Dec 12, 2014

Freedom Of Religion? Yeah, Right.

Freedom Of Religion is defined as the freedom to practice one's religion through observation of religious holidays, participation in religious events, etc. If America prides itself on Freedom of Religion, then why do people get offended when Christians exercise their faith? Last time I checked, Freedom Of Religion extended to Christianity so people have no reason to get offended. Hindus, Muslims, and people of other faiths & religions can practice their religion free & clear, but let Christians celebrate Jesus, and it's a problem. It's stupid because if you come to America, you know what you're getting into. What's good for one, should be good for all. For some reason, Christianity has a bulls-eye. Christians can't mention "Jesus" without someone being slighted, yet homosexuals can push their agenda on every sector of society. Bills are being passed forcing schools to teach children about homosexuality.
I'm going to be 100 with what I'm about to say, and I don't care who's slighted. If Hindus, Muslims, and people of other religions can freely practice their religion, Christians should be able to do the same. Who cares if someone's slighted at the name of Jesus? Really, it's time out for Christians cowering at mentioning the name of Jesus. These are the same Christians that are quick to be crude & disrespectful, gossip; basically act no different than the world. America was founded on Christian values, but you'd never know it today because God has been forced out of American culture. Prayer has been taken out of schools, the 10 Commandments can't be publicly displayed, instead of saying Merry Christmas, people say Happy Holidays; and the list goes on. Considering where God has brought me from, I'm going to say Jesus every chance I get, and if someone gets slighted, who gonna check me? Matthew 10:32 MSG tells it like it is: Stand up for me against world opinion, and I'll stand up for you before My Father. If you turn tail and run, do you think I'll cover for you? 

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.