May 31, 2020

Nationwide Riots: Tearing Up Your Own Hood

George Floyd's murder has sparked protests nationwide, starting in Minneapolis and spreading across the nation. Some people are asking, "Why protest where George Floyd's murder didn't take place?" Simple, every city (big or mid-sized) has had similar incidents where unarmed black men have died at the hands of bad cops. It's also to show support to the Minneapolis protestors. I must be real: It's stupid to tear up your own community. The business owners in your community had nothing to do with the injustice so why take it out on them? What these fools don't realize is that by tearing up their own neighborhood, they're taking money out of their community because they have to go across town or to the suburbs for necessities (that's if they have transportation and if so, it's probably limited). Future investment in the black community is affected because investors may not want to invest in the black community due to crime risk, so is it worth burning down your own hood to prove a point? The black community's rage is justified, but protest where it counts: State, local & federal government. 
A black business owner spent his life savings to open a bar & fools burned it down. He was in his feelings because as he was about to open, some fools torched the place. I feel for that man, and hope he can rebound. Did he have insurance? Hopefully, but the fact remains is those stupid protestors took something from him that took years to build. The ones who suffer are the innocents because they didn't ask to lose their livelihood to misguided fools who are too stupid to protest where it counts. The same idiots burning down their neighborhood are going to complain why there's no investment in their area, or why they have to travel far for necessities. Well, what did you expect when you tore up your own community?

May 30, 2020

Enough Is Enough

People aren't ready for this conversation, but they better get ready. These are valid questions to ask based on what's going on today. Blacks are sick & tired of being mistreated by those in authority. Ever since blacks were brought over as slaves, the black race has been horribly mistreated. Other races can stand up for themselves and things get done, but when blacks rise up, everyone has a problem with it and that crap isn't right. Blacks are expected to lie down and accept being treated like dogs. That may have worked during the Civil Rights era, but this younger generation of blacks isn't having it. Peaceful protests only work if blacks feel like they're being heard. It doesn't take much for young blacks to get riled up against racial injustice. Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Ahmaud Arbery & George Floyd are some of the notable cases of young black men and women that lost their lives at the hands of crooked cops. Protests & calls for justice took place, and the offenders got off. How much are blacks supposed to deal with before enough is enough?
As a Christian, I understand the power of prayer and know it brings change. Prayer changes things only if action follows. Not every black person is a Christian, so every black person shouldn't be expected to pray and not take action. What's going on today is blacks are sick & tired of not being heard, and they're taking matters into their own hands.

May 29, 2020

Racial Injustice Must END

Shout out to Pastor Ledford for speaking out against racial injustice; those who aren't familiar with him, he's a local pastor of a multicultural church in Tallahassee. Great evangelist and better human; he's a real one. I think more white pastors need to come against racial injustice because blacks make up a percentage of their congregation. Silence equals support. Blacks are about to find out what these pastors are made of.

May 26, 2020

You're In The Process

This message is a key reason why I follow Steve Harvey; his messages are inspiring. I'm going through the process right now of getting what I've asked God for.

May 25, 2020

Cowards Abuse Animals

I've read many animal abuse cases, and some of them were so heinous the only acceptable punishment would be death. If someone can abuse a dog or cat, it won't be long before they abuse a human. Abusers have no place in a civilized society. I have two dogs (one of which is mine, the other is a family member's, but I consider him my dog because I spoil him as if he were mine) who I love dearly, and I couldn't imagine abusing or neglecting them. When you get a dog or cat, you're making a commitment to take care of it for life. Dogs and cats depend on their humans for food & water, plus shelter and when I read about abuse and neglect, it makes me wonder why they got a pet if they weren't going to properly care for it. If someone can't care for a pet, take it to a shelter where they will be loved until they find a forever home. A coward is also someone who watches animals being abused and does nothing. In my eyes, they're just as guilty. If I saw someone abusing their pet, I would take action. Dogs can't defend themselves, so it's up to decent human beings to stand up for them. 

May 20, 2020

Today's Thought: You're Not All That

Does God Really Care About My Church Attendance?

This article doesn't scratch the surface of why some Christians are dissatisfied with church. Contrary to what this article says, you can grow in your relationship with Christ by spending time in prayer & studying God’s word; you don’t need a church body for that. Each Christian is responsible for their own walk with Jesus. Are other believers going to answer for you at Judgment Day? No. Some of the most seasoned Christians have left the church and their relationship with God has increased 10fold because they have more time to dig deeper in God’s word.

May 19, 2020

Thought For Today: Does Voting Count?

If someone has a good reason for not voting, is it anyone's place to criticize? No. If you've followed current events & politics for any number of years, then you've seen a pattern of the same candidates getting into office. We all know that politicians lie; they talk a lot of hot air about what they're going to do for the people, and when it's time to come through, very few politicians make good on their promises. It's almost surprising to hear about a politician that does what they say they're going to do because people are used to lying politicians. I'm tired of some people saying if you don't vote, you can't complain. Even if you complain, nothing's done because most politicians have THEIR agenda. Some politicians don't care about the people. If the people elect someone into office, that person has a responsibility to the people. The people's agenda comes first, not theirs. Knowing that most politicians are out of touch with regular folks, again I ask....does voting really matter?

May 18, 2020

Today's Thought: Something For Nothing

Anyone who's lived long enough understands that at times, we (myself included) go through constant trials (whether the trials are of our doing or out of our control) and feel there's no light at the end. This should encourage believers that this will pass. Things must get better, they can't get any worse.

May 16, 2020

Growing Up In Church vs. Growing In Christ

It's easy to grow up in church because all you have to do is show up, do praise & worship and listen to a sermon. Growing in Christ means nurturing your relationship with Him daily: Prayer & reading his word.

May 15, 2020

Throwback Friday

Dug this out of the archives. It's a good way to view relationships. Would you rather have a fresh vehicle or a used one? There are pros & cons to both.

Today's Thought: Imagine...

Brilliant. How can you fear the ones you've terrorized for centuries? Make this make sense. Are you scared that the victims will have enough of the terror and rise against you? If so, then GOOD. No one should suffer at the hands of their oppressor(s).

May 14, 2020

Aligned For Blessing

All my FB friends drop sermons on their page. Check this out. God knows how to shift the atmosphere to get his children positioned for blessing(s).

May 13, 2020

May 12, 2020

You Think You're Humble?

Honest believers can admit they’re a work in progress with this; I know I am. My belief is that blessing someone who’s done you wrong doesn’t make the offender accountable for their actions.

May 11, 2020

Looks Are Deceiving

Not all blessings are "blessings". It takes discernment to know which is which.

May 9, 2020

Choosing Your Battles

May 7, 2020

Do You

When you're focused on doing you, you don't have time to worry about others. As long as what someone else is (not) doing isn't harming you, live and let live. I will never care enough about someone to worry about what they're (not) doing.

May 6, 2020

All It Takes Is 1 Word from God

Facts. People don't have a fraction of God's power. One word from God overrides man's opinion.

May 5, 2020

3 Stages Of Christianity

There are 3 stages to Christianity: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced.

1. Beginner-Someone is just starting out in their walk with God. They have questions about the Christian life. They're looking for a church to nurture their walk with God.
2. Intermediate-These believers have been walking with God for quite sometime. Many intermediate Christians come to Christ later in life, usually in their teens or early to mid 20s. They're starting to dig deeper in the Word to get a greater understanding of Jesus. They're able to recall times where God has came through for them.
3. Advanced-These Christians know the Word front to back. They can teach the Bible better than many pastors. When you ask them a question about Christianity, they answer the question and give you the scripture reference(s). They've been taught God's word from an early age, and have seen miracles and signs/wonders personally.

May 2, 2020

Your Vision Isn't For Everyone

Everyone isn't meant to understand your vision, so why get upset when someone doesn't see your vision the way you do? God's vision for you is for YOU, and no one else.

May 1, 2020

Today's Thought: God Is Not In The Business Of Blessing Evil

We all know them: The ones who thank God for the promotion even though they sucked up to management, or the celebrities who compromise their values for fame & fortune, and credit God for their success. Read the below message, and read it again.

Doing What's Best For You

I know many people will feel me on this:

People are funny (sarcastic tone). They have the nerve to criticize those who use wisdom before they make moves. People have the right to make choices that benefit them & their loved ones. No one should be shamed into doing what they don't want to do if the cons outweigh the pros. If more people used wisdom before they made a decision, life would be better for everyone. The problem is that some people are used to going through rough times that by default, they feel everyone should "endure". It's true that most trials we face are out of our hands because we live in a fallen world (Christian reference for my believers), but God gives us a brain because he expects us to use it. We also need discernment to be able to judge accurately. If some people make life choices that yield positive results, they should be applauded, not criticized. Some of us could learn from those people.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.