Apr 30, 2020

Real Talk Thursday

What's On My Mind?

God Doesn't Bless Evil-People do all kinds of evil for fame & fortune and say that God blessed them. 

Most privileged people inherited their privilege from their parents. If their parents didn't work hard to set them up for a good life, they would have to grind just like the rest of us. Privileged people are spoiled and believe they should have everything handed to them.

Apr 29, 2020

The Purpose Of Spiritual Gifts

Just in case some believers don't understand the purpose of their spiritual gift(s)

Apr 28, 2020

Is Privilege Bad?

Is people born into privilege bad? Yes and No. Privilege is bad when you use your privilege to get an unfair advantage. Everyone else is playing fair, but you use privilege to cut corners. I look at rich politicians & most of them are out of touch with regular people. Most wealthy people have no idea what it's like living from check to check, so it's easy for them to say that poor people are broke because of this, that, and the third. How many rich politicians came from nothing? Billionaires, like some wealthy people, inherited their wealth, very few have built their wealth from the ground up. Privilege isn't bad if someone is setting their family up for a better life. Parents sacrifice so their children can have better than what they had, so privilege isn't bad in that regard. Recognition of privilege leads to 2 things: Compassion and gratitude. 
When you can recognize that you're blessed, and you could have it worse, being compassionate and not a jerk to other people is cool, and being grateful for God's blessings makes you a more positive, healthy human being. The problem with privilege is that privileged people don't understand the barriers some people have to overcome to get the same opportunities in life. It's easy to smell yourself when everything's been handed to you. I don't think privilege is bad if you're a decent human being, who understands the road they traveled to a better life and inspires those to rise higher.

Apr 27, 2020

Prenup Discussion=Upset?

If we lived in a perfect world, there would be no need for prenup discussion because people would marry for the right reasons, but because humans are flawed, you can't trust people's logic for getting married. Some people marry for the right reasons such as love & companionship, others marry for ulterior motives such as security. For those who marry for security, I have one question: How were you getting by before Mr(s). The right came along? It's assumed you were supporting yourself before marriage, so the rationale shouldn't change upon tying the knot. I understand why some people get upset when their partner brings up the topic of prenups because it can be seen as a lack of trust, that (s)he isn't with them for the right reasons. While there are people with good intentions, there are also snakes who seek to get close enough to you before they bite. The point of prenups is to protect the one who has the most to lose if the marriage fails. Men and women with substantial assets would be wise to protect themselves because longevity isn't promised in marriage. You can marry for the right reasons, and life can deal blows to where both parties feel it's best to end the marriage. A good prenup benefits both, but some people slight prenups in their favor if they have a lot to lose. The logic of a prenup is why should you get half of what I've worked for prior to marriage?
There are plenty of stories of high-profile men & women who have been bled dry from thirsty exes because there was no prenup in place. The high profile (wo)man felt they married a solid person & as the years went by, signs started showing that one spouse was getting greedy: Not working, wanting the successful spouse to bring in more income, etc. When you're used to a living standard, you want to maintain or upgrade. I feel for the successful people who have lost everything and have had to start over because their ex took half. If the person with more wealth & assets had a prenup in place, they would've been protected and even though they may have lost half, they could've made it back, plus more in the long run. The person with more to lose in marriage has the right to protect themselves, and if their prospective spouse is offended, that's a red flag. The offended person is showing their true colors. It would be wise for the one who has the most to lose to pay attention.

Apr 26, 2020

Tony Evans Quotes

Here are some memorable quotes from Pastor Tony Evans:

Nowhere in this statement does God state preference for one ethnicity over the other. All believers, regardless of race/ethnicity are on God's team. Time out for this racial divide foolishness.
The old-school generation laid the foundation, but the younger generation of believers will take Christianity to the next level. 
The evidence is there. America has gone left with everything involving Godly principles. 

Apr 25, 2020

Billionaires Not Paying Taxes vs. Individual Best Interests

Why do some Americans fight for the rights of billionaires not paying taxes as opposed to their best interests? Short answer: Some Americans are brainwashed by corporate interests. The long answer is a lot more complicated because one would need to examine US history. America was founded in order to be different from Europe and the Old World at large. This mindset forms the American Dream, which states that hard work & dedication result in greatness. America is a nation where individualism is rewarded, and that extends to universal healthcare & social programs. The general consensus is that lower taxes are better and that those who are poor are mooches. 
In recent years, the issue has become a lot more polarizing and we're seeing more Americans voice their dissatisfaction at the way things are run. The way I see it is that billionaires get far too many tax breaks: If they give to charity, they can write it off on their taxes. Many of the tax breaks are set up to where the top 5%-10% benefit, and that's not right. Are billionaires deep in their feelings where they don't want to pay their fair share? It sounds like it to me. If you can afford to pay more in taxes, you should pay your fair share. It's stupid to expect the working and middle class to pay the bulk of taxes while the rich get off. This is why it pays to be rich because when you're rich, you get the best of life.

Apr 24, 2020

Belief In Jesus=God's Favor

Apr 23, 2020

Real Talk Thursday

Apr 22, 2020

Wednesday Thought: Questions

This was my answer:

Many pastors are in ministry for fame & fortune. If most of their messages center around how to get blessed, that's a red flag. It's good to preach messages about how to be blessed, but pastors should be trying to help their congregation grow spiritually. Sometimes, pastors have to preach hard messages. It's important to know the Word for yourself because a lot of pastors will lead you astray. If the pastor's messages can't be backed up by the Bible, then you don't need to sit under that ministry. I feel for a lot of people who were taken advantage of by pastors, and I see why some people want nothing to do with the church. 

Apr 21, 2020

Tuesday Wisdom: Forgive, Never Forget

Repost from a FB friend's page. I live by a simple motto: Fools will be fools; that includes those who try to get away with disrespect, then have the nerve to ask for forgiveness. Never forgetting means you have wisdom in knowing what they're capable of, so you limit contact as much as possible. 

Apr 20, 2020

Monday Gospel

Apr 17, 2020

Recompense, Reconciliation & Vindication

"It is a day of recompense, vindication, and reconciliation. People who have slandered you and besmirched your testimony will come calling with repentance in their hearts. People who have passed you up and overlooked you will suddenly say, "I must have you in my life..." Those who have whispered to separate you from your chief friends will be smitten before your face, and the betrayer will be exposed, and relationships healed that was on the cusp of totally following apart. This is your day, says the Father. Press into what I have promised. Embrace the hope of a better day. Expect a new overflow of goodness and favor by My hand for these are the days of manifest glory beyond what you have experienced in times past as I use you and move in you and make of you an instrument of ministry purpose to fulfill all My promises toward you in a moment of time."
Today's blog is coming from a daily devotional I receive in my inbox. It deals with Recompense, Reconciliation & Vindication. I want to touch on a few points in this message:

1. "People who have passed you up and overlooked you will suddenly say, "I must have you in my life..."

If you've overlooked someone, you are not entitled to come back into their lives because most people won't let you back in. If you can't see someone's value, it's not their responsibility to convince you of their worth. People are not doors that you can walk in and out of their lives. For me, when you walk out of my life, stay gone because I will NOT let you back in.

2. "Those who 

have whispered to separate you from your chief friends will be smitten before your face, and the betrayer will be exposed, and relationships healed that was on the cusp of totally falling apart."

My chief friends should be smart enough NOT to entertain foolishness. If someone comes to them with slander about me, they should shut it down quickly (I would do the same for them). The longer you entertain someone's lie(s), the greater chance you have of believing them. Therefore, it's safe to say my so-called "chief" friends were snakes hiding in the bushes. When the relationships fall apart, I don't want the relationship(s) healed because I could never look at my so-called "chief" friends the same way. They gave into the lies, so I would be done with them. I would forgive them, but there will be NO reconciliation. Remember the saying "Friends are like enemies; you can't tell the difference"?

Apr 16, 2020

Common Sense: Now Is Not The Right Time

Apr 15, 2020

Careless Pet Ownership

1. That could’ve been someone’s child and her stupid butt let those pits ravage that cat. I know the owner is pissed & he has every right to be. This lady should be sued and those dogs put down because it’s obvious she can’t control them. I'm a dog lover, but pet ownership comes with responsibility.
2. Same scenario. Everyone doesn’t need to get a pitbull if they can’t control it.

Apr 14, 2020

No Tax Exempt Status=No Ministry

There may come a time where churches will be stripped of their tax-exempt status. When that happens, that will reveal the motives of many ministers. Will some remain in ministry for the right reason(s) or will some depart because they no longer are tax exempt?

Apr 13, 2020

Lean On Me-Bill Withers

I played this song 5 times yesterday. It has a spiritual meaning behind it. This song can mean for believers to lean on Jesus, or for everyone else, they can lean on loved ones for support. Regardless of the reason, this song stands the test of time.

Apr 12, 2020

Tough Times Reveal People's Greed

People are struggling as a result of COVID-19. Folks have/almost drained their savings to pay bills as a result of job loss, then you have greedy landlords like this who have zero compassion. God doesn't like ugly. There's no telling how long COVID-19 will last; President Trump is saying this could last until July/August, but even HE doesn't know. How many people have more than enough savings to carry them through? Dave Ramsey, and other financial professionals say that people should have at least 6 months savings just in case lean times come, but even with that, unexpected expenses come up that require folks to dip into their savings, so you just don't know. Greed is NOT a good look, and some landlords should be ashamed of themselves for trying to bleed money from unemployed folks. Even though many Americans will receive stimulus money (those with direct deposit get theirs faster), that money won't last for some people because many people have poor financial discipline. Greedy people irk me, and that goes double for those who hoard essentials without thinking of others.

Apr 11, 2020

Faith vs. Wisdom

Churches have been affected by COVID-19's social distancing guideline, and many pastors are streaming their services online for the congregation's safety. Some believers are in their feelings because they feel the government is intruding on their right to worship. The Bible obligates Christians to follow orders set by those in authority unless the orders defy God. How is following reasonable orders concerning your health & protection intruding on your freedom to worship God? Last time I checked, the body of Christ is the church, so we shouldn't need a building to worship God. That's not all; some Christians are critical of other believers for their "lack of faith". Let me get this straight, Christians are supposed to forfeit wisdom for faith's sake? Defying wisdom is careless because your putting your health and others' health at risk. You can't take chances because you don't know who could have COVID-19. If we're honest, some pastors feel if the congregation isn't present, they won't tithe when it's time for offering.
Bishop Jakes, Joel Osteen, Tony Evans, and other big-time pastors have been streaming their services, and I'm sure their members give faithfully, so other pastors should follow suit. Pastor Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, LA has been arrested more than once for defying the coronavirus order. He says he will continue holding services regardless of the ban on large gatherings. His reason is he's teaching his members to exercise their faith for God's protection from the virus. I think that's difficult to do considering everyone is a potential carrier. There's a time to have faith, and a time to exercise wisdom. Now is NOT the time to be reckless with one's health.

Apr 10, 2020

Friday Gospel: The Cost of God's Covering

Apr 9, 2020

God's Covering

Apr 8, 2020

Wednesday Gospel

Apr 7, 2020

Today's Thought: HA

Y'all gonna learn today HA
Employers thought they were gonna continue taking advantage of employees HA

*God is tired of our foolishness.*

Apr 5, 2020

4 Common Questions Atheists Ask About God

These are valid questions for atheists to ask. Even believers have questioned God at one point in their spiritual walk; If they haven't, they're lying because as a believer, the Bible says you will have trouble in this world. Since believers aren't exempt from trials in life, it can lead them to question their faith especially if the trials are back to back. I want to elaborate on Questions 1, 3 & 4.

#1. God never intended the world to be ridden with suffering and evil, but because of Adam & Eve's disobedience, sin entered the landscape, and we see the evidence of that today. Another example is when Lucifer (originally one of the angels of Heaven) tried to assert himself above God, and God ended up banishing him and 2/3rds of the angels to hell. Adam & Eve were supposed to have dominion over Earth, and they gave dominion to Satan when they disobeyed God. What's going on today is a reflection of sin. 

#3. I believe if you do wrong, YOU should face judgment. Everyone shouldn't suffer for one person's disobedience. If I was God, I would spare everyone from Adam & Eve's judgment. In other words, Adam & Eve would pay for their disobedience, everyone that comes after them would be exempt. While sin is a condition, the choice to sin falls on the person. God gives us free will to do right or wrong.

#4. I shake my head at Christians who do evil. Christians who do evil are NOT my brothers and sisters in Christ because they make me look bad. One person/a few people can mess it up for everyone, and Christianity is no different. When unsaved people see Christians doing evil, they label all Christians as foul based on the actions of a few. For believers, YOU may be the only Jesus someone will ever see, so it's important to represent Christ well. That doesn't mean fronting like a perfect Christian, it simply means keeping it real. Too many Christians front like they're holy & sanctified, and when they're exposed, they deny. One thing about me: I'm a believer, but I foul up from time to time like everyone else. I own my mistakes, and keep it moving.

Apr 4, 2020

Progressive Christianity

Christianity is NOT the same as it was when I was growing up. Back then, Christianity was based on Biblical doctrine. What was in the Bible is what believers (and secular folks) stood on. Now, this new wave of Christianity called "Progressive Christianity" is doing far more damage to the faith than people realize. I think of progressive Christianity as a form of liberal Christianity where the Bible is watered down to suit feelings, Biblical doctrine is left open for interpretation, and facts are edited to fit someone's agenda.

Apr 3, 2020

America Is Bullheaded

I PRAY that I'm wrong, but given the history, I may be right. Before 9/11, there were warnings leading up to the attack. Did the government listen? No. When 9/11 struck, people were crying out to God for repentance, churches were full and things went back to normal. 19 years later, COVID-19 strikes, throwing society in a tailspin: People laid off from their jobs, the government has to send stimulus money to millions, selfishness/greed, and the list goes on. This virus doesn't care if you have long money or whether you're living check to check, everyone is getting this work. I saw video footage of nurses and doctors at one hospital praying before their shift; they go on top of the hospital helipad and pray because they know this is spiritual, not physical. God's grace is running out, so people better tighten up and get right. I hope...America gets it, I really do because God's grace is running out. As stated before, God has America in time out.

Lost Without You? Negative

Some people really think they're that valuable to you to where you'll fall apart without them. You were doing fine before they came along, you'll do fine without them. In many cases, the blessing is in their exit from your life.

Apr 2, 2020

Public Service Announcement

Got this off someone's FB page. They were on point. I think God's grace has expired.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.