Jul 16, 2015

I Think My Dad Is Cheating | Steve Harvey in the Morning on WDAS

What's done in the dark will come to the light. She doesn't need to tell her parents that dad is cheating because I'm sure her mother already knows, but she's playing it off like she doesn't. I've said this time & time again: Most people don't KNOW their spouse like they think. It's easy to be faithful when everyone's watching. Once a couple is out of each other's eyesight, their character shows; how they conduct themselves when their (wo)man isn't looking. The truth has a way of exposing itself, so that's why I think she shouldn't say anything. It's a matter of time before he slips, and then she'll see it for herself. The only problem I see is that the daughter knew about Dad's infidelity from the start, and she didn't say anything. Two things: 1. If you see injustice and don't speak up, you're co-signing and that makes you part of the problem. 2. I also believe that people are grown, meaning they know what they're doing, and it doesn't take someone bringing their transgressions to light. People should know right from wrong to come clean about the dirt that they do. That would be too much like right for some people. I wonder how long Dad can keep up this charade.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.