Jun 27, 2017

Classic Post: Men Gossiping Like Women

Each day I'm understanding why some women feel that today's men aren't like the men of old. The men of old never gossiped about another man behind his back. Whatever a man had to say, he said it to another man's face, and whatever happened, happened. Here's a classic stat from my FB timeline

6/26: There used to be a time where it was unacceptable for a man to gossip about another man or anyone for that matter. Now, so-called men are acting like women with the subliminal disses, snide remarks and talking behind people's back. Most of the time, these same men get that Scooby Doo and play stupid like the mess isn't wrong. Throwing your rock and hiding your hand IS NOT CUTE. If you say & do something, OWN UP TO WHAT YOU SAY/SAID AND DO/DID. If you can't stand behind what you say and do, you shouldn't do it. Over & Out.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.