Sep 16, 2014

Where's My Queen?

You didn't think I was going to let the fellas slide did you? What's good for one, is good for all. What makes some men think they're deserving of a solid woman? A woman that has her stuff together, grounded in God, and of good moral character would be wise to seek out a likeminded man. An unbeliever and believer cannot be unequally yoked, which extends to character. If a man is ratchet (yes, some men can be ratchet too), why would he think he's deserving of a good woman? He's going to corrupt her because it's said that bad company corrupts good character. Far too many solid women get with some no-good man, he mistreats her and she joins the Bitter Woman Brigade. A good man comes into her life, and he has to pay for what the previous man did. That could've been avoided if the man didn't try to front. Y'all know what I'm talking about: Ever hear of the term Wolves In Sheep's Clothing? That term means a foul person poses as someone of good character to get next to a solid individual. Once that person lets their guard down, the wolf slowly begins to show its nature. The person never knew because (s)he didn't have the proper discernment. Something will always tell you if someone's got ill intentions. You get an uneasy feeling around them, and you scrutinize their every move. What do they see in me? Out of all the potentials, why did they choose me? Those are the questions one must ask.
In conclusion, a woman of good sense would not entertain a court jester. Why would she? To her, a jester would bring down her value. The next time a man asks himself why hasn't he found his queen, maybe he should ask himself if he carries himself like a king.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.