Feb 25, 2021

Today's Word: Men Living Off Women


Facts. I'm cut from a different cloth because I was raised to grind for mine. If I want something, I go out and get it. What I look like living off a woman? Think about it, she goes to work from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday and I'm chilling at her home all day doing nothing. I couldn't live like that, nor do I want to. I have to ask my woman for money if I want to go out & kick it with the fellas. Negative...when you have your own, nobody can take that away from you. Living off a woman gives her power because at any time, she can throw him out on the street, and where is he going to go?

Feb 24, 2021



I follow this sister on FB and she keeps it real. It's too many women that claim to be Proverbs 31 women, but some of them forget a Proverbs 31 woman had her own. How can some women claim to be Proverbs 31 women and they're relying on a man to take care of them? At the same time, some men seek out those types of women because it gives them control. When someone's dependent on you, you can treat them any kind of way & they'll stay because they have no skills to make it on their own. I couldn't live like that, so I salute the independent women who have their own because in case the man leaves, she'll be fine. I'll also add that men who have a problem with independent women are those they can't control. Why wouldn't a man want an independent woman? She's got her own, he has his. They combine what they bring to the table and become a power couple.

Feb 23, 2021

Scenario: Married At 18


My advice is don't do it. 18-year olds don't have the maturity to deal with the pitfalls of marriage, let alone life. At 18, the couple is caught up in the puppy love stage. "I love you baby, smoochy smoochy muah muah." Love alone won't cut it, meaning it takes more than love to have a successful marriage. This couple must be able to weather the storms that married life brings: Richer or poorer, sickness & health, better or worse. Take time to experience life, get established in your education & career, then revisit marriage. 

Feb 22, 2021

Life Wisdom


This is not a pass to mistreat those you encounter, all I'm getting at is that no matter how cordial you are to some people, some folks will never like you. Don't kill yourself trying to get everybody to like you because it's not going to work.

Feb 21, 2021

Everybody's Not Raised Like You


I learned this lesson early on and it stuck. People can be who they want, and I have the right NOT to associate with them. The world would be better off if everybody lived by this. Give people the option to change, and if they choose not to...leave them to the ravens.

Feb 19, 2021

The True Meaning Of Rest In Peace


Rest In Peace used to carry meaning, but now it's overused. People are quick to say Rest In Peace to foul people who have left this world. I'm talking about those who have lived foul (criminal, mistreated people, etc.). Let me tell you something, if your legacy consisted of hate & discord, you don't deserve to Rest In Peace. Some people rejoice when a wicked person leaves this world because they can no longer sow destruction in others' lives. The only people who may be saddened by a wicked person's departure is that person's supporters, but they don't count. Truth be told, I'm indifferent towards a wicked person's departure: I don't feel anything when they leave this world because they have left an infamous legacy. Why should foul people deserve to Rest In Peace? They don't. I reserve that term for those who have made a difference in society. When supporters bond to share memories of the deceased, they have good things to share.

Feb 18, 2021

And the Good News Is...

I follow his ministry, and he speaks on the political arena. I've largely fallen back from discussing politics because I want to see what happens in the next 4 years. It's a good listen for those who want to see what could happen in the future.

Feb 17, 2021

Today's Thought: Followers Don't Make You

I look at people with thousands or millions of followers, and I think to myself "Are those followers paid? Bots? Authentic?" People get caught up in how many FB friends or followers they have and start feeling themselves a little too much. How many of those "FB friends" or followers could you call on in need? Everyone's riding with you because you're popular, but when the fame & fortune dry up, watch that fame disintegrate. I'd rather have a few hundred loyal followers from Day 1 then millions of paid followers who probably didn't start with me, but decided to ride the wave when I got major. It's better to have a few faithful riders than millions of followers. It's always quality over quantity with me. When the quality is right, the quantity will increase, but even if it doesn't, at least you know who rode with you from the beginning.

Feb 16, 2021

Profiting Off Your Mistake

This sums up my thoughts about Gorilla Glue Girl. Yes, she did something crazy & paid for it, but at least she got a free surgery out of the situation. I hope she learned from that mistake because it's nothing worse than making the same mistake twice, or multiple times. Some people were right to be upset with her, but all of us have done (or still do) dumb things in life; fortunately none of us were called out on our foolishness.

Feb 15, 2021

Monday Message


So many people need to read this repeatedly. Forgiveness doesn't require reconnection. You can forgive someone and want nothing to do with them. In most cases, if you reconnect with someone, the moment y'all fall out again, you'll throw their offense back in their face. Just forgive them and cut them loose. Your peace is more important than giving a repeat offender continual passes to hurt you over and over.

Feb 13, 2021

Man vs. Multiple Women


 From a man's POV, it makes him look good because what man doesn't want multiple women checking for him? He has something that drives these women wild, so he eats up the attention shown to him. It can also make a man look bad if these women are attracted to him for status & wealth. As soon as the status & wealth expires, so does the relationship. As long as a man has multiple women fighting over him for the right reason, I don't see anything wrong. For me, it may feel good to have multiple women fighting over me at first, but the skeptic in me is wondering whether these women are fighting over me for the right reasons.

Feb 12, 2021

Friday Encouragement


I'll add that people's feelings about you change like the wind: People like you one minute, and dislike you the next. Do you want to put stock in people's fickle feelings about you?

Feb 11, 2021

Loving Another's Child As Your Own

 I think an award should be given for stepfathers & stepmothers who take on another person's children as their own. It takes a special person to step in where the biological parent(s) failed. I'm referring to biological parents who don't care enough about their biological child(ren) to be in their lives, either because of a bitter baby mother or because that parent chooses not to take care of the seed they created. The child didn't ask to be born to the parents it has, but if a child needs proper guidance, there should be a responsible adult willing to show them the way. I respect all the stepparents who love other children as their own because if it wasn't for them, that child would be headed for destruction. Uncles, stepparents, mentors, anyone involved in making a difference in a child's life, I salute you. Should the biological parent(s) wise up and want to be in their child(ren)'s lives, that child doesn't know them. That child remembers who showed them the way, and it wasn't their biological parents. By the time a child grows up, what could their biological parent(s) teach them that they haven't learned on their own (with proper guidance)? Nothing...except what NOT to do.

Feb 10, 2021

Public Service Announcement: I Love You, But I Didn't See You

Family doesn't have the same meaning it used to, and let me explain why: When a loved one is disabled, it's the immediate family that's affected because they have to alter their lives to care for their disabled loved one. When the person was healthy, they were the ones who went to see their family, but when that loved one is down, that loved one can't get any of their extended family to see about them. When the person dies, here come the fake tears about how (s)he was loved and so on. "I miss you, R.I.P., gone but never forgotten" Y'all know the fake tears shed at funerals. I'm over it. The only ones with the right to grieve are the Day 1's, those who stood by the sick loved one until (s)he took that final breath. Everyone else with the fake love, choke on it. If you weren't there for that person through their disability until they passed, you have no right to grieve.

Feb 9, 2021

Treat People Accordingly

If I haven't been through anything with you or known you since childhood, I can't call you my friend. How you gonna call somebody your friend 5 minutes after meeting them? 

Feb 8, 2021

Money Makes Some People Stupid


A fool & his money will soon part. In my eyes, that means if you're stupid with your finances, you'll lose money faster than you would have if you were disciplined. This rapper Lil Uzi Vert got a $24 million forehead diamond. What was the logic behind that? It's none of my business, but I'm saying it looks stupid. He's not the first, won't be the last to be stupid with money. I see what some people are saying with the quote "Money reveals who you were all along" because when some people come into large sums of wealth, they go buck wild & start balling out of control. When they were broke, they couldn't do what they wanted financially, but now that they have all this money, they go crazy. That's why I say, some people don't deserve money because they don't know what to do with it.

Feb 5, 2021

Random Thoughts

 What's On My Mind?

When COVID-19 first hit, people who had loved ones in ALFs couldn't see their loved ones, and I felt bad for the residents because I know they felt abandoned. Nursing home/ALF staff can't spend quality time with the patients like I'm sure they want to because there's too many patients to tend to. Even though the pandemic is still going on, ALF/nursing homes are able to receive visitors with precautionary measures. That has to make the residents feel good when their loved ones pull up on them.

Feb 4, 2021



Facts. God will bless his children whether people like it or not. For those who don't want to see you blessed, what power do they have to stop your blessing? I'll wait. At the same time, those who don't to see you blessed may see you as flaunting your blessing, which makes sense because some people aren't humble enough to appreciate their blessing.

Feb 1, 2021

Devils Go To Church Too


I don't want to hear the excuse of "church is for imperfect people" because that's a copout. I expect secular people to be messy, but church folk should know better. You love God & never seen Him, but you're bitter and messy with and towards certain members, make that make sense. If the church is supposed to reflect society, then it's no wonder society has no respect for Christianity, let alone the church because the church does a poor job of representing Christ.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.