Feb 20, 2015

I Love Her

My respect for men who try to heal broken women is dwindling by the second. This man is involved with a hateful single mother who says all kinds of mean things if she doesn't get her way; to top it off, he still loves her and thinks she's a great person. If someone says vicious things if they don't get their way, they're not a great person to be around. If someone's a great person to be around, it shows in their demeanor and disposition. They may be going through rough times in their lives, but they don't take it out on their loved ones. The Bible says that what's in your heart will come out of your mouth, so if you say something hurtful, it was in your heart all along just waiting to come out. The only reason I can come up with as to why he's still with her is because he's trying to see the good in her. By trying to see the good in her, he can work through her pain and have a beautiful relationship. He's better than me because the first hurtful thing she said to me, I'm gone. I don't have the patience to heal a broken woman, nor should I have to. Why should I pay for what her previous ex did? I'm not.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. She's showing him her nature, so what's the problem? He's trying to change her, but you can't change someone who isn't receptive to change. Only God can change a person's heart, so he should leave it up to the Lord to work on her because from the sound of this letter, he's fed up with her bad attitude. When the man told her daughter he could handle her, the mother puts him to the test. She's pushing him away just to see if he's going to stay. If he leaves, that's confirmation for her that he's a "weak man" who can't handle a supposed "strong black woman" Newsflash: Animals need handling, not humans. Sounds like he doesn't know his worth as a man because if he did, he would've left at the first instance of emotional abuse. When someone emotionally abuses you, it's a matter of time before they physically abuse you.


  1. I know of men like this. They try looking past the bad in the woman to get her to see the good in herself. Its a total waste of the men's time. Its best he let go and move on. Any time spent on dealing with a woman like that only encourages her to behave worse and not better until she is ready to let go and move forward.

    1. Preach & Proceed Ms. Babette. You can only help those who want help.


Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.