Aug 31, 2018

Gender Confusion

Aug 30, 2018

The Name Of Jesus

Aug 28, 2018

Feelings...Nothing More Than Feelings

The above stat sums up my feelings on Trump not being invited to McCain's funeral. Trump has better things to do than attend McCain's funeral. McCain and Trump never liked each other from Day 1, and McCain made it known he didn't want Trump at his funeral, so tell me why are people in their feelings again? Frankly, the constant disdain for Donald Trump just proves what I've said all along: With all this Trump hate, no opponent is being groomed to go against Trump in 2020, so I see Trump as a 2-term president. It's like more time is spent trying to take Trump down than getting an opponent ready.

Aug 27, 2018

Children in 2018....

I'm growing tired of hearing about children dying because of sorry parents who left them in a hot car all day, and that goes double for those who make excuses for the parents. A mistake is when you accidentally burn dinner on the stove because you were trying to help your child with their homework, NOT leaving your child in a hot car all day. That's out & out murder, period. If there can be a screening process before you can adopt a child, there needs to be a screening process in place before you can become a parent. Then the parents want to boo-hoo cry about how they didn't know, or they didn't mean to. Too late, a child died at the hands of negligent parents.

Aug 26, 2018

Your Happiness Is Important

That's how you know most people are out for self. They expect you to cater to them 24-7, but when you start looking out for your own happiness, it's a problem.'s their problem, not mine.

Aug 23, 2018

Satanism: Coming To A School Near You

After listening to this video clip about Satanism being introduced to kids in Orange Co. schools, I shook my head because it's more proof that America is racing towards judgment. I'm not surprised because Jesus warned his followers about this in Revelation. Evil is good, and good is evil in society's eyes. That same society has the audacity to blame God for tragedies happen. HELLO, do people stop to think that sometimes God uses tragedy to get our attention? Because Satan knows his time is short, he's speeding up the process of taking as many people to hell with him as possible.  I sense an increase in homeschooling or putting kids in Christian schools because honestly, public schools are a joke. Satanism is not a religion, nor does it belong in schools. Feel how you want, I could care less. If this isn't a wake-up call for Christians, I don't know what is.

Aug 22, 2018

Decreasing Bass In A Man's Voice

There's not a man alive that hasn't been guilty of the above post. He's kicking it with the fellas and they get to flexing how they run their house, and their wives do what they tell them to do wife overhears her man talking noise, then motions the other wives to come hear what nonsense the fellas are saying. The ladies don't say nothing because the fellas are doing a good job of hanging themselves. Eventually, the fellas try to change the subject, but their ladies aren't having it. Guess who's going to be in the doghouse...

Aug 21, 2018

Aug 19, 2018

God Does NOT Favor White Supremacy

Where do white supremacists get off thinking God is on their side when they twist his word to support white supremacy? Last time I checked, God loves everyone: white, black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. When believers get to Heaven, there's not going to be a Whites Only, Blacks Only or (insert race/ethnicity) Only section of Heaven. This pastor shut it down with the following:

Aug 15, 2018

Trump calls Omarosa a 'dog' in latest insult

Once again, President Donald Trump is in hot water. When ISN'T he in hot water for coming out of his mouth wrong? From making fun of a disabled reporter to calling Omarosa a dog, I'm convinced Trump has no chill. If he can call Omarosa a dog, there's no telling what else he'll say. I've followed Trump since his campaign and he's said much worse. This is a man who openly stated he grabs women by the P. She has been defending and protecting Trump for years going to church with him and what notTrump really wanted to call Omarosa a B. Trump has always talked bad about those he fired, and Omarosa was just another casualty. If we're honest, she has no right to be in her feelings because she defended Trump all this time, and now wants to expose the man? Come on. She's looking for a come-up. I've said this before and I'll say it again: Why are people shocked by anything Trump says? Seriously. Have they not paid attention to where he mocked a disabled reporter? Unlike some people, nothing Trump says surprises me because he's always said offensive things. I'm not condoning his offensive remarks, but let's stop being shocked by what comes out of Trump's mouth.

Aug 14, 2018

Thought For Today

This is why you can't take people seriously because they'll speak highly of you and as soon as you fall out with them, they talk about you like a dog. When Omarosa was working with President Trump, she was overjoyed, but when Trump fired her, now she wants to put Trump on blast by talking about him like a dog. My thought is she shouldn't have agreed to work for Trump.

Aug 13, 2018

Going Somewhere?

Most people who say "Everybody Can't Go" aren't going anywhere except down the street, around the corner or next door. In other words, they're going nowhere.

Aug 12, 2018

Getting What You're Praying For

If you don't believe in what you're praying for, don't expect God to answer your prayers. Belief and request must always....always match.

Aug 3, 2018


When questions like this have to be asked, you know marriage is dismal. There are couples who really think they're entitled to an affair if their spouse is ill, shakes head. When you marry, you take the good with the bad. Sickness and health, better or worse, rich or poor, etc. If you're not ready to love your spouse through the good & bad, don't bother marrying. Honestly, I respect people who know the risks of marriage and choose not to marry; they know their limits so you can't be mad at that.

Aug 2, 2018

Thursday Gospel

When you're tempted to meddle in someone's business, read this:

Aug 1, 2018

I'm Not Going Nowhere

The above video clip is of a black patron being asked to leave the restaurant. According to the patron, it's because of his race, but the manager received complaints about this same patron being disrespectful. I don't know who or what to believe, but I will say this: Why argue about staying in a business that doesn't want your money? If you're asked to leave, LEAVE. No need to cause a scene. Restaurants and other businesses have the right to refuse service to whomever they see fit, and they don't need a reason. I know it's pathetic, but so is the world in which we live. If that were me, and I'm asked to leave, I would take my money elsewhere; period. There's plenty other restaurants that would accept his money, so it's easier to go where you're appreciated; that's what I would do.

Women: I’m Not In My Soft Era

No woman should ever complain about NOT being in her soft era.