Aug 25, 2014

Police Encounters: By Mr.EnigmaticOpinion

There was recently another "death by cop" of another black man in Missouri. Typical scenario played out in this case as it seemingly does in most of them. Cops get out of car aggressively barking orders, and black guy acts like they have bananas instead of guns pointed at him. Black man ends up dead. I'm personally tired of hearing about you Negros dying when most of you can avoid it. I'm out of outrage. You Negros continue to lack the ability to avoid interactions with them, or do it with intelligence so that you can walk away alive when you do. Cops don't relate to you. The fact is that typically the majority of police forces are made up of white males. White males who neither relate to black males or the communities you live in. Those same white males are sent to patrol your neighborhoods that you have turned into nightmares. Neighborhoods in which black males kill each other at the rate of 54% of all homicides in this country. Neighborhoods infested with drugs and is high in every category of crime imaginable. Neighborhoods that promotes "stop snitchin" as a way of dealing with how you victimize each other instead of promoting peace and respect for your neighbors property and personal space. This is the only thing those white cops actually do know about you.

Each time another black male is killed, the typical questions arise. Why didn't they taser him? And revelations of "they didn't have to kill him" Both points as redundant as they are moot. Yes they could have used a taser on him. No they didn't have to kill him. But they don't use tasers, and they do kill them. Let's start dealing with reality for a moment bastard nation. You keep expecting white men who don't relate to you, who are not your neighbors, to take you into consideration. When they are fully aware of how you treat your own kind. This is just another form of your welfare mentality, believing that others should feel responsible for you more than you are for yourselves. They don't and they never will.

So what do we do? The smart thing to do would be to reduce your own crime in your own neighborhoods. To make cops virtually obsolete in your black communities, while turning your own neighborhoods and homes into peaceful sanctuaries. Less crime equals less cops needed...that's how it works. No city will pay for a bunch of cops who aren't needed. Unfortunately, the black race has its Nigga class, and the Nigga class neither wants or craves peaceful domains for themselves or other black people. The Nigga class feasts on chaos, dysfunction, disrespect and anarchy. With the black race harboring, embracing and even protecting its sacred cow (the Nigga class), your communities will never have peace. Your neighborhoods will always be crime infested, so your neighborhoods will always be heavily policed. If the bastard nation refuses to create a safe haven for its own people, then I suggest you deal with cops as they are, instead of dealing with them as you think they should be. They are not using tasers, they are using guns. They could subdue you without killing you, but the fact is they are killing you. This is reality. What you think they should do means nothing. They don't exist to protect and serve you. They exist to control and contain you in your little corner of hell you call a hood, your ghettos. They don't relate to you, nor do they want to.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.