May 28, 2021

Charleston White speaks on Black men never being around their kids "WHAT...

Listen to this interview by Charleston White. He's a former gangster who cleaned up his life and is now doing positive things in the community. Most of the black community's issues are traced back to lack of fathers. I've mentioned this a few times & I'll say it once more: I can't be friends with a man that's never around his kids. If he'll cross his own family, what's stopping him from crossing me? I don't need nonsense in my life.

May 27, 2021

Today's Thought: The Underdog


That's too much like right. It's easy to root for the high-achievers. They already have a good support system to help them shine, but what about the underdog? The person who has to fight through adversity just to get the same shot at success as others. They need inspiration, and probably more than most because of the extra hurdles they face & because they don't have a support system. I will always root for the underdog because to me, the underdog appreciates success more because of what they went through for it. It's nothing for high-achievers to shine, so I don't clap for them.

May 26, 2021

Wednesday Wisdom: Watch God Fix That


As I've gotten older, I understand the value of this statement. The time spent trying to repay someone could be better spent letting the offender(s) reap what they sow. They may not get theirs today, tomorrow or next week, but nobody gets away with misdeeds. Good or bad, we all will answer for our lives on Judgment Day.

May 25, 2021

Kwame Brown respond to CTG! And the breakfast club!

All I know of Kwame Brown is that he was a former NBA player. Apparently, he was the subject of ridicule for years and he's had enough. He goes in on Charlamagne The God & Breakfast Club, Stephen A Smith, Jemele Hill and others. In so many words, he calls out black men for lack of accountability, and acting like catty women. Not one lie was told because it's a lot of black men who have feminine ways, especially when they fix their mouth to degrade another man. I don't respect cupcake dudes like that.

May 22, 2021

Today's Thought: Unconditional Love vs. Unconditional Tolerance


Facts...I don't know why some people equate unconditional love with unconditional tolerance. If someone shows you their true colors, believe them. They're not going to change, so why continue putting up with them? I don't care how solid someone is, nobody is capable of unconditional love. Should someone love a person who continually disrespects them? I'll wait.

May 21, 2021

Today's Thought: None Of Your Business


Since when did folks feel entitled to your business? Some people swear you're hiding stuff if you're not telling your business to everyone with a listening ear. Newsflash, some people get close to you just so you can tell them your business; next thing you know it's nationwide. People have the right to secrecy, like it or not.

May 19, 2021

What's Important vs. What's Not (Important)


Facts...What was important to me when I was younger, is not important at 40, and that's ok.

May 18, 2021



This is tough for me to learn, but I have to do it. I, like many people don't like most of the pain in our lives that's out of our control, but I'm learning to push through all the bullcrap in life to reach my comfort zone. I'm all for speaking life into dead situations because who wants to be content when something can be changed? Not me, but...the reality is that you'll have some struggles for life because we live in a fallen world. I don't like it anymore than anyone else, but it's facts.

May 17, 2021

What Happens In The Family, Stays In The Family?


Once upon a time, family meant something to most people, but not anymore. Families are estranged: Some members aren't speaking to other family members for whatever reason, the aunts/grandparents have favorites, etc. It's sad, but as I've gotten older I've understood the reason: Families would rather sweep "dirt" under the rug. That uncle who's a sex offender; the grandkids are uncomfortable in his presence because he's molested or is molesting them. The kid(s) can't go to any other trusted adult in the family because the other adults will discount the kid(s) feelings. Black families are notorious for fronting, knowing good & well some stuff needs to be exposed. How can you heal from what you're not willing to expose? 

May 14, 2021

Caregiving: Grooming

I'm sure most people that are or have been caregivers to disabled loved ones will vouch for the difficulty. The caregiver has to work full-time: They work from 8am-5pm, then come home to take care of their disabled loved one. They have little free time because their lives are wrapped around the disabled person. There's loved ones that are so disabled that they function at an infant/toddler level, so they need 24-hour care. My heart breaks for the severely disabled because they're suffering. They didn't ask for their predicament, and it's not fair to their loved ones either. Should the severely disabled's loved ones be groomed to take care of their disabled sibling? Grooming is preparation for caregiving once the parents get too old to care for the disabled child(ren). The other siblings are taught home economics so they can take care of themselves & their mentally challenged loved one(s). The other siblings may want lives of their own someday, but some parents place the expectation of caring for the disabled loved one on the other child(ren), so the other children can't have their own lives because it's going to be centered on the disabled person's care. Most siblings have no problem taking care of their disabled brother or sister, but they deserve their own life too. It comes down to family dynamics: If the family dynamics are good, then I'd think that most families wouldn't have a problem taking care of their mentally challenged loved one. If the family dynamics are garbage, then I can see the issue because no one wants to step up and help take care of their mentally challenged loved one. If the disabled person's loved ones won't step up due to poor family dynamics, the only alternative is ALF or a long-term care facility. The problem with ALFs/long-term care places is some of the staff are lazy & underpaid, which leads to abuse, neglect & exploitation of the vulnerable population.

May 13, 2021

Can Someone Truly Change?


For some people, life has to humble them in order for them to realize the error of their ways. Even with that, some folks are a lost cause that no matter what karma comes their way, they don't or refuse to change. Some people can change their behavior, but their values remain intact. I think folks have to want change in order to really change. By wanting change, someone does the work to become a better person, which involves making amends with those you've hurt. Anybody can utter apologies, but it's a different story when you have to make amends with those you've hurt. Most people had no problems messing over folks, but when it's time to go back to them for forgiveness, some folks don't or won't do it.

May 12, 2021

Today's Thought: Bringing Up Your Past


ALL...ALL of us have a past. None of us have gone through life making one mistake, so when folks try to bring up your past to hurt you, they're making themselves look stupid because 9 times out of 10, THEY have skeletons that no one knows about. A real person can stand in their truth because they have learned from their mistake(s). Some people really think that bringing up your past is supposed to hurt you, miss me with that nonsense.😒

May 11, 2021

Free Money No More?

If Republicans had their way, no one would've gotten stimulus money since the pandemic. Ever since the pandemic began, the Republicans have been against stimulus money for struggling Americans, even going so far as to give $600 to struggling Americans. How long did that $600 last? I'll wait. Biden came along and gave $1400, but I'm sure that didn't last long for many people. Now, there's talks of $2000 monthly stimulus money until the pandemic ends. At the same time, businesses are having a tough time finding employees because no one wants to work. The logic is why work for $10hr when you can get $2000 monthly for the duration of the pandemic? I would rather work AND get stimulus money because I can save the stimulus money while earning regular income. The thousands in child tax credits most people have gotten, combined with the stimulus money, I think most people are balling for now, but I hope they're saving that money because the free money may run out at some point. When the free money stops, some people will have no choice but to get off their butts & work.

May 10, 2021

Knowing The Whole Story

People are funny. When they're trying to get you on their side, they'll always edit the story to make themselves the victim. It's not too many people that'll tell the whole story even if they're found to be at fault.


May 6, 2021

God Forgives, I Don't

We all have felt this way at some point in our lives. Some people live by this statement. The concept of this album is holding grudges. When someone does you wrong, the first instinct is revenge. You want the offender to pay for their crime against you, and that's fair. No one should get by with messing over folks, but that's life in a fallen world. Depending on how severe the offense, some people may forgive & forget, others may forgive & never forget, and there's those who don't forgive, even though God does. If you're a Christian, forgiveness should be mandatory because God has forgiven us. Even though forgiveness may be hard for heinous offenses, God can help us reach that level of forgiveness, but I pray my forgiveness level will never be tested like that. To me, some offenses are unforgivable: Sexual offenses against children, animal cruelty & neglect, taking advantage of disabled people, etc. God may forgive offenses, but some people don't. Some people will go to great lengths to avenge offenses against them. Whether that's right or wrong, I can't say.


May 5, 2021



May 4, 2021

Answered Prayers


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.