Apr 12, 2020

Tough Times Reveal People's Greed

People are struggling as a result of COVID-19. Folks have/almost drained their savings to pay bills as a result of job loss, then you have greedy landlords like this who have zero compassion. God doesn't like ugly. There's no telling how long COVID-19 will last; President Trump is saying this could last until July/August, but even HE doesn't know. How many people have more than enough savings to carry them through? Dave Ramsey, and other financial professionals say that people should have at least 6 months savings just in case lean times come, but even with that, unexpected expenses come up that require folks to dip into their savings, so you just don't know. Greed is NOT a good look, and some landlords should be ashamed of themselves for trying to bleed money from unemployed folks. Even though many Americans will receive stimulus money (those with direct deposit get theirs faster), that money won't last for some people because many people have poor financial discipline. Greedy people irk me, and that goes double for those who hoard essentials without thinking of others.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.