Nov 10, 2017

The Fall: God's Plan?

Was The Fall God's Plan? That's a question I often think about. I have a possible answer:

God was going to create humans and he knew he HAD to test us the very same way. That is why he let Satan seduce Eve in the garden. Lots of people continually try to make God the enemy and accuse him of purposefully putting human beings in a no-win situation to sin, not really. You need to understand Eve was a person like you and I; She FREELY chose to listen to the snake EVEN THOUGH she had the knowledge of what God told her. She FREELY chose to take a bite of the golden apple. Nobody made her or forced her, she CHOSE that, and Adam chose to do the same. Thus, sin was created in the world. That was the test, that was the their choice, and the result was sin so the test has been on-going. He has to know who is there for him and worthy of him. Who is worthy of the kingdom of Heaven?? Surely not a wicked human being. That is why he sent his son to die on the cross so that he could make atonement to God for our sins so we could see Heaven. The test after the flood was simply accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior and trying to live out a life pleasing to God and bringing others to the knowledge and trying to save them. Those who do not pass the test are the ones who fall away from the faith, follow other Gods, fall into sin and never repent, and etc. They end up in Hell where Satan and the fallen angels went when they turned against God. Their hearts were not for God or close to God, and that's the test of every human being on this planet.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.