Mar 31, 2021


Facts. Someone feeds you foolishness and you eat it like a meal. Some people come into your life just to bring discord, and they don't care what relationships they wreck.


Mar 30, 2021

An Urgent Call to Action | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | March 30

I've been following Dutch Sheets' ministry for years, and he sheds light on the issues of our day. He calls forth believers to pray that Satan's agenda won't take hold of society. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Mar 29, 2021

George Floyd Trial Pt. 2


This poll says it all for the outcome. I saw it crystal clear: Derek Chauvin clearly had his knee on Floyd's neck for 10 minutes. What's worse is when Floyd said he couldn't breathe, and called for his made no difference to that coward Chauvin. Given the history of police misconduct against unarmed blacks, I'm thinking it'll be the same as Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, and others: Not guilty. Why? Because folks see two different things even though it can be clear as day misconduct. Chauvin may escape justice down here, but he won't be free: He & his family will be endangered, he'll have to leave Minneapolis/St. Paul, and due to the high profile nature of the trial: He won't be able to go anywhere and folks not know what he did. I pray for justice for George Floyd's family, and I will be keeping my eyes on this trial.

Mar 27, 2021

Single Parenthood

Do people that criticize single parents think about the child(ren)'s welfare? I'm asking for myself because for all the critics of single parenthood, it seems like none of them think of the children. I'm all for the family unit (mother & father, plus children), but that's not possible in today's fallen world. Because we live in a broken world, children are born to single parents for whatever reason. Most times, the father leaves the family because he doesn't want the responsibility & the mother has to raise the child(ren) on her own. It's some people who are narrowminded enough to believe that a two parent home is best for children, even if one parent isn't pulling their weight. Let's get this straight: It's better for a child to grow up with two parents even though one parent is around, but not actively involved in the child's life? Miss me with that nonsense. It's children right now with two parents in the home, but one of them isn't helping with the children, so that child technically is in a single parent home even though the deadbeat is physically there. It's always best for a child to grow up in a single-parent home with a stable, responsible parent, no matter if society may say otherwise.


Mar 25, 2021

Question Of The Day


If the money is coming from HIS pocket, no. If giving his mom money is going to come out of the household, yes, but...he has to replace double what he took to help his mom. Yes, he's the head but the decisions the head makes can affect the family, good or bad.

Mar 24, 2021

Derrick Jaxn Cheating


Derrick Jaxn is a relationship influencer who was exposed for cheating on his wife before they married. This is the same guy who preaches how men should do better by their women (and I agree), but now his credibility may be shot in light of this revelation. I'm not talking down on the man because we all foul up in life, and I think he'll rebound from this because he can share his story of how he blew it and got it right. I do have a question: How many married couples have cheated/are cheating right now that no one knows about? Too many. The difference is that many married couples that are cheating don't have his platform so they can hide their infidelity better.

Mar 23, 2021

Sherdavia Jenkins

Today marks what would have been the 24th birthday of Sherdavia Jenkins who on July 1 2006 at the tender age of 9 year-old was killed by a stray bullet while playing in front of her Liberty City (Miami) home in 2006. Many prayers to her family and friends who cherish her memory. Her story was featured on a Miami episode of First 48. The killer was caught and he's doing 50 years to life. Honestly, this story pissed me off because she was just playing in front of her home when a gunfight broke out between two men in the Beans (Pork & Beans), one bullet struck & killed her instantly. Children in the ghetto should be able to play freely without fools shooting. The hood is at an all time low with kids being cut down by gunfire. I can rattle off a list of names of kids who died in the Miami ghetto, but I won't. The sad thing is that her mom died a few years ago.


Mar 22, 2021

Fake Love

Me & fake love will never get along because it's not real. I don't want people's love if it's based on what I can do for them, and they shouldn't want my love if it's based on what they're doing for me. Love has become so overused a term that it's lost its meaning. People are quick to say "I Love You" to everyone. 

Mar 19, 2021


I'm in Facebook groups where a lot of men in relationships complain about non-submissive women. The below tweet sheds light on why some women don't submit, but even if a man is leading correctly, it's still his fault because why would he put a combative woman on his team? That makes 0 sense to me. Men with good leadership ability should seek out submissive women who know he'll lead the right way. Would a General take direction from a Petty Officer?  

Mar 18, 2021

The State Of Society

The more I see, the more grateful I am that I'm NOT having children in this pathetic world. If unarmed black men aren't being shot down like dogs, it's some deranged fool who killed Asians in Atlanta and the surrounding area. How about the racist announcer who made N-word comments because a girls HS basketball team kneeled, then had the nerve to blame it on his diabetes? In light of these incidents, folks want to say "This is not who we are" Wrong. THIS is exactly who we are. As I said before, we're TOO FREE. Free to be stupid, hateful, etc.

Mar 17, 2021

George Floyd Trial

Every time police misconduct footage is posted on social media, people see two different things even when it's crystal clear that police are abusing their authority. Derek Chauvin is set to go to trial, and as much as I saw the footage & it was clear as day Chauvin had his knee on George Floyd's neck for almost 10 minutes, the jury selection can't be trusted because there won't be equal representation, and we know that white folks will have each other's back.


Mar 15, 2021

Your Relationship With God Is Not A Team Sport

I'm aware that this post may cause some people to question my salvation, but rest assured my relationship with God is made of steel. Unlike many believers, I don't need to run to church every Sunday & Wednesday to get a word from God when I can go directly to Him for myself.


Mar 13, 2021

Choose Wisely

If more people chose/choose wisely, so many issues can be avoided. If someone is a liability instead of an asset, X them out of your life. My mental health & peace of mind is too valuable to click up with undesirables.

Mar 12, 2021

Random Pics


I think these are hilarious. These are images I posted from social media.

Mar 11, 2021

Child Support (Pt. 3)

Forget child support, can the dads take half of the responsibility of raising kids?? Too many men get away with living their life and just sending a check (if that) while the mothers are taking care of the child full time. He was man enough to lay down with her to make the child, he should be man enough to help take care of the child. Then again, there are some babies mothers who are gold diggers, especially if they're financially stable. If a single mother is financially secure enough to take care of her child(ren) by herself, she shouldn't need child support if she's managing her funds right. I guess she knows in most cases, the courts will approve her for more money, so that's why some women milk the system. Still, it boils down to men making better decisions. If he doesn't see her as a wife, he shouldn't lay down with her.

Mar 10, 2021

God Hates Divorce

 I'll leave this here. This is for those with old-school thinking that someone should stay in a bad marriage. Miss me with that foolishness. Last I checked, the Bible gives two clear grounds for divorce: (1) sexual immorality (Matthew 5:32; 19:9) and (2) abandonment by an unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:15). Throw in abuse & manipulation, and there you have it. God doesn't want his children married to demons.

Mar 9, 2021


 I’m pro-life, but I understand why some women choose to get an abortion. Like it or not, a woman shouldn’t be criticized for aborting her baby if the child was conceived through rape, or the child may be born disabled. Let’s keep it real: Raising special needs children is not easy. You have to be built Ford tough for that.

Let’s not talk about rape. Some folks have the nerve to say a woman should keep a child that was born through rape? Miss me with that. It’s usually Christians who like to say “God can take what’s meant for evil and use it for good” When Christians tell a woman “God can take what’s meant for evil and use it for good”, they’re discounting her feelings. They don’t care what she’s going through or how she’s feeling, which is a bad look on Christianity.😒

Mar 8, 2021

Russell Wilson Outrage

I wasn't going to comment on Russell Wilson showing his family love, but I have to say something: One time for Russell Wilson. That's right, salute to Russell Wilson for showing love to his family. He's doing what a man is supposed to do & the good thing about it is...he doesn't care about non-factors being in their feelings. Notice how Russell stays in his lane and pays the critics dust. He made Ciara a better woman even though she was already established before they met. You know what I think? I think some of these dudes are jealous. 

Mar 6, 2021

Daily Thought: Help, Not Judge


When people are going through rough times (even if it's their fault), they need help, not gossip folks. It's easy to run your mouth instead of trying to help someone that's trapped in addiction & mental illness. I'm not saying that mental illness is one's fault, because it's not. Anyone can be affected by mental illness, and if you're not...consider yourself blessed.

Mar 5, 2021

Smile At Your Haters

People must think you're Boo Boo The Fool. It's one thing to badmouth somebody, but it's something else when they think you don't know. The entire time you're playing along because you're waiting for the perfect opportunity to shut them down, but do you want to waste energy on fools? It depends on the person. Some people will check disrespect on the spot, others will let it ride especially if the person doesn't matter to them. For me, I don't have the desire to go back & forth with lames. I keep it moving & let them be stupid on their own.


Mar 4, 2021

Equality Act Exposed

Anyone who's done their research on the Equality Act knows this bill is full of crap. It's supposed to protect LGBT folks from discrimination, but I and other likeminded folks know it's not. The Act will serve as a backdoor way to sanction abortions, introduce explicit content in school curriculum, let boys win in girls’ sports, pressure children toward experimental cross-sex hormones – and silence all of us who disagree. For so-called faith leaders to endorse this act is foolishness, and it puts into question faith leaders & some Christians' relationship with God. Last I checked, Christians don't endorse what God's against, but then again...these liberal Christians...they'll go along to get along.


Mar 3, 2021

Humans Are Trash

 6-Year Old Begs For His Life As Mom Abandons Him

When I read stories like this, it confirms my belief that humans are trash. I can't call this woman a mother because a real mother would NEVER abandon her child(ren) under any circumstances. Mess with a mother's child(ren), she coming for you. I don't care what this woman was going through, there was NO EXCUSE for what she did. What's most heartbreaking about this story is the boy begging for his life as his mom abandoned him. He clung to the car, and the mother didn't care. If she didn't want to care for the boy, she could've taken him to an adoption agency. Taking him to an adoption agency would've been too much like right, so she takes the coward route and abandons, then kills the boy & dumps him in the Ohio River. If she did this, the other two kids in her custody are in danger so they need to be taken from her. This boy will never live his best life due to a selfish, lowdown mother. There's nothing she could say that will justify this....NOTHING.

Mar 2, 2021

For Better Or Worse=How Worse?

For Better Or Worse seems to be the hallmark of marriage. When I hear that term, I think of weathering the fiery storms that are inevitable: Unemployment, sickness, loss/grief of a loved one, arguments, etc. My question is this: Is a spouse obligated to remain with their disabled spouse through mistreatment? Before one spouse became disabled, they showed their behinds with disrespect/mistreatment, physical/verbal abuse, poor financial mgmt., and so on. Everyone has their breaking point, and no one wants to be with someone they can't stand. Back to the question, is a spouse obligated to remain with their disabled spouse for the sake of vows? It depends on the person. Some people will stay long enough for their spouse to get healthy & leave, others will honor their vows and care for their spouse even if the spouse did dog them, some will leave without a second thought. For those who will honor their vows and care for their spouse even if their spouse didn't do right by them, I salute you because that takes a level of forgiveness that some people aren't capable of, even the most devout Christians. Your spouse has dogged you, been physically/verbally abusive, mishandled the household finances, and you still stand by them when they're down. Personally, the disabled person is paying for their sin because when you do wrong, wrong follows you in life. The people you mistreat could be the people you'll need later in life, so it's important to do right by everybody.

For those who would leave without a second thought, it's not my place to judge because everyone has different tolerance levels. Some people won't put up with nonsense (which is their right), others will. At the very least, these people would make arrangements for their disabled spouse to be put in assisted living before they move on with their lives. This wouldn't be wrong because at least the spouse would put things in place for their spouse before they move on without them. Some spouses who have been mistreated prior to their spouse becoming disabled would be upset to the point where they would no longer care about their spouse's welfare, they would leave and not look back.

Then there are those who would nurture their spouse back to health before they leave. This wouldn't be wrong because they stood by their spouse long enough for them to get healthy before they exit. Spouses who fit this category have done their duty and now they can move on without their toxic spouse because chances are, the toxic spouse hasn't realized the error of their ways so there's no point staying around hoping they'll change.

Mar 1, 2021

Today's Thought: Worthy Of Friendship

In a perfect world, this would be true, but...the reality is that not everyone will like you no matter how cordial you are. Your vibe aggravates their spirit, so do you really want the wrong people liking you? For me, I've learned early on that everybody doesn't like me & I'm cool with that. I don't mistreat anybody because I wasn't raised that way, but...oh well. As long as the right people value me & vice versa, I'm fine. For those who are in their feelings over folks not vibing with them, chin up. Is it a loss if the wrong people don't like you? Be grateful everybody doesn't like you.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.