Dec 16, 2014

A Private Life Is A Great Life

 I don't know about anyone else, but I value my privacy. I've been a private person for as long as I can remember, and I intend on keeping that way. I don't like many people in my business, even if they mean well. Some things I prefer to deal with on my own (with the proper exception of Jesus), and move forward. I believe if you're too open with your affairs, you can have your information used against you. There are some people who are genuinely concerned about your well-being, and there are some who pretend to be concerned just so they can have something to gossip about. How do you tell the difference? It's simple. In general, you can confide in your true friends and know their mouths won't shoot off like a rocket. The gossipers slither in like snakes and fake concern just to get your guard down. Once your guard is down, you start confiding in this person. Next thing you know, your business is all over the city. The person who confided is at fault because (s)he didn't "read" this person like they should have. (S)he should've asked themselves: Is this person going to tell my business? Any doubt of a person's confidentiality should be met with a swift no. That's how you keep yourself from being hurt, by staying low key. I've mentioned this in previous blogs, and I'll say it once more: There is such a thing as being TOO open. When you're too open, you run the risk of being hurt due to sheep in wolves clothing. Not everyone has your best interests at heart.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.