Jan 16, 2019

Buying Forgiveness

Pastor John Gray isn't the first pastor to cheat on his wife, and he won't be the last. I will say this: People need to stop putting pastors on pedestals, like they're so perfect. Pastors are human, they're subject to making serious mistakes just like the rest of us. The secular world already thinks poorly of Christianity and this is more ammo for them to use against the church. It's like this: Pastors, as leaders are held to a higher standard so it's on them to tread carefully; to not give off the appearance of impropriety. I like John Gray, he's a gifted speaker and motivator and just because he's sinned, doesn't mean I'm going to stop following his ministry. It's in his brokenness that God can use him greatest. He can use this as a teaching tool for couples who are going through similar situations. Much respect goes to Aventer (his wife) for standing by her husband, even though he did wrong. She told the other woman that she doesn't want it with her and prayed the devil away. I hope they can work through this and Pastor Gray has asked God to forgive him, which I'm sure he has. If it's true Pastor Gray bought his wife a Lambo as his way of asking her forgiveness, then I guess all it takes to escape accountability is buying your spouse a nice gift and all is well.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.