Apr 30, 2017

No Counterattack With God

God does not play a game of counterattack with the devil. The devil does something bad, God steps in to bring something good out of it.

Apr 28, 2017

Guest Blog Post: Monique Conley

I want to share this nugget with you folks. Credit goes to the person mentioned below. Read on.
Monique Conley
Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as "being called to be a wife or a husband" just as there is no such thing as "soul mates". For one, as I stated before, if God made just one person for us to find, then a widow's new spouse isn't the "one". Furthermore, the Bible says that if you desire physical intimacy (in the context of marriage) it is better to marry. If you don't desire physical intimacy or marriage, then the word says that it is better to be single.
The Lord releases people into your life based on your desires, and it's just a matter of crossing paths which the Lord orchestrates. However, the Holy Spirit will let you know if a person that you desire shouldn't be in your life especially if you are spiritually mature.
It is our job as believers to seek the Lord concerning any person that we may desire to marry. But to assume that God has made the decision that you will never marry isn't biblical and implies some kind of punishment. That's why the scriptures says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing. God never promised us spouses and neither did He state that He made some people to be single. The Bible says that if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart. In the meantime, keep Jesus as the center of your life, learn what it means to be a husband or wife and ask the Lord for discernment...

Apr 27, 2017

Desire According To Your Current Level

If a man can't workout for an hour without getting winded, he can't desire a fit woman.
If a woman can't run 20 minutes on the treadmill without getting gassed, she shouldn't want a guy who's fit.
Want within your means.

Apr 26, 2017

Work Out Your Faith

No way around it. Your faith won't get stronger unless you work it out.

Apr 25, 2017

Being Spoiled Is Not A Good Look

I don't know why some people brag about being spoiled, like it's a good thing. Look around and you'll see entitled adults because their parents gave them everything they wanted. They've never had to work for anything, it was given to them. When entitled adults get into the real world, they get in their feelings because they realize the world doesn't owe them anything. If you want something, go get it. I'm glad I was spoiled with love & support because that's all the spoiling I need. Everything else, I'd rather go get it because once I get it, I can say I worked for it.

Apr 24, 2017

Monday Thought: Forever Ungrateful

Apr 23, 2017

Pray When The Going Gets Tough, Because It Will

Believers should be praying in the good times so they can have faith to endure the bad. This is an oldie, but goodie:
Thought For Today: When The going gets tough, you pray. In theory, that's a good mindset to have in marriage, but here's the problem: Most people don't want to take time to pray. They would rather bounce, which to a degree I understand because some things you SHOULD NOT overlook, which is why we have dealbreakers.

Apr 22, 2017

Message To Liberal Parents

For parents who want to give their children too much freedom, and they start smelling themselves, watch this video. That goes double for these coward thugs and domestic terrorists, I blame your parents for raising such failures.

Apr 21, 2017

Like Vs. Love

You can like someone, but not love them, and vice versa.

Apr 20, 2017

Funeral Real Talk For Blacks

Tighten up on this madness black folks:

  1. Black people need to stop carrying on at funerals. If you have 5 minutes to speak on your deceased loved one, KEEP it at 5 minutes. "I knew so & so from way back when" Cut the crap.

Apr 18, 2017

PSA To Blacks

Due to the I-85 bridge collapse, and according to a FB friend who lives in Atlanta, I-20 is buckling, I'd like to leave blacks with this advice:

Apr 17, 2017

God: Help Me Destroy My Enemies

Why do some Christians pray cute prayers when the enemy is after them? I think it's because believers have been taught they aren't supposed to pray violent prayers. Last time I checked, Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy so knowing that, why wouldn't a believer want to see his enemies destroyed? When the Israelites went to battle, they showed no mercy on their enemies. King Saul was given orders by God to destroy the Amalekites, but he spared Agag and the best cattle. Every time an enemy runs up on me, I pray for God's help in me obliterating the enemy. If I spare him, he could come back to finish the job. Some believers need to stop being scared to pray for the destruction of their enemies. God gives his children permission to pray violent prayers

Apr 16, 2017

Raising Another Man's Child(ren)

Like my FB friend said, "Or if the wife's kid's father is deceased". Outside of these situations, it's usually not a good idea for a man to take on another's child(ren) as his own.

Apr 15, 2017

Men Turning Into Women?

I must be the only man who doesn't show any emotion because from what I see in these 2017 dudes, many of them are turning into women right before my eyes.

Apr 14, 2017

Never Satisfied

Apr 13, 2017

The Bible: Not Up For Debate

Many have tried, but failed.

Apr 12, 2017

I Thought You Weren't Concerned?

Apr 11, 2017

Tuesday Gospel

One time for Kala Brown for these words of wisdom.
Kala Brown
12 hrsJacksonville
Before you command Satan to get thee behind you...make sure that God has your back. Otherwise keep that demon where you can see him.

If the crab in the barrel can still pull your leg even from a distance you have never truly left... Enjoy your day

Apr 10, 2017

Monday Thought: Peace Over Everything

Apr 9, 2017

Mike Pence Honors His Marriage

One time for VP Mike Pence for respecting his marriage, he's got these liberal clowns in their feelings, and I love it. These liberals expect for leaders to be embedded in marital discord. It's like they can't stand to see someone respect their marriage by having their spouse present with them in private meetings. When an influential man meets privately with a woman, he runs the risk of scandal because the woman can say he pushed up on or violated her, then he's in trouble. To avoid that, it's best to have your spouse present so (s)he can't try it. Billy Graham did the same thing; whenever he met privately with a woman, his wife was there. It's high time we have Godly politicians who honor their vows.

Apr 7, 2017

Domestic Violence: No Excuses

Regardless of whether your spouse lied to you and/or cheated, there's no justifiable reason for putting your hands on them. If your mate cheated, leave. Don't let them explain themselves because you already know they're going to hit you with nonsense about how it's your fault. If (s)he lied to you, that could damage the relationship because you're going to doubt everything (s)he says. I read about couples who have hit each other out of anger and I shake my head because it's a matter of time before it happens again. Personally, if my woman hits me out of anger, I reserve the right to push her wig back. It doesn't mean I'll do it because the way these laws are set up, I have more to lose and I'm not throwing away everything I have going for myself over some woman who throws a tantrum. I don't care if she comes to her senses and apologizes, I'm not having it. Domestic violence wouldn't be an issue if couples adopted a zero tolerance towards it. The first time someone hits their (wo)man, relationship over. Even if they apologize and show remorse, it's a wrap. Verbal abuse almost always escalates to physical abuse. I'll never...never understand how couples can take each other back after domestic violence. Maybe it's not for me to understand, who knows.

Apr 6, 2017

Vengeance Belongs To God

When God vindicates, it's accurate and far more deadly than what humans could ever do.

Apr 5, 2017

Bandwagon Supporters

It's funny how some people want to ride with you when God is doing big things in your life. As soon as you get blessed, all these "supporters" come out like roaches.

Apr 4, 2017

You're A Victor, Not A Victim

Some blacks need to drop the victim mentality, it's getting old.

Apr 3, 2017

Chicago In A Nutshell

Something needs to be done about the carnage in Chicago. If dozens aren't getting shot/killed every weekend up there, then other criminality is running amok.

Apr 2, 2017

War Room: A Godly Woman

This is the mark of a Godly woman. When I watched War Room twice & she said this, I silently rejoiced because she had a heart for her family, but most of all Christ. God brought them closer together even though the enemy tried to destroy their marriage.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.