan 17, 2022

Christians' One-Sided Stance On Abortion

I get it, Christians are to protect the sanctity of life; and abortion goes against that. Unlike many Christians, I can see both sides of the abortion debate: While life is precious, I also believe that children should be born under the right circumstances. When it comes to the abortion debate, Christians are so one-sided. They scream pro-life, but do any of them consider why some women choose to have an abortion, such as: The risk of having a disabled child, or what about the woman who was sexually assaulted? Is it right to pressure her into keeping a baby born under hellish circumstances? Let's be real, it's a slap in a woman's face to pressure her to keep a baby that was conceived by terrible means. I'm aware of the popular statements Christians make, such as: God can take what was meant for evil & use it for good, or he can make beauty out of ashes. I know that, but how does that help that woman? Her genetic counselor suggests abortion because her child was found to have multiple disabilities. As she ponders the information, she feels she's not strong enough to raise a special needs child, so she does what's best for her and decides to abort the baby. Some Christians don't get how difficult raising special needs children are unless they've been through it. It's easy to criticize, but it takes effort to try to understand why some women feel like abortion is their only way out.

What about the baby who came into this world through rape? How is the mother going to explain to her child that their mom was raped and that's how (s)he was conceived? I didn't believe this until I found out, but: In some states, a rapist has parental rights even if the child was conceived through a violent act. Wow...just wow. What kind of mess is that? A rapist being able to see their child is forcing that woman to relieve that tragedy, and it's dead wrong. I don't stand for that.

Jan 15, 2022

Getting To Know God

If we want to know God on a deeper level, we must commit to a relationship with Him. When we invest time with God, he reveals those hidden secrets to us. 

Jan 14, 2022

Today’s Word: Loyalty

Loyalty should be reserved for those who have proven themselves worthy of being in your life. There wouldn’t be a need to cut anyone off if some people were careful about who they get close to. 

Jan 13, 2022

Thursday Gospel

 If we want to know God on a deeper level, we must commit to a relationship with Him. When we invest time with God, he reveals those hidden secrets to us

Jan 12, 2022

Pope Francis Criticizes People Who Have Pets Over Children

 Pope Francis Critical Of Those Who Have Pets Over Children

Who is Pope Francis to criticize people for having pets instead of children? Sir, have a global view of seats. If we're honest, some people shouldn't have children because many parents are deadbeats; they would rather be their child(ren)'s friend or some aren't in their lives at all. You can't bring children into the world & leave them to fend for themselves. What Pope Francis fails to realize is that some people have good reasons for not having children. One, some parents can't afford to have children. Let's be real, raising kids isn't cheap, especially if you want to give them a better life than what you had. Factor in sports, food & healthcare, plus private education and you're talking tens of thousands annually, which doesn't include higher education. Two: Depending on the parents' age & genetic background, the risk of disability is higher for parents with a family history of a medical issue. Some parents understand this and choose not to bring children into the world because of the high risk of their child being born with special needs, and because some of them may not be strong enough to deal with having a special needs child. This world is not nice to special needs/disabled people. There are some special needs/disabled people who live independent lives, but what about those who may always need help with daily living? Three, as the article says: Some people don't want children, and that's ok. Not everyone is obligated to have children. Yes, children are a blessing if they're raised right, but times are different now. Looking at the state of society, I told myself I'm not bringing children into this toilet we call the world. I have my reason(s), and they're not up for debate. Last but not least, some people enjoy the company of pets over children, did the Pope ever consider that?

Jan 11, 2022

Today's Thought

If you weren't pressed by anyone, you would pay them dust. The fact that some folks go to great lengths to make someone's life miserable will always say more about that person than their intended target. 

Jan 10, 2022

Deion Sanders Shaking Things Up In College Football

 Coach Prime (Deion Sanders) is shaking things up in college football. Including Kevin Coleman, Jackson State has nabbed more top-100 players than 8 of 14 SEC schools (South Carolina included). The premise is that Deion wants to prove that HBCUs can produce top talent in the NFL just like the big schools. He's inspired other black head coaches to recruit talented players to their HBCUs. It's time for HBCUs to shine in athletics. Granted, athletes have the right to go to where they feel they'll get a good education & have the best chance of going pro, but it's something about talented black athletes going to HBCUs. I think he's aware that he's pissed off a lot of coaches from big name schools, and because of that...watch the hate fly. Deion Sanders has helped other HBCU coaches get recognition, and now more whites are attending HBCUs.

Jan 9, 2022

Life With Jesus: Let Him Go

 I Want A Divorce

Reading this article, I commend this woman for her strength. At first, she was in her feelings about having to raise her son alone, but she bossed up and made a better way for herself & her son. I bet she's not thinking about her ex & she shouldn't. She’s better off without him. She was basically a single parent while married because he wasn’t involved in his son’s life, but he was creeping with another woman. When she confronted him, he gave no explanation. He could creep with another woman, but wasn't man enough to tell her it wasn't working. I don’t respect any man who can lay down with a woman & not help raise the baby. The reason he won't give an explanation is because he knows he's foul for what he put her through. Even if he gave his side, I'm sure he would find a way to justify his actions, so at this point, any explanation from him would be in vain.

Jan 7, 2022

Age-Appropriate Truth For Kids

Today's children have more to contend with than we (adults) had as children. When adults were children, there were concerns, but nothing like what kids face today. A lot of what I see is why I refuse to bring children into this decrepit society. What was unacceptable then is acceptable now. At what age can parents keep it real with their kids about life's harsh realities? I get it...kids should have a carefree childhood, but so many of them don't through no fault of their own. In some cases, kids are taking on adult responsibility. I feel parents should stop being scared & keep it real with their children about the cruel world they will grow up in. That means having answers for the hard questions. I'll put it this way: Kids can get the real about life from their parents or friends, what's it going to be? When their peers give them information about life, they may be misinformed because they're finding their way as well. I applaud parents who keep it real with their children about this cold world, no matter how uncomfortable it makes them feel. Given today's racial climate, black parents can't afford NOT to have tough conversations with their children about race.

Jan 6, 2022

Don’t Tolerate Toxicity

Let’s get OUT of the habit of telling people “Well that’s still your mom. That’s still your dad. That’s still your brother. That’s still your sister.” TOXIC IS TOXIC. Whether it’s family or NOT. You are allowed to walk away from people who CONSTANTLY hurt you. You are allowed to walk away from people who’ve ABUSED you. You are allowed to walk away from people who don’t LOVE you. You are allowed to create boundaries. You are allowed to choose YOUR breaking point. Stop encouraging people to deal with toxicity and drama. You don’t owe ANYONE an explanation for taking care of YOUR mental health‼️‼️‼️‼️

Peace of mind!

Jan 4, 2022

Sharing The Gospel

Christians, stop forcing God on people who don’t want to hear it. Matthew 10:14 (paraphrase)-If anyone doesn’t accept you, keep it moving. Believers are called to share the gospel. What the recipient does with it is on them. 

Jan 3, 2022

Monday Prayer

God, I’m so thankful that the Scriptures are filled with Your promises. Help me to cling to what I know is true. Remind me of Your faithfulness. When I am tempted to forget what You’ve done or how You’ve shown Yourself faithful, cause my heart to remember. Keep me steadfast. Amen 

Jan 2, 2022

Sunday Inspiration

When we don’t feel God’s peace, we need to reassure ourselves of God’s confidence. He can take care of all our worries when we cast them on Him.

What seems major to us, is nothing for God. There’s nothing God can’t do. 

Jan 1, 2022

Fake Christians Serve Fake Gods

Imagine serving a God who’s not strong enough to keep you from the torments of Hell. Fake Christians serve fake Gods! 

Look At Me

If you do good for clout, you’re feeding your ego. Do your good works in private.-Matthew 6:3 (paraphrase) 

I don’t let anyone know what good I do because unlike many folks, I don’t care about getting credit. Just to see the recipient shine is good enough for me.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.