So many Christians want revival, but are WE (believers) ready for revival?— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) July 1, 2017
Jun 30, 2017
Thought For Today: God, Send Revival
Jun 29, 2017
Talisha Kaye: Anything You Say Can & Will Be Used Against You
Today's Word is from one of my FB friends Talisha Kaye:
If you confide in "relatives" or "friends" about your issues/situations and they in turn throw it back in your face in attempts hurt or insult you, they are automatically your enemy!!
Jun 28, 2017
Wal-Mart Is A Capitalist
Groceries, Medicine, Oil & Gasoline, Auto, Home Improvement, etc. Is there any business Wal-Mart isn't into? Wal-Mart is the epitome of capitalist because they find ways to make money by getting into different industries; no wonder 6 Walton family members are on the billionaires list.
Jun 27, 2017
Classic Post: Men Gossiping Like Women
Each day I'm understanding why some women feel that today's men aren't like the men of old. The men of old never gossiped about another man behind his back. Whatever a man had to say, he said it to another man's face, and whatever happened, happened. Here's a classic stat from my FB timeline
6/26: There used to be a time where it was unacceptable for a man to gossip about another man or anyone for that matter. Now, so-called men are acting like women with the subliminal disses, snide remarks and talking behind people's back. Most of the time, these same men get that Scooby Doo and play stupid like the mess isn't wrong. Throwing your rock and hiding your hand IS NOT CUTE. If you say & do something, OWN UP TO WHAT YOU SAY/SAID AND DO/DID. If you can't stand behind what you say and do, you shouldn't do it. Over & Out.
Jun 26, 2017
Random Thought
How a ghetto can pass for an upper middle class neighborhood confuses people because they see the pretty homes, manicured lawns and overall quietness until a few blocks over, automatic weapons are going off with police racing to murder scenes.
I remember when ghettos looked like actual ghettos. Now, you have inner city areas that look like upper middle class neighborhoods.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 25, 2017
Jun 25, 2017
For me, a sign of maturing in my walk with God is not to get upset when I'm facing adversity especially if I'm in God's will. It's said that the closer you are to your blessing, the harder the adversity. Yes it sucks sometimes, but I live in a fallen world so I'm going to have to fight.
Just because you have opposition doesn’t mean you’re not in God’s will. The adversity means the opportunity is coming.— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) June 25, 2017
Jun 24, 2017
I want to live out my fantasies | The Steve Harvey Morning Show
The solution is pretty simple to me: Live out his freaky fantasies with his wife. If she's a solid woman (According to this letter, she is), she better not co-sign this foolishness. She better give this joker the side eye and threaten to cut him if he ever tries her like that again.
Jun 23, 2017
You Started It, You Fix It
Women are used to dealing with conflict because they're the source of it.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 21, 2017
Jun 22, 2017
Tallahassee Is A Warzone? Stop It
I'm annoyed at some Tallahassee citizens who swear Tallahassee has a crime issue. In order for Tallahassee to have a true crime problem, our violent crime has to be on par with property crime. Looking at the stats, Tallahassee's crime is lopsided because the property crime is much higher than violent crime. If anything, Tallahassee's property crime is the highest in the state (according to FDLE), and that's stretching it because comparing Tallahassee's crime with that of Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando, and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, those places dwarf Tallahassee in violent and property crime. Don't get me started on how some people are saying Tallahassee is #1 in murder. As long as I've lived in Tallahassee (being from Miami), our annual murder count has stayed below the teens; Tallahassee usually averages 7 murders a year, which is good considering the city's size. Why? Because citizens and law enforcement won't let this city get out of control. The worst areas of Tallahassee have at least 2-3 police cruisers patrolling the hoods, so you really think folks are going to pull it? Negative. Look at the top 50 US cities (mid-size to large) with high murder rates and you won't find Tallahassee on there, I promise you.
Tallahassee folks still saying Tallahassee's #1 in murder? Stop it. We haven't cracked the list of top 50 US cities with high murder rates.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 20, 2017
Jun 21, 2017
Hit Or Miss?
If you live life long enough, you'll understand. No one has it all together, myself included.
The best of us miss the mark from time to time.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 21, 2017
Jun 20, 2017
If I Knew Then What I Know Now..
That's why some people keep getting the same result(s), refusal to change.
If some people knew then what they know now, they'd do the same thing.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 20, 2017
Jun 19, 2017
How You Used To Be
Everyone has a past, good or bad, but this tweet is for those who have ugly pasts that they're ashamed of. As long as you've been forgiven and repented, let people run their mouths about your past. 9 times out of 10, theirs haven't been exposed yet.
When God has rectified your past, it shouldn't matter if people bring up how you used to be.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017
He Was A Good Kid
Whenever I watch a parent speak of their child's death, I sometimes get annoyed when (s)he says they're innocent, knowing that kid was running the streets being O'Dog (Menace 2 Society character).
Every youth who loses their life isn't innocent.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 18, 2017
Jun 17, 2017
Random Thought: Hurricane Katrina
When Katrina ravaged New Orleans, the violent crime went up in Houston, Dallas, Atlanta and Baton Rouge. New Orleans' murder rate is infamous for being 10x the national rate, but those N.O. cats would not have gotten by with trying to take over Miami or Memphis, because dudes in those places are just as gutter as N.O. dudes.
Jun 16, 2017
I Thought You Were So Hardcore
The hardest gangsters and criminals on Death Row say they don't care until they find God. They know they don't want to go to hell, so all that hardcore attitude quickly vanishes.
Example: Ted Bundy. He gave his life to Christ while on Death Row.
Personally, they're smart for giving their hearts to Christ even on Death Row because they know hell is eternal suffering, once you go there, you suffer forever. They want no parts of that.
Jun 15, 2017
Classic Post
- Thought Of The Day: If you're not in a relationship, you aren't happy. Really? So happiness is based on being involved with someone that may/may not be right for you? I like to see happy couples in love. Yes, they have issues but being committed to each other allows them to work through those problems. Men & Women do not have committment issues, most people aren't worth a committment. Let's be honest folks, men and women have more baggage than ever before and who wants to take on someone as a project? Most people are incapable of loving someone past their mess and in some way, I can't blame them. You have to be patient to love him/her past their baggage in order to get the best of them. If you can't bring your A-game to a relationship, I will not spend time trying to fix a woman. That's not my responsibility. My parents and friends ask me this from time to time and I tell them the same thing: I don't want the trash most women bring: ghetto attitude and loose morals, too busy living the club lifestyle, etc. Men have issues they need to fix as well and probably more. Many people don't know how to be single. They base being whole on having someone in their life but little do some people realize that you have to learn how to be single before you can be in a relationship. If you can't be happy alone, how do you expect to be happy with another person? Wholeness comes from doing soul-searching then working on yourself to where if you decide to start looking, you and her will bring the best out of each other resulting in two whole people. When two people are on the same page & they are complete within themselves, they're a power couple. Many people don't want a relationship because they value their ambition & freedom/independence moreso than companionship. With everything coming together (thanks to my homeboy Jesus) regarding my goals & a better job making good money, the woman who finds me has to be on point and then some. I'm bringing 110% to the table so I'm expecting the best of her, minus the baggage. Character & Personality flaws are non-negotiable with me. I will not deal with attitude & drama, making me pay for another man's mistakes. I am wary of anybody who says "take it or leave it" because that shows they want you to accept their craziness but they won't deal with yours. If someone walks out because you won't bend your dealbreakers, let them go. That's the best thing to happen because that's less drama I, you or anyone has to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to find a drama & baggage-free person. It's work but it pays dividends in a happy life together.
Jun 14, 2017
Thought For Today: Health
There's nothing like good health because it enables you to take care of business & enjoy life. When you're health is on point, so is the rest of your life. I make a point to take care of myself though diet and intense exercise, plus rest.
Jun 13, 2017
Thought For Today: Sometimes, You Produce A Better Harvest Elsewhere
Congratulations to Kevin Durant for his first ring and being named MVP of the NBA finals. Already, people are jumping on the man for going to Golden State to win a title which was the same team that beat him last year. The saying "If you can't beat them, join them" applies. LeBron James did the same thing when he first left Cleveland for Miami, then he came back to Cleveland and brought the city a title. How is Durant any different than LeBron in that aspect? HE'S NOT. The reason why Durant didn't get the level of flak LeBron did is because he was silent about his move to Golden State. No media attention, nothing; he left. Some sports fans should cut the crap and realize that every player wants to win a championship, and if it means going to another team, so be it. KD has been in the league 10 years and has been with OKC from Day 1. When Westbrook was having bad games, Durant was the one to step up since there was no help (outside of Westbrook). KD knew if he stayed in Oklahoma City, he would end his career ringless, and he couldn't go out like that. Kevin Durant made the right move, it resulted in a ring, and for that I salute him.
Moral Of The Story: If you're not generating a harvest where you're at, maybe you need to plant your seed elsewhere. That's what Kevin Durant did and look what it got him, a championship.
Jun 12, 2017
God Comes First
Anytime a believer puts God first, their mate will feel slighted. If that's the case, then (s)he isn't the one for you.
Some Christian women claim to want a man chasing after Jesus, but if he puts God over her, she will be slighted.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 12, 2017
Jun 10, 2017
Tenth Avenue North - I Have This Hope (Official Music Video)
I listened to this song twice yesterday evening and it's beautiful. It keeps my hope strong that God will do what he said he'd do in my life and that of my loved ones.
Jun 9, 2017
Question & Answer
If the Bible speaks of the wisdom of remaining single over being with a contentious woman, tell me why do some men insist on staying with a contentious woman, then have the nerve to complain about her?
Answer: Many men are soft like tissue paper; they don't want to give up that good good.
Jun 8, 2017
Darren Canning: 'America, Get Ready for Blessing, Wealth and Gold!'
I felt led to make this a blog post because the times we're living in warrant this. God's word does say the wicked's wealth is stored up for the righteous. Reading about Trump's commitment to protecting religious freedom gives me faith that I made the right choice in voting for him. I'm riding with anyone who's riding with Israel because God blesses those who bless Israel.
Jun 7, 2017
Wednesday Gospel: Life Isn't About Pleasing Everyone
I'm over trying to be a people-pleaser because it just doesn't work. No matter what you do, some people will never be satisfied.
Life isn't about pleasing everybody. It's about bringing out the best of you and spending time with those who appreciate your best :)— Inspired with Lucas (@LucasBryner3) June 6, 2017
Jun 6, 2017
Tuesday Wisdom
Quoted by Sampras Myrie Ashby (Chill)
"When you go fishing in a polluted pond, you're not so quick to eat what you catch"
Matter of fact, throw that catch back in the pond. The meaning of this quote is not every catch is a good catch, be it a relationship, job opportunity, etc.
Jun 5, 2017
Women: Male friends vs. Female friends
Is it that big a deal to some women if another woman has more male friends than female friends? Must be if some women have a problem with another woman's friend choices. Maybe she has more in common with men, or she could've grown up with men and she sees them as brothers, who knows.
Why are some women slighted if a woman has more male than female friends? If she feels women are catty, that's her right.— Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) June 4, 2017
Jun 4, 2017
What's On My Mind? Christians With No Backbone
I have to question some Christians' Christianity because there are issues that God's people SHOULD NOT compromise on, gay marriage being one of them. Some of these Christians are soft like toilet paper regarding this stance because like the world, some Christians support gay marriage. Either that or they cower on their view(s) for fear of being labeled as close-minded, intolerant, narrowminded, whatever the case may be. You have a few Christians that believe that it's God's responsibility to judge, not ours. True to a degree, BUT...God's people have a responsibility and a right to stand for righteousness. If the world can stand for what they believe in, why can't God's people do the same? Some Christians need to tighten up and stop being so scared of being labeled as close-minded, intolerant, narrowminded, etc. because they don't or won't co-sign ungodliness. I have no ill will towards anyone, BUT if I see something that's ratchet, I will speak against it with no fear of being labeled as intolerant or regardless of what heat I will catch. Hey, if some Christians want to be the Cowardly Lion, go right ahead. *Shrug*
Jun 2, 2017
Years and Years of Cheating!
Regardless of what he's not doing, that doesn't excuse her cheating. These issues didn't just crop up, they were lying dormant for a while before they had a chance to surface. He needs to man up and get himself together because he's got a wife to tend to.
Jun 1, 2017
FB Scenario: Domestic Violence
- FB SCENARIO Question: I am a 27-year old woman. I've been dating this guy for over a year, and he has been very understanding of my temper and tendency to hit him when I'm angry. Last week we got into a very heated argument, and I decided to hit him as I usually do when I'm angry. This time he hit me back, and I ended up with a black eye. I was raised that a man should never hit a woman for any reason, and now I'm considering leaving him because I don't deserve to be abused. What would you do?
My Response: He allowed her too many passes to hit him, and he got fed up so he decided to sock her dead in her eye. He had no business letting her hit him when she gets mad, and all of a sudden he wants to hit back? Cut the crap. No one should be understanding of a mate's tendency to hit them out of anger. I tell you what, depending on my mood, if she hit me out of anger, she runs the risk of getting jawed, and I'd be ready for any of the men in her family should they come for me. What goes through the minds of some men when they LET their woman beat on them, but they won't hit back because "a real man doesn't hit a woman for ANY reason"? Sorry ladies, but you lose the right to play victim when you put yourself in a man's position. It's not like it was back in the day, where a woman could get away with putting hands on her man, or any man for that matter. Personally, the first time my woman puts her hands on me out of anger, we're through. I have zero tolerance for domestic violence. Folks have got to learn how to control their anger. Shoot, go for a walk, pray, work out, do whatever to get rid of that anger.
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Gentle Parenting
Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.
Message! See, I thought there was only one type of simp, but after reading this, there are 10 kinds of simps. This was posted on the Stop S...
Foolishness can end your life quick, and death will be ready to embrace you. — Florida Made (@RichardMIATL) July 2, 2015 As usual, ...
I'm in Facebook groups where a lot of men in relationships complain about non-submissive women. The below tweet sheds light on why some ...