Jul 5, 2015

Pay Before You Build

I'm about building my empire as much as the next person, but I'm not building anything until most, if not all my bills are taken care of. Think about it, it doesn't make sense to build when you're in debt. I understand some folks are ambitious and want to make their dreams come true as fast as possible, but sometimes you have to be practical in your approach. It's better to hold off on building until you stack your money and eliminate debt, then to build & have to contend with business & personal debt. Unless your money is long to where you can eliminate both at the same time, I don't think it's smart to build while you're in debt. I like to read about self-made multi-millionaires and you know what they all have in common? Most, if not all of them are debt free. Because they're debt free, they're able to enjoy their wealth. They have no worries about being late on payments because they were disciplined with their finances. Going further, they sacrificed the now for later. That's what I mean by building your empire after paying bills. The sacrifice is paying your bills first, the empire is being debt free so you have more money to build your dream. In my opinion, you don't have an empire if you have equal debt. Think about it, what profits you're making quickly go out because if you're smart, you'll use your profits to get rid of debt. I'm into building just like everyone else, but I'm strategic in my building because at the end of the day, I want to leave something to pass on; give those following me a blueprint on how to build their own empire. 

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.