Dec 30, 2017

A Better Black Community

Dec 29, 2017

Murder In The Ghetto

Dec 28, 2017

Christian Single Blog

My FB friends' blog website is titled Christian Single Blog. It's a blog that's dedicated to helping Christian singles remain pure despite the sexual pressure that's around them. Here's the website, take a look: Christian Single Blog

Dec 26, 2017

Today's Thought: Hood Rules

It's because of these hood laws is why black neighborhoods are in the shape they're in, or better yet..gentrification is taking over.

Dec 25, 2017

Thought For Today

Dec 24, 2017

Porn & Christian Marriages

If a couple is Christian, why would they need porn, let alone sex toys in their marriage? I expect this thinking from secular people, but when I read a few responses from so-called believers, I shook my head.

Dec 22, 2017


Dec 21, 2017

Lazy Congregation

Most church members want the benefits of corporate blessing, but they don't want to put in the work.

Dec 19, 2017

Unity In The Black Community

I miss the days where blacks came together as one. When blacks came together, nothing could stop us as a people. We were ONE, and stood together. It's not like that anymore, which makes me sad because it's like blacks are out for self.

Dec 18, 2017

No Limits: Franklin Graham

Dec 17, 2017

Competition In The Body Of Christ

The Body Of Christ should be the LAST place competition should exist, since all are working for the same goal: Leading people to Christ. With all these popcorn churches in black neighborhoods nationwide, it makes me wonder if the people have a heart for the lost or whether they're doing it for fame & fortune. I already know the answer, just wanted to post this throwback question from one of my FB friends:

Dec 16, 2017

Keep It Real Saturday

Dec 15, 2017

Brothers, Hold Your Head Up

For My Brothers. Some may never say or show it, but black men aren't immune to insecurity. Brothers go through it just like anyone else. This is some encouragement for the brothers. I have to remind myself of this all the time.

Dec 13, 2017

Churches Embracing Carnality

So many churches lose sight of this. Churches are called to stand apart.

Dec 11, 2017

Monday Gospel: Your Business Is Everyone's Business

When you broadcast your business, others reserve the right to comment on your affairs. That goes double in the social media realm.

Dec 9, 2017

President Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital

I applaud Donald Trump for having the guts to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Jerusalem has been Israel's capital for 3,000 years, since King David. Unlike past presidents, Trump followed through with making Jerusalem Israel's capital. He didn't have to consult his advisors and world leaders, he did it because it was the right thing to do.
It's already started. So much for being the religion of peace.

Dec 8, 2017

Today's Message: An Excuse To Fornicate

Dec 7, 2017

Thursday Thought: Men Don't Want To Marry Their Mothers

Dec 6, 2017

Dating With Benefits

Dec 4, 2017

Knowing What You Want

I wish I would compete with other men for a desired woman. That's what separates me from other men; I don't compete for a woman because I have tunnel vision, meaning If I see someone I want, I go in. The other prospects won't matter because I would see something in the one woman I'm checking for, that I don't see in the others.

Dec 3, 2017

Bucket List

Everyone talks about a bucket list, where there's a list of things they want to do before they die. Israel is on my bucket list. I'd love to go where Jesus spent time at, from the Jordan River to the spot where he was crucified at. I'd always remember that.

Dec 1, 2017

Dr. Larry Robinson Is FAMU's 12th President

What is it with HBCU's and their frequent presidential changes? I swear HBCU's change presidents like some of you should change clothes, which is every day.

Nov 30, 2017

Today's Thought: Everyone Wants To Be In Your Highlight Reel

Nov 29, 2017

Thought For Today

Everyone of us can attest to this. 

Nov 24, 2017

Daily Gospel

Make them prove it.

Nov 23, 2017

You Know What's Funny?

One minute they're talking mess about each other, next minute they're kekeing with tea. Fakery like this is why I don't have many friends, if any because I refuse to deal with phoniness.

Nov 22, 2017

Black People's Love For The Struggle

Nov 20, 2017

Nov 18, 2017

Question Of The Day

 A man's job is to make sure his family is straight. He teaches them how to survive after he's gone.

Nov 17, 2017

Friday Wisdom

This was too good NOT to repost.

Nov 15, 2017

Thought For Today: A Concerned Woman

I appreciate a concerned woman just like every man does, but some women should understand one thing: If she asks her man what's on his mind and he doesn't tell her, it means 2 things: 1. He doesn't want her to know, and 2. He could be going through something major and doesn't want to burden her. Men are solvers by nature, and sometimes men aren't going to tell their woman what's wrong because he's focused on fixing the problem.

Nov 14, 2017

Friends Vs. Frenemies

I have no use for frenemies. Today, you can't tell the difference between friends & frenemies because frenemies are very good at disguising themselves as friends.

Nov 13, 2017


Nov 12, 2017

Competition: Good, Bad, and Ugly

Nov 10, 2017

The Fall: God's Plan?

Was The Fall God's Plan? That's a question I often think about. I have a possible answer:

God was going to create humans and he knew he HAD to test us the very same way. That is why he let Satan seduce Eve in the garden. Lots of people continually try to make God the enemy and accuse him of purposefully putting human beings in a no-win situation to sin, not really. You need to understand Eve was a person like you and I; She FREELY chose to listen to the snake EVEN THOUGH she had the knowledge of what God told her. She FREELY chose to take a bite of the golden apple. Nobody made her or forced her, she CHOSE that, and Adam chose to do the same. Thus, sin was created in the world. That was the test, that was the their choice, and the result was sin so the test has been on-going. He has to know who is there for him and worthy of him. Who is worthy of the kingdom of Heaven?? Surely not a wicked human being. That is why he sent his son to die on the cross so that he could make atonement to God for our sins so we could see Heaven. The test after the flood was simply accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior and trying to live out a life pleasing to God and bringing others to the knowledge and trying to save them. Those who do not pass the test are the ones who fall away from the faith, follow other Gods, fall into sin and never repent, and etc. They end up in Hell where Satan and the fallen angels went when they turned against God. Their hearts were not for God or close to God, and that's the test of every human being on this planet.

Nov 9, 2017

Where's The Couch?

Nov 3, 2017

Selective Story Telling

Very few are honest enough to tell how they hurt others.

Oct 30, 2017

Submission Has Levels

Oct 29, 2017

Quoting Scripture

Things that make you think....

Oct 27, 2017

Watch What You Post

They're On Here. I watch what I post because I don't want my Christian walk to be damaged. Many of my tweets consist of inspiration and words of wisdom, either from myself or others that I follow.

Oct 26, 2017

Forgive & Forget

Sometimes after you forgive someone, God will erase their offense from your memory.

Oct 25, 2017

Being Used

When I read this letter, I couldn't help but to feel for the stepfather. This man loved his stepdaughter as his own and took care of her, only for her and her mother to spit in his face. That's the ultimate level of disrespect, and he had every right to withdraw funding from the daughter's wedding. Of course, women are going to view this as him being petty and that's cool, but the facts are the daughter and mom are dead wrong. The stepdad didn't have to do what he did, he did it because he saw a need and chose to handle it. I have no sympathy for the mother and daughter because they should know you can't expect to continue using people without any consequences. The only thing I fault the stepdad for is allowing himself to be used; then again, he couldn't have known he was being used since these leeches didn't show their true colors until wedding season. This letter goes to show you that sometimes, blessing others sets you up to be used.

Oct 24, 2017

Tuesday Thought: Popularity Comes With A Price

Popularity is good, within reason. If you're scared to take a stand because you'll lose fans, then they weren't your fans to begin with. They rode with you because you told them what they wanted to hear.

Oct 23, 2017

Well Done Men

I don't think men look for encouragement or praise, because we're born to do whatever it takes. However, I know it makes us feel good to be recognized for our good work.

Oct 22, 2017

If God Is So....

Every time something bad happens, what's the first thing unsaved (and even some saved) people say? If God is so....(insert remark), why is this happening? Let me give some examples:

If God is so powerful, why does he allow sin to run amok?
If God is so merciful, why are people disabled?
If God is so this, that, and the third, why does he....(insert question)?

I want to be annoyed, and sometimes I am when folks ask these questions, but the simple answer I can come up with is this: We live in a fallen world, and a fallen world is going to have sin. I don't like it either, and even though I appreciate God sending his son to die on the cross, I still hold Adam & Eve responsible for sin entering this world because they allowed themselves to be deceived.

Oct 21, 2017

Saturday Night Gospel

This is how you knew music was good
Every single time

Oct 20, 2017

John "James Evans" Amos speaks with Fathers Incorporated on Responsible Men

I remember John Amos from Coming To America, when he played Mr. McDowell. Before that, he played James Evans on Good Times. He said some real stuff in this video.

Oct 19, 2017

To Get Grace, You Have To Give It

Oct 18, 2017

Hustlers Don't Sleep

I thought I could get up consistently at 3:30am during the week, now I'm used to waking up at 3am, but that's because I go to bed between 8-8:30am during the week. With that said:

Oct 17, 2017

Boy Scouts vs. Girl Scouts

There's a reason boys and girls have different scout troops.

Oct 14, 2017

You're Blessed & Still Complaining

I've been guilty of this in the past, but not anymore, especially considering what I've been through.

Oct 13, 2017

Old-School Parenting

Oct 12, 2017

Pray Vs. Worry

What's it going to be? One cannot do both.

Oct 11, 2017

Wednesday Gospel

I've gotten much better at this, but I still have a ways to go.

Oct 9, 2017


Some men kill me when they say "I want a woman that'll take care of me" That woman existed in the 40's & 50's but today's modern woman isn't having it. A man should be able to take care himself and not be dependent on a woman to cook & clean for him. The older I get, the more I realize that a woman can't do anything for me I can't already do for myself. If I have laundry that needs to be done, I do it myself. If I'm hungry, I throw something together and keep it moving. Why depend on someone to do what you should be able to do for yourself? No one should be dependent on anyone for basic self-sufficiency.

Oct 8, 2017

Today's Word: Your Answer Is On The Way

One time for T.Ware for this oldie, but goodie. I have to remind myself from time to time of God's promises.

Oct 6, 2017

Real Talk Friday

As much as I want to say the opposite, history won't go for it. Just about every black neighborhood in the country suffers from violence & drug peddling. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is.

Oct 5, 2017

The Anointing

Earlier today, I listened to an old sermon from my church about Giant Killers. The guest speaker who spoke at my church made a point about how if believers wanted someone's anointing, they would have to sit under that person. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want someone's anointing; I want my own. Too many Christians want someone's anointing without realizing the price (s)he had to pay. God gives everyone their anointing: Some are called to be preachers, bishops, apostles, accountants, entrepreneurs, business executives, etc. What's the common denominator in those examples I've listed? Each person has their own calling. There's too many mini-mes and me-toos in the Body Of Christ, nobody wants their own anointing, everyone wants this and that person's anointing. Y'all can have this and that person's anointing, and I'll take my own.

Oct 4, 2017

God: Do You Know My Voice?

I have no worries because I talk to God several times a day. I don't have to be going through anything, I just want to talk to him. This question applies to believers who seldom talk to God, except when they need him to get them out of a jam.

Sep 29, 2017

Men: Satan's Favorite Target

From a spiritual aspect, ever notice how Satan launches attacks on men first? That's because men are the leaders (or should be) of their home. They're responsible for provision, protection and being the spiritual covering for their families. If the enemy can't get to him, he comes for the other family members. I'm convinced that men are Satan's favorite target.

Sep 28, 2017

Thought For Today

Sep 27, 2017

It Starts With The Head

Sep 26, 2017

God: Are You Home?

Reposted from a FB friend’s page:

Are you already at home? Sorry to interrupt you at this time. My name is God. Why do not you pay more attention to me? I have protected you since you were born and I have blessed you. I want this message in the whole world before midnight. If you do this, I will correct two great mistakes in your life, and I will help you in something you are needing and your next day will be very blessed.

Sep 24, 2017

I've Got Something To Say

No matter if a child lives in the ghetto or upscale community, every child is entitled to feel safe playing outside without being cut down by machine gunfire. Unfortunately, inner city children don't have that luxury due to their hood being gang-controlled and drug ridden. If I rattled off the list of children who were killed in the hood JUST by playing outside, I'd be up all night. 

Sep 23, 2017

Thought For Today

Sep 22, 2017

Rats Eat Cheese

Sep 21, 2017

Thursday Gospel: Mouth Run Like Water

A lot of folks get too friendly with everyone to where they start telling their life story, not knowing that some people are taking notes on what to use against you.

Sep 20, 2017

Thought For Today

Sep 19, 2017

Ugly Truth

Women outnumber men 3 to 1, so tell me why some men are sobbing over a woman again?

Sep 18, 2017

Weekend Turn-Up, Chill On Sunday

Salute to Deondra for this real status:
"You wanna go out Friday" "YES!!"... " You wanna go out Saturday"... "YES" " You wanna go to church Sunday" ..........*crickets*.... And you wonder why he keep forgetting to bless you... Because you keep forgetting to Praise him. Praises go up, blessings come down."

Sep 17, 2017

Sunday Thought: You Aren't Ready

It's foolish to turn down something good God sends into your life.

Sep 16, 2017

Tough Past=Strength

Sep 15, 2017

Cheating Practice

There's no way you can invest quality time in each person while dating multiple people.

Sep 14, 2017

Sep 13, 2017

What's On My Mind?

From time to time, there's a meme that's posted in some of my groups asking if folks would marry the person God showed them, but that mate would cheat on them during the marriage. Some said yes, but most said no. I co-sign the no crowd because God would never choose someone to be your spouse and they cheat on you; that's stupid. Personally, I wouldn't overlook infidelity in a marriage because if I've never stepped out on my lady, she had no reason to violate our sacred bond. ...I would forgive, but she would have to pay for her crime via divorce. I would expect to be held accountable in the same manner. Unconditional love shouldn't apply in cases of infidelity, and for couples to let that ride, I can't respect that. To each their own, but it couldn't be me as far as taking a cheating mate back because in the back of my mind, I'll always think she's up to no good.

Sep 12, 2017

Classic Post: Norm J Blunt

Norm J Blunt: Some brothas will pass up a DIAMOND just to pick up a PEBBLE smh.............................................
Sistahs do it too............................
Then have the NERVE to complain about the choice they've made lol...."
#You'reBothIdiots lol smh -_____-

Sounds about right. If a diamond comes your way, and you'd rather choose a pebble, you take whatever comes with that pebble.

Sep 10, 2017

Choose Me

Being chosen isn't all it's cracked up to be. Luke 12:48 (MSG) reads, "Great gifts mean great responsibility." In other words, much is required from whom much is given. Do people really understand what it means to be chosen? I don't think some people do because if they did, they wouldn't be so eager to want to be chosen. Then again, some people know what comes with being chosen and can handle it, so I salute those people. When you're chosen, all eyes are on you; You're subject to greater scrutiny and unless you have solid skin, you may fold under the pressure. In many cases, you're chosen just because some people want to see you fail. Before some people are so quick to want to be chosen, they should do their due diligence to see if they're ready to be chosen.

Sep 9, 2017

When God Talks | Tony Evans (Sermon)

I listened to this sermon last night, and my prayer is to listen for God's voice consistently. He speaks in a still, small voice so I have to be extra sensitive to his voice.

Sep 8, 2017

God Doesn't Heal: Foolishness

I don't know how ANY pastor can come out of their mouths and say "Sometimes, God gives you sickness to teach you a lesson" or "It's not always God's will to heal". If it's not God's will to heal, why did Jesus heal many who were afflicted with leprosy, blindness, stuttering, and so on? Some of these pastors need to shove it with their false teaching because the God I serve heals & delivers. Some people (believers included) are no better because they buy into the nonsense, so they go through life suffering from their illness or condition and think it's God's will for them to be afflicted. One thing that has stuck with me regarding healing is that God will heal, whether on earth or in Heaven.

Sep 7, 2017

Thursday Thought: The World In 140 characters

Sep 6, 2017

What's On My Mind?

What's On My Mind?

  1. Why is it necessary for some people to take the perpetrator's side as if (s)he's the victim? If the offender victimizes another person, I will always side with the victim because THEIR pain supersedes the offender's so-called pain. Better yet, the offender has NO pain. People talking about "The offender's hurting too" Bull.😒 The offender can't be hurting if (s)he's bringing harm to another person. Forget the offender's so-called "pain".
  2. Like when Dylann Roof smoked those 9 people in that Charleston church, people had the audacity to say there are victims in Dylann Roof's family. Cut the crap.😒

Sep 5, 2017

Tweet Salad

These are a list of inspirational tweets designed for encouragement.

Sep 4, 2017

Monday Thought: Relationship Contracts

Sep 3, 2017

High School Glory Days

There are few things in life more pathetic than people who want to relive their high school glory days. These folks like to say "I was the man in high school, I was so this and & that." I wasn't afraid to be myself, and if classmates didn't like me, too bad. I was focused on studies, working and most of all, getting out of HS. It takes more heart to stand alone than it does to fit in.

Sep 2, 2017

Out For Self

When it comes to political & social issues, this tweet couldn't be more true.

Sep 1, 2017

Friday Thought: Anything Goes

Aug 31, 2017

Aug 30, 2017

Classic Post: Men, Stop Complaining

Men should stop complaining about women who want bad boys. If a woman wants a thug, that's her right. Understand that she loses the right to a good man after that bad boy mistreats her. That's how I see it. As crazy as it sounds, some women don't want stand-up men. That is a good thing because those women automatically weed themselves out.

Aug 29, 2017

Hurricane Harvey: Joel Osteen Criticism

Megachurch Houston pastor Joel Osteen has been crucified for not doing enough to help Houstonians that have been affected by Harvey. I've read the twitter hashtags, the FB comments, etc. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of folks talking junk about Joel Osteen. Joel Osteen's not doing this, he's not doing that and so on. Houston is the 4th largest city in the nation (2.4 million in the city limits, 6.5 million in the metro), and I'm sure Joel isn't the only Houston pastor. He may be the most famous Houston pastor, but anyway...people need to let the man be great. What's really the problem is some people are jealous of Joel Osteen's success. I'm sure he does a lot for Houston (as he should, since he resides in Houston), and from what I read, he's opened Lakewood Church for shelter, so what do those clowns who talked mess about him have to say now? I'll wait.
While some people are talking mess about what Joel Osteen is or isn't doing, what are THEY doing to help those affected by Harvey? It's easy to sit back and criticize from your smartphone, computer or IPad tablet while others are out there trying to make a difference. What's ironic about this backlash is that none of the foolishness that people are saying about Joel not opening up Lakewood is true. The following link proves this:

How can anyone expect the man to open his church when portions of his church was flooded? El Stupido.

Aug 28, 2017

Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey is showing out, but I rebuke that storm in Jesus name. Cease & Desist!

Aug 27, 2017

Sunday Thought: Following God

I get it, we all have our comfort zones (myself included). Once we get to our successful place, we become content because we feel as if we've accomplished all we've set out to do. One issue: God has so much more for his children that we don't have time for contentment, let alone comfort. If God has better for you that required him taking you elsewhere, why wouldn't you want to go? One of my FB friends Babette Glenn gave a good answer: Because they don't have the vision to see where he's taking them. That answer is confirmation that some believers don't trust God's leading like they say. It's easy to say, "God, I'll go where you lead me", but when it comes time to follow God, some believers find excuses not to follow Him. I enjoy my comfort zone, but if God has better for me elsewhere, I'm going.

Aug 25, 2017

Minister Louis Farrakhan Video Clip

One of my FB friends posted this clip in a group, and it was too good NOT to share. He's willing to take a loss to win in the end, are we?

Aug 24, 2017

Thursday Thought: Let Them Walk

This is for those who get in their feelings when people walk out of their lives.

Aug 23, 2017

Thought For Today: Carnage At Predominantly Black Events

Not to be racist but I have to keep it real here: Everytime black folk get together at a major event, there's ALWAYS, ALWAYS shootings/fights and murders. That's ridiculous because there are people that go to these events to have fun and some clowns feel the need to play shoot-em-up bang bang. If you want to act like a fool, leave that mess in the streets.

Aug 22, 2017

Tuesday Thought: Pedestals

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.