Jan 21, 2020

Will The Real Christians Please Stand Up?

She's telling the truth. Not only on prayer, but for same-sex marriage as well and other policies that go against Christian values. There's a reason why the Bible calls Christians to pray for those in authority, so they will make godly decisions. In today's world, it seems like many believers go along to get along. They don't want to be seen as bigots, so they stay silent on issues they know God is against. I do respect the LGBT community because they come together and get things done in their favor, the same with atheists. If believers could click up, there's no telling how the tide would turn in God's favor. I don't know if anyone is familiar with Murray O'Hair, but she was one of the people responsible for getting prayer removed from schools. There were a few before her, but she's been most influential in getting prayer taken out of schools. Years later, she and her family were found dead. One person should never have that much power, but where were the believers? It's easy to talk about standing for righteousness, but it's another thing when your beliefs are tested. It costs to stand for righteousness, one that some believers aren't willing to pay.

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Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.