May 1, 2020

Doing What's Best For You

I know many people will feel me on this:

People are funny (sarcastic tone). They have the nerve to criticize those who use wisdom before they make moves. People have the right to make choices that benefit them & their loved ones. No one should be shamed into doing what they don't want to do if the cons outweigh the pros. If more people used wisdom before they made a decision, life would be better for everyone. The problem is that some people are used to going through rough times that by default, they feel everyone should "endure". It's true that most trials we face are out of our hands because we live in a fallen world (Christian reference for my believers), but God gives us a brain because he expects us to use it. We also need discernment to be able to judge accurately. If some people make life choices that yield positive results, they should be applauded, not criticized. Some of us could learn from those people.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.