Apr 7, 2017

Domestic Violence: No Excuses

Regardless of whether your spouse lied to you and/or cheated, there's no justifiable reason for putting your hands on them. If your mate cheated, leave. Don't let them explain themselves because you already know they're going to hit you with nonsense about how it's your fault. If (s)he lied to you, that could damage the relationship because you're going to doubt everything (s)he says. I read about couples who have hit each other out of anger and I shake my head because it's a matter of time before it happens again. Personally, if my woman hits me out of anger, I reserve the right to push her wig back. It doesn't mean I'll do it because the way these laws are set up, I have more to lose and I'm not throwing away everything I have going for myself over some woman who throws a tantrum. I don't care if she comes to her senses and apologizes, I'm not having it. Domestic violence wouldn't be an issue if couples adopted a zero tolerance towards it. The first time someone hits their (wo)man, relationship over. Even if they apologize and show remorse, it's a wrap. Verbal abuse almost always escalates to physical abuse. I'll never...never understand how couples can take each other back after domestic violence. Maybe it's not for me to understand, who knows.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.