Aug 20, 2014

Power In Sex

Whenever I hear of a man getting caught up in mess, the first statement he makes is "There's Power In The *&%$#" That's a cop-out because you're putting power behind a sexual organ. You're telling me that a woman's sexual organ has that much control over you? Shaking My Head. This may not be true of all men, but for some it is: Men who say there's power in the ***** have nothing going for themselves. Their main focus is chasing what's between a woman's legs, and once he gets it, he feels like he conquered the world. To me, chasing tail is the last thing on my mind. I've never valued women that much to where I put myself in crazy situations, then blame it on a sex organ. The only power in something is what you give it, otherwise that ***** that so many men spend their lives chasing, is meaningless. Women know they have what many men want, so they play on that. Only a weak man is succumbed to a woman's sexual organ.
Men who have their stuff together aren't worried about getting any sex. Why would they? They're focused on staying at the top of their game. If they meet Ms.Right, good. If not, that's fine. For a thorough man, he looks at a woman's character instead of what's between her legs. Should a woman use her vagina to hook a man, he immediately checks her because he's not moved by this so-called power in the @#$%&. These men need to ask her what does her heart do, instead of what her mouth does. I have no sympathy for any man who is exploited by a woman. The only reason why men are set up by women is because a lot of men don't have the good sense to look past a woman's sex game. All they're thinking about is how good in bed she is, instead of looking deeper. In conclusion, there is power in the ***** to a thirsty guy. Women know how to use their sex game to their advantage, and unfortunately, many men fall for it every time.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.