Aug 7, 2014

In The Real World

1. In The Real World: Kids are forced to grow up before their time. From having to take care of younger siblings to in some cases, having to work to help take care of their family, I see why some kids are so independent.
2. In The Real World: Public schools are nothing more than cesspools of foolishness (even though I'm a product of the public school system). Fighting to bullying, all children deserve a safe environment in which they can thrive.
3. In The Real World: So many people are losing their jobs through no fault of their own. Technology is replacing many positions that were traditionally performed by humans.
4. In The Real World: Marriage doesn't carry the same weight it used to. People look at marriage like business; how can THEY benefit as opposed to how they can enrich each other's lives.
5. In The Real World: More children are being born with disabilities. It's almost not worth it to have children because you don't know how they're going to turn out. Depending on the severity of the condition, some children need 24-hour care.
6. In The Real World: Everybody and their mama has a reality show. Maybe I should get one. I get paid millions to show my behind on national TV, and maybe get some endorsements out of it.
7. In The Real World: Many times, stuff happens that's out of our control.
As you can see, the real world is what it is: The Real World. It's good to hope for better days, but because we live in a fallen world, bad things happen to good people. I don't like it anymore than someone else, but *shrug*.

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Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.