Jul 30, 2015

In Love With My Sister's Husband | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

It's bad enough they've shared men, but this woman is in love with her sister's husband and wants support? I suggest she have an arena of seats because she should know better. Husbands are off limits; that goes double for a man that's married to her sister. I don't care how crazy she may go, she needs to supress these feelings by any means necessary. We all know what happens when someone chooses to act on these kinds of feelings. The potential for hurt would be far too great, and she doesn't want that. I do have a theory as to why this woman is feeling her sister's husband: He's an excellent husband who makes her happy. He's supportive & loving, also ambitious. Those traits would make any man endearing to a woman. Regardless of how good a husband he may be to her sister, he's still off limits. There's nothing wrong with her having feelings, but it would be wrong if she acted on them. "I'm in love with him", cut the crap. She wants what she can't have, that's all it is.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.