Jun 30, 2021

Extending Life With No Quality


What's the point of extending someone's life with no quality? A loved one is suffering from dementia or a stroke; they're not themselves, and some family members are so selfish that they'd rather keep their loved one alive as long as possible even though they're suffering. It's not fair to the loved ones or the person. I guess people do it out of love, but for me, it would be torture to be "maintained" on earth. I truly don't understand the mentality. I feel like we are more loving with our pets, that we know when they are suffering and can let them go. But with humans, we think it's some duty to extend life as much as possible even in a sub-human state that will only get worse. I've heard it often said the family's dependent on the patient's social security &/or retirement checks, so if the patient passes away, those checks stop. Or, it could be the family can't bear to let go so they hold on for as long as possible. Either way, if someone's not in their right mind, it's best to let them go even though it's difficult.

Jun 29, 2021

Today's Thought

In today's world, everyone's out for self, so you have to act accordingly. I don't mind looking out for others, but please return the favor when or if the time comes.


Jun 28, 2021

Lesson From The 10 Lepers: Luke 17:11-19 (Ungrateful)

If you know anything about leprosy, you know it's nothing to play with. Leprosy is an infectious skin disease that causes your flesh to decay & scar, and is contagious. Lepers were outcasts so they had to form their own communities because they couldn't be in contact with others. If someone felt a leper got too close to them, the leper would have a foreign object thrown at them to keep them at bay. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus heals 10 lepers & only ONE gave Jesus thanks. Crazy, huh? So out of 10 lepers that Jesus healed, only one had the decency to give God thanks. The lesson in that is most of them (lepers) were ungrateful because Jesus didn't have to heal them, but he did. I don't know about you, but if God delivered me from leprosy, I would be eternally grateful. I would give God thanks every chance I get because my life would be changed. I could be among regular people without hesitation. How many of us are ungrateful when God or someone else blesses us? We should be thankful because God doesn't have to bless us, but he blesses us out of the goodness of his heart. If God was like any of us, I'm sure he would have taken his miracle back and let the lepers continue suffering. The lesson in Luke 17:11-1 is not everyone will be grateful when God blesses them. Sad, but true.

Jun 23, 2021

Today's Thought: Shine On Your Terms


There's no timeline when you're supposed to shine. If we're honest, some people want you to shine on their terms so they can ride your coattails.

Jun 22, 2021

Today's Thought

 If we're honest, some people in skilled trades make far more than college-educated people. Not everyone is cut out for college, but everyone is capable of learning a skilled trade to support themselves. Also, if the person gets good enough at their trade, they can go the self-employment route.

Jun 21, 2021

Ahmaud Arbery Killing, Part 1: A Mother’s Fight for Justice Brings Shock...

This case is slam dunk: Ahmaud Arbery was murdered, period. Make it so bad, William Roddie Bryant was stupid enough to leak video because they were confident they would get away with it; that’s why this case was handled very sloppy. I can’t wait for October 18th, which is the beginning of the trial.

Jun 18, 2021

Today's Thought

A big shout out to all the kids that don't win awards, don't make honor roll, don't play sports, and who barely make it through the school year. A big hug to the moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers, mentors, and foster parents that stick by them as they navigate the school year.

Shout out to the kids that don’t get invited to the prom, didn’t get a scholarship to college, and those who have to go straight to work out of high school....You are also worthy of a pat on the back and a Facebook post with people talking about how amazing you are.

Everyone isn't an Honors Student, Academic Scholar, Incredible Athlete or a Musical/Artistic Genius. Some kids have to work twice as hard, just to be "average". Some kids don't make the team. Some kids don't get noticed. Their achievements deserve recognition too. 

Don’t forget those kids. Please encourage them as well. 

Kindness, Creativity, Uniqueness, and Generosity are attributes that sadly don’t always get the accolades they deserve. ❤❤❤ 

Jun 17, 2021

Nothing To Prove


I'm learning to let folks look stupid when they make false accusations about me because more often than not, time will always show otherwise, and then the accusers end up looking dumber than before.

Jun 16, 2021


People weren't scared to do you wrong, why avoid accountability? Folks can't avoid consequences forever because at some point, all of us will account for everything, good and bad 

Jun 15, 2021

Take Out Your Own Trash


It's easier to call out others for their flaws than to look at yourself. Black men have more than enough issues to contend with so black men have no place to criticize black women for ANYTHING. Fix yourself before you try to fix anyone else.

Jun 14, 2021

Today's Thought

Not one lie was told. People love deflecting blame to social media for the way they are.

Jun 11, 2021

Chancellor Lee Adams, the son Rae Carruth nearly killed, graduates from ...

Congratulations to this young man for continuing to defy odds. Think about it: Chance's own father tried to have him killed due to not wanting to pay child support to his pregnant girlfriend. Carruth's actions left his son disabled😥. Rae Carruth has been out of prison since 2018, but if we're honest: He should've gotten life with no parole or the death penalty. Now, he wants custody of his son. Why? This is the same scumbag that tried to have him killed to get out of paying child support. If it wasn't for Chance's grandmother, this young man wouldn't have gotten as far as he did. I hope the judge doesn't allow Carruth to see his son because based on what Carruth has done, no amount of forgiveness can undo the damage this man caused.

Jun 10, 2021

Thought For Today


If someone can fall out with another person, what's stopping them from falling out with you? Everyone isn't real. I understand everyone won't gel with each other, and I'm cool with that. Most times, people fall out with each over petty reasons.

Jun 8, 2021


One of my FB friends asked this on his page, but it's a good subject to write about. From a man's POV, it depends on whether the father is active in his boys' lives. If the father's active, he should be schooling his sons on the 3 P's: Provision, Protection & Profession. Since the question asked deals with provision, that's what I'll speak on, so here goes. If a man's father is showing his son what manhood is about, the boy will grow up knowing how to provide for his future spouse because that's what he saw his father doing. If a boy has no blueprint to manhood & he meets a solid woman, he may have a problem providing for his wife unless he suddenly "gets it." Times are different. Back then, men could afford to be sole breadwinners because goods & services were cheap, so there was no need for the wife to work. Now, it's almost impossible for a household to survive on one income unless the couple is frugal. I think a lot of men have a problem with paying 100% of the bills because of fear: Fear that his wife will take advantage of that, and it's a valid reason. No man or woman wants to feel used & there are some spouses that take each other for granted, like it's expected of them to do this, that and the third. If we're honest, one spouse does all the providing and the other spouse contributes nothing. God forbid something happens to the sole provider, and then what? Can the other spouse step in? I have no problem paying 100% of the bills, but I will be making all....ALL decisions, just saying.

I think if a man was raised with old-school values, he'll have no problem being the main breadwinner. In fact, he would be honored to finish the job his wife's father started.

Jun 7, 2021

Misplaced Loyalty


I see what this brother is saying because the code is jacked up. Men will ride for their homeboys faster than their woman. I respect the bond that men share, but if he has a good woman in his life, she should get his best before his friends do. To keep it really real, some men will fold on their homeboys for the right price, so for some men, they don't have a "code" to live by.

Jun 4, 2021

"Karen" Police

 "Karen" Police

"Karen" is a term used to describe someone that's demanding beyond the scope of what's necessary. It can also mean whites who use their privilege at others' expense. The above video illustrates this very well. A young delivery driver was doing his job delivering packages in the neighborhood when this prejudice fool deems it necessary to confront him about the reason he's in "his neighborhood" First, who is HE (the white man) to question this young man about his logic for being in the neighborhood? You'd think this white man runs the neighborhood the way he questioned the driver. He had the right one because the driver put the other man in his place. Then the white man wants to file a false harassment report because the young black man was speaking facts. That's how a lot of them are; quick to call the police when they don't get their way. The other guy was full of crap because if he was going to call the cops, he would've done it by then. At the same time, if the cops arrived, they probably would've sided with the privileged man and this situation could've been ugly. In today's climate, prejudiced/racist people are empowered to be open with their bigotry. 

Jun 3, 2021

Throwback Thursday: Our Own Worst Enemy


Not one lie was told. When Malcolm X started calling out blacks for their destructive behavior, that's when some of them plotted to take him out, and unfortunately, that's what happened...the very people he tried to help were the ones who assassinated him. That goes to show you that your own people are your worst enemy.

Jun 2, 2021

Today's Thought: Can't Tell Me Nothing

When hit dogs bark, THEY BARK. All you have to do is tell the truth, and folks get in their feelings. Monique didn't say anything different than what some of our parents told us back in the day: Take pride in your appearance in public because some people judge you by how you look. Society is used to folks telling them what they want to hear. 

Jun 1, 2021

Society Wants Males, Not Men

He's not lying. Society wants men to be soft. If a man comes on strong, he's a threat. If he's meek, he's acceptable. I'm not saying a man should bully his way through life, but there are times where a man has to be hard.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.